Weaponry (Lexicon)

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This page is a part of the Outbreak Lexicon. The information here is fan-created and should not be considered in-game canon. Please do not edit this page unless you are certain that the Lexicon has been completed.

In addition to the supplies looted from local gunstores and armouries in Malton, several of the more enterprising and creative individuals have improvised various weapons with varying degrees of success and complexity.

Molotov Cocktail

Ranging from bottles of petrol to more complex, chemically ignited compositions, the molotov cocktail is a favourite of angry mobs worldwide. Despite the availibility of raw ingredients however, the molotov has little use in Malton due to the tendency for zombies to run flaming into the biggest concentrations of people.

Automatic Weaponry

After a city-wide ban on fully automatic weaponry following a series of high profile shootings a few months back, the most powerful guns that survivors have been able to arm themselves with are semi-automatic pistols and double barrelled shotguns. Following several attacks on safe houses from large hordes of undead, some of the more foolhardy have tried to modify existing weapon, often leading to weapon jams and misfires at crucial times.

'Exotic' Weapons

Ranging from the medieval flails employed by the Malton Re-enactment Society, through to a prototype laser repurposed from a science experiment by research Students. It seems that in order to survive in this city, adaptabilty and improvisational skills are key.

juicebarjoseph 22:42, 6 June 2006 (BST) References: Assassination attempt, Police Barricades, science experiment.