St. George's Hospital (Greentown)/Archive

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October 2011

October 19 The battle is over. We have lost the hospital and the surrounding areas are crawling with zombies. "You are standing outside St George's Hospital, a tall concrete building surrounded by a large paved plaza. The windows are splashed with dried blood. The building's doors have been left wide open, and you can see that the interior of the building has been ruined." --Rent A Troop 07:41, 19 October 2011 (BST)

October 12 The hospital got breached today, didn't have a chance to get inside, at least 23 dead and no fewer then 7 zombies. Poor bastards. Felonious 16:55, 12 October 2011 (UCRF)

May 2010

May 20 The zombies attacked the Hosp yesterday, there're 7 zeds inside and a ruined radio...a lot of blood in the survivors. - Faith 19:00, 20 May 2010 (UTC)

May 2009

May 27 Got word from a friend that visited there today. St. George's is in Ruins she saw a few Rots outside but didn't go inside so unknown numbers inside be proceed with caution. Gallows32123

March 2009

March 22 St. George is fine now. I don't know how long it's been like this but it's VSB, the generator is running, there are 91 people inside and the radio tuned to 28.73 frequency. --Teclo 02:10, 22 March 2009 (UTC)

February 2009

February 4 St. George has fallen once again. 55 zombies inside, ruined, generator and radio both destroyed. - Makawa'o 01:17, 5 February 2009 (UTC)

November 2008

November 23 The RRF and the Undeadites have brought down St. George's hospital. Eighty zeds inside, presumably ruined. Linkthewindow  Talk  02:12, 23 November 2008 (UTC)

November 16 Note that what the Undeadites have achieved (making MCM cade to EHB) is likely the only thing that they will accomplish while in the area. --Shank Case 05:51, 17 November 2008 (UTC)

November 12 The Undeadites, with the possible assistance of local ferals, have put St. George's at EHB. It can no longer be counted on as an EP.Linkthewindow Talk MCM 10:07, 12 November 2008 (UTC)