User:Vanankyte/Kalli May

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Name: Kalli May
Level: 43
Creation date: 2006-01-13
Affiliation: Cobra
Previous affiliations: Dark Order of Armageddon, Number Crunchers, The Abandoned


Kalli May is a woman of part Indian descent originally from nowhere near Malton. She gets a thrill from dancing with death, and is never happy unless doing dangerous things and putting herself in harm's way, killing or being killed.


In 2006, Kalli May became a death cultist with the Dark Order of Armageddon. With the DOA, she brought suffering and death to South Blythville and the surrounding areas, including bringing down Ackland Mall at one point. She'll always remember it as the greatest months of her life. But it was not to last. One by one, the group drifted away and did not stand up again.

Kalli went and hung out at the Upper Left Corner at Caiger Mall for a while, and invited anyone who wished to come and kill her for her past crimes. No one took her up on it, however. She was rather disappointed in that.

Bored of that and left alone to her own devices, Kalli founded Number Crunchers and set off on a campaign of murder against those with numbers in their names. However, while there may have been others doing likewise somewhere in Malton, she was always alone, and her heart was no longer in it.

One day, she came to Yagoton and happened to kill Rohndogg1, who killed her back and told her to behave. She was surprised at someone actually fighting back, and realized that just having a number in their name did not make someone a zerger or idiot. She set aside her guns and gave up her campaign of murder, and joined The Abandoned herself shortly afterward.

Kalli never really managed to adjust to life as a peaceful survivor. It slowly wore on her until she reached the breaking point. She quit The Abandoned and joined up with Cobra instead.


600px-Cobra.svg.png Cobra
This user is a member of Cobra. Hail!
Cemetery stones 2.jpg PK Count
Kalli May has PKed lots of people.
PK Deaths
Kalli May has been Pked not nearly enough times.
Pizza.gif Pizza!
This user loves pizza and eats it every chance they get.
Redskull.jpg The Good Old Days…
This user remembers the good old days, when death cultists had style.
Killer.jpg Player Killer
"One kills a man, one is an assassin; one kills millions, one is a conqueror; one kills everybody, one is a god."

This user is a PKer and supports the act of Player Killing.