The Movie Club

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The Movie Club
Abbreviation: The Movie Club
Group Numbers: 6+
Leadership: informal Oligarchy
Goals: To secure as many movie theaters as possible
Recruitment policy: If you want to join say,"I would like to join." at our forum just below.


This is the wiki for the Movie Club, a new group formed by 6 heavily trained soldiers.
There are currently six members in the club and our HQ is (of course)
a movie theater. Our goal is to secure movie theaters around Malton as recreation centers. Places to get away from all the zombies. Think about it. How often do zombies attack cinemas? They normally attack PDs, FDs, malls, NT buildings. We haven't seen a report of a major attack on a cinema yet. Of coarse there will be the occasional feral zombie but they are easily dealt with. So next time you see a cinema stop by and you might see us.


-To secure and power as many movie theaters as possible.

-To show good movies.

-To relax and have a safe place to crash.

-To kill any zombie scum that crashes one of our parties.

Current Events

The Movie Club is moving! To Pimbank that is. We are setting up a fortress consisting of three cinemas: Wolters, Batt, and Evershed. It'll be a great place to rest in this troubled suburb. Stop on buy and check it out.

Some of our operatives are now holding up in Edgecombe as part of a joint project with the Acid War Templars. Some are still in the field checking on the cinemas but manpower is limited right now.

The Movie Club has just finished its 1st check up of its cinemas since first tagging them. As of now most cinemas are barricaded and tagged. If you find this inaccurate, please feel free to fix the situation on our behalf, thank you. - DocJ

I have just received word that Davenport Cinema has been attacked/tagged by the Order of the Radiant Heart. The Movie Club officers are on their way to deal with this problem. We hope to have it resolved very quickly. We'll report on Davenport when the situation is disolved. - James T Bond

Our AoG allies have requested help at Ft. Creedy and Giddings mall. The Movie Club has responded the call and continues to monitor the area. We plan on staying around since giddings and creedy people account for over half the attendence. - DocJ

We are trying to get a recruiting system set up but are currently busy at Giddings Mall. We will give an update as soon as the situation cools down a bit.- James T Bond

We are making excellent progress and our territory is expanding at a good pace. Soon there will be a Movie Club Cinema available wherever you go. - James T Bond

We have claimed many cinemas as our own so we are posting their locations now. - James T Bond

As of this time we are unwilling to disclose the location of our HQ. All of our leaders have experienced the enfuriating moment of being betrayed by a fellow man (PKed). We are currnetly in the process of powering and tagging all cinemas in our area. Once we set up a few cinemas as safe houses we can report on their location to any people who are interested. - James T Bond

Movie Theaters in Operation

NOTE - If you find that we have declared operation of a theater you feel is your groups, please let The Movie Club know, via forum above.

Number of Theaters: 23

Do to the bad economy, The Movie Club has a limited staff and are unable to maintain every cinema on a daily basis. The Movie Club has in turn, ranked the suburbs by priority. Closer to the top suburbs are more likely to get maintained than lower ranked ones.

If you find that one of these cinema, has been retagged The Movie Club is asking that you please retag the inside of the cinema with "Enjoy the Show! - The Movie Club" Thanks.

Please rebarricade a cinema if needed, our clientele dont appreciate zombies munching on them while they sleep. Thanks, The Movie Club.

Movie Playing This Week

Classic week

Is it true, or just a rumor - that John Robie, former cat burglar of Paris before the war, is once again on the prowl? Fashionable resorts on the Riviera are being regularly looted by a skillful jewel thief. Robie, once a hero of the French Resistance Army, was said to have reformed - however, the style of this new crime wave is certainly his. Even if he's innocent, he'll need all his old adroitness escaping the suspicious opinions of a doubtful police.