Topleaf Building, The (Lexicon)

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This page is a part of the Outbreak Lexicon. The information here is fan-created and should not be considered in-game canon. Please do not edit this page unless you are certain that the Lexicon has been completed.

Journal: November 14th, 2005 Running from a horde of 50 some ghouls, I ducked into the Topleaf Building today, then shoved as much junk to barricade the entrance. The building was completely abandoned, but I found a half full revolver laying on the front desk. Since my bullets ran dry after running from those things and only had my axe and a kitchen knife, some extra firepower was welcome.

After picking up the revolver, I noticed an open door. Pulling out my flashlight, I found it was an office room. As I browsed around, I discovered several files. One of them noted something about incipient infection. Another file noted something about the ever so elusive General Aaron.

Finally and most importantly, I discovered a journal left behind by an NT guy. The building had, in the distant past once played host to Willum J. Kersley. Around July, the building fell victim to several attacks from an unknown terrorist group, and soon was abandoned. While several groups tried to reestablish control of the building, none seemsed to last too long, despite its close proximity to a firestation and police department. I'll swing by there tomorrow and grab some extra bullet, but right now, i'm pretty sure that the horrde chasing me is tearing that place apart.

Michael Sandor

References: incipient infection, General Aaron, Willum J. Kersley, DNR

Agent Heroic