PK Reporting

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Many groups in Malton maintain lists of PKers

General PKer Lists

Hunter's Hub

NecroConnect maintains a bounty board on their site, designed to replace the Rogues Gallery, and make it easier for bounty hunters to do their jobs in general.

Like the Rogues Gallery that came before it, the Hunter's Hub collects PK reports, that are then approved by moderators and added to the bounty board. NecroConnect also keeps score on the bounty hunters, awarding them points equal to half the bounty on a claim (rounded up).

The Rogues Gallery

The Rogues Gallery was a full-featured tool for viewing the PKer database, reviewing PK reports and downloading a UD Tool list of PKers on demand. You could report a PKer or a collected bounty using the reporting form. Reports were reviewed and approved by RG moderators before being added to the official record. PKer sightings should have be reported to the PKer sightings thread on the Rogues Gallery forum.

Bounties were assigned at an increasing rate for repeat PKers, in hopes of providing a stronger deterrent for serial PKers while not overly penalizing those who may quickly change their play style. The database was also tied in to the DEM Revivification Requests tool, so informed revivers can avoid bringing PKers back to life to kill again. See the Rogues Gallery for details.

  • Please note that while members of the DEM were the creators and first moderators of the Rogues Gallery PK list, the Rogues Gallery was an independent entity run by its own set of moderators. The DEM Council did not direct PK/bounty reporting policy. At some point, the site it was hosted on went offline.


The PKer list moderated by Token Black Man, formerly located on

Snitches, Hunters and Communists, oh my!

Red Rum maintains a fully fledged list of active Bounty Hunters, Snitches, Zergers, Communists, Democrats, Red Rum members, Door-to-Door salesmen and many, many, more. Formally located on the PKers Hub, this new list is still in its fledgling state and should be seeing a lot of changes in the upcoming months.

The MaltonPKlist

In March 2019 a sub-reddit was started under the name of MaltonPKlist, since all other Rogueslists were down.

The whole point of this sub is to provide a place to post the name and location of a PK'er. To this end, there are a few simple rules:

- When posting a PK report, start a new post and put the name of the PK'er in the title. This will make it easier to keep track of who is accused and their defense.

- When you are posting a PK report, a screenshot of the kill is very helpful. This will help prevent false reporting {although it's not hard to fake a screenshot} as well as giving vital data on it.

- When killing a PK'er, Say "you're listed as a PK'er at , so defend yourself there if we're wrong." This is to give the PK'er a chance to defend themselves here.

- When you kill a PK'er, post in their thread with their most recent location. This lets us track PK'ers, as well as watch for "PK hunter" reports. {You don't want to end up on the list, right?}

On may 26 an announcement was made by the Malton Fighters Guild on the sub-reddit. It stated:

"As the MFG uses this list regularly as their "kill" list, this announcement is being made here.

"When it comes to people with sketchy past groups, or having previously been a PKer, or being currently part of an anti -survival group we just cant help them. There is no way to tell if they are being killed for something they did in the past, and might end up manipulating our system to get us to kill people for them."

This is official MFG policy. Posted PKs that do not show player names of the killed party will be ignored by the MFG, as will posts by known anti survival, anti civilian, or pk-ing poster or anyone with membership in a group that has known anti survival, anti civilian, or PKing history or philosophy.

That is all."

History & Controversy=

There is no official Urban Dead PKer list - PKing isn't even officially an in-game concept but is rather a meta-gaming concern among players. PKer lists have been around for a long time, and have frequently been a topic of much controversy. Read the history and disclaimer sections of the PKer page for background, and check out all the available lists.

Group run PKer lists

If your group runs a PKer list that is available to the general public, please provide a link to it here.

Ackland Mall Security: Security List - AMS Security List

Burchell Arms Regulars, The - "Deadbeat" List

Dulston Alliance - The Black List

Dunell Hills Police Department - DHPD Most Wanted

Pole Mall Security - PMS Security List

Shearbank Patrol - PK List (Shearbank suburb)