PR Class Change: Zombie

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This page is for the storage of Suggestions that have passed Peer Review and have been considered Good and Worthy Suggestions. To qualify for this page, the Suggestion must fit the following criteria:

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Class Change: Zombie


Access Usable Items As Zombie

Timestamp: 18:00 AM 30 Nov 2005 GMT
Type: Inventory improvement
Scope: Zombies
Description: When playing a zombie I noticed that although you can use metal pipes, crowbars and flak jackets it still says 'As a zombie, you are unable to use the objects you are carrying. Drop metal pipe, crowbar, flak jacket'. I propose to have it so that these three items appear in an inventory.
Notes: 14/16 Keep/Total.
  • Originally submitted as Multi-side Items
  • Designed to stop newer zombie players from dropping useful items, especially flak jacket.
  • Was "Access Items as Zombie".
Left Queue: 16:40, 15 Dec 2005 (GMT)

Bonus XP If Kill Zombie Hunter

Timestamp: 05:40, 1 Dec 2005 (GMT)
Type: Balance Change
Scope: Zombies
Description: I think it makes sense. They're harder to kill. Defeating a more challenging enemy should teach you a bit more than killing a level 1 suvivor. Maybe 2x the normal bonus for killing a suvivor? Maybe a little more? Nothing game-breaking.
Notes: 41/45 Keep/Total. Highest # of votes to date.
  • 2x seems high.
  • Clarification: Bonus XP is only given for the killing blow on a zombie hunter.
  • Instead just define XP for killing blow based on Survivor/Zombie level, just like DnD.
  • Was "Zombies get Bonus XP for killing a Zombie Hunter".
Left Queue: 15:20, 16 Dec 2005 (GMT)

Outnumbering Survivors Attack Bonus

Timestamp: 06:27, 15 Dec 2005 (GMT)
Type: Innate Skill & balance change
Scope: Zombies & Survivors
Description: From reading the previous suggestions it's painfully apparent that the zombies need some more help; however, help that isn’t just a stopgap measure and help that actually does something. I was thinking along the lines of "Death Grip", "Lone Predator", and "surround prey". This is a simple zombie horde attribute that will hopefully cause many smaller hordes to form rather then a few insanely huge ones.

I suggest that if the number of zombies in an area (inside a building, on the same block but outside the building, etc) outnumber the number of survivors (in the same area) by (5), then the zombies would get a (5)% attack bonus on all attacks.

5% is not completely overbearing, but it is a reasonable amount to make this useful. This idea stems from survivors situational awareness, if you are being attacked by more zombies then you can count on one hand you will leave yourself vulnerable when you attack, as you cant possibly attack and defend with the same result all the time, especially if outnumbered. This will help out low-level zombies, as they will form smaller groups, 10-20, to take out building easier and to avoid being headshot as often. Larger hordes would also benefit because they can now splinter off into 2 sub-hordes to move throughout the city faster, giving people in "quiet" suburbs something to beatdown.

However, Survivors would NOT get this bonus because the whole premise is that they are too busy kicking brain-munching ass/extracting DNA/reviving/etc to notice everything going around them, therefore leaving them vulnerable. Zombies on the other hand, already don't know WTF is going on around them and as such are simple to dispatch when outnumbered. Also the server wont have to do anything extra, it already keeps track of the number of live zombies in an area and I’m guessing it has some sort of counter for the survivors, therefore very little code would be needed since from my understanding by previous posts it reloads all the dropdown info every time the page refreshes.

This is not a skill, but an innate ability that zombies have. It would make them more powerful but more importantly it encourages them to work together as a group with a direct bonus. Zombies by themselves are stupid, slow, and easily dispatched by even an inbred survivor, but "in-groups" is where they flourish/decay and this suggestion reflects that.

Note - numbers in parenthesis are approximations only and can be tweaked, but I think that they are a good benchmark.

Notes: 30/34 Keeps/Kills
  • Was "Zombie Hording".
Left Queue: 10:33, 2 Jan 2006 (GMT)

Zombie Skill Cost Reduction

Timestamp: 02:10, 23 Dec 2005 (GMT)
Type: Game Change
Scope: Zombies
Description: Players who choose "Corpse" as their starting class are able to get Zombie skills for 75 XP and non-civilian human skills at 125 XP.

I picked 125 because usually a penalty in the game now is 150 for ONE skill set. (like 150 for scientific) - 150 for two sets would be a bit much (Imagine being a corpse player, and having to spend 150 XP on two sets of skills instead of one set as it is now for military or scientists)

That said, this could easily be changed to 150. Doesn't matter to me, just seemed more fair.

Notes: 23/29 Keep/Total.
  • Zombie skill cost change would ONLY affect those who start playing as a corpse by reducing the XP cost to them for Zombie skills.
  • Voters expressed concern about "125" XP for certain survivor skills, some preferred the standard 150 for both Military and Scientific.
  • Was "Zombie Skill Cost Change".
Left Queue: 03:44, 18 Jan 2006 (GMT)


Extra Zombie Starting Skill

Timestamp: 21:07, 13 June 2006 (BST)
Type: Balance Change
Scope: Zombies
Description: By the way, please don't just automatically shoot this down: it's just a thought and it should address the balance concern.

Looking at the stats tracker page, there's currently 15,000 more humans than zombies, with 1,000 new players a week. Assuming it's a 2/3 1/3 split, that means the number of survivors is increasing by 333 every week. To address this problem, I propose that starting zombies are given two skills instead of one. Think about it: your average player is going to pick a zombie nine times out of ten. And with a 15,000 discrepancy, that's 15 weeks before the numbers are equal, if it's found to be over-powerful or working too well or whatever.

Obviously, the extra skill they're given is up for discussion - Scent Death could be a good one - it unlocks the scent tree but doesn't overpower on the attack side.

This is just a thought, and, yes, it's quite radical, but isn't that what's needed with the size of the balance difference?

Notes: 20/25 Keep/Total. Well accepted as is, some people suggested that Scent Fear would be more beneficial as the additional starting skill.
  • Was "Change number of starting skills for zombies".
Left Queue: 03:09, 30 June 2006 (BST)

Graveyard Spawning

Timestamp: 22:39, 7 Dec 2005 (GMT)
Type: Spawning
Scope: New players who choose zombie as their class
Description: Any new player that picks zombie (Corpse) as their class would spawn in a random graveyard in Malton. It wouldn't have much of a practical use, but it would be a nice theatrical touch to it. Here's an edited spawning message:

"Your eyes flick open, first one and then the other, staring blankly into the darkness in front of you. In seconds, you notice you are not standing, but laying down. As if by instinct, you begin to claw your way through the wood and dirt above you. Finally breaching the ground, you lift yourself upwards and stare at the deserted streets, a strange hunger for flesh in the back of you head.

Unsteadily, you begin to lurch forward."

Why do I suggest this change? I assume that, by this point in the game, that all of the casualities caused by the process of the quarantine would have either been consumed or turned undead themselves. The message would be debatable.

AUTHOR'S EDIT: In response to the arguments on hospitals and morgues--> No, I don't think that would work. You see, by this point in the outbreak, those that were in the afformentioned locations would have already been reviven . . . as zombies.

AUTHOR'S EDIT 2: As to the griefing issues, I really don't think that would be a problem. A zombie who has just been created would not likely be staying in one spot. They would move once they spawned. Besides, would a player really want to stick to a graveyard? Think about this: refreshing causes AP to be used again. Once the AP was used, the player would be stuck. They would die. Would they want that? No. Furthermore, if once player would be staying in a graveyard, others would too. They would kill each other. This means that it would be seen as a forbidden place, as players would be attacking each other since the zombies weren't there when they tried to attack them (the zombies would have moved since they selected the action). Therefore, griefing would not be a problem.

AUTHOR'S EDIT 3: I took the liberty of grouping all of the keep votes and all of the kill votes for simplicity.

Notes: 18/25 Keep/Total.
  • Was Risen from the Grave
  • Let us not forget the corpse possibilities streaming out of the hospitals, or the morgues. All those people trapped would eventually die/break their way out of the morgue and want brains!
  • Dissent: graveyards would just end up as XP farms for survivors to camp out and take out confused n00b zombies.
Left Queue: 19:35, 22 Dec 2005 (GMT)

Horde Spawning: Always

Timestamp: 23:07, 28 Dec 2005 (GMT)
Type: Initial Starting Point
Scope: Zombies
Description: Currently, when starting a new character, zombie players are usually alone and clueless. Not being able to find human flesh or anything else worthwhile to do often results in them quitting UD after a single session.

To counter this, new Zombie players should start with an existing large horde, preferably one inside a building with warm human meat. Having their very first Urban Dead experience be a successful one will encourage their continued participation.

"But won't this make zerging really easy?" Somewhat- there's still the IP hit limit, after all. The benefits far outweigh the downside in this case.

Minor edit for zerg prevention: One new character per day per IP. No exceptions.

Notes: 22/30 Keep/Total. Most people accepted it as it helps new players. However some people were against it as it would concentrate Zombies into certain areas rather then spreading them out.
  • Was "New Zombie players start with existing hordes".
Left Queue: 06:35, 13 May 2006 (BST)

Horde Spawning: Sometimes

Timestamp: 01:35, 16 March 2006 (GMT)
Type: improvement
Scope: all new zombies
Description: When I first started playing urbandead I played as a zombie but I got killed my first day which turned me off for a while. It was becuase I started in a place with tons of humans. I suggest that new zombies have a higher chance of spawing in a horde of zombies rather than all alone only to die and quit playing. This does not mean that newbie zombies will ONLY spawn in hordes but that there is more of a chance of them spawing in one (a horde being a gruop of 10 or more). I see no problem with this idea as it encourages humans to find hordes and fight and it also will help zombie numbers greatly. tell me what you think I think a 20% more chance for newbie zombies to spawn in a horde is good. Note This is only for when you first sign up to urbandead NOT when you have died.
Notes: 21/24 Keep/Total. Well accepted as is. However some people disliked the thought that Zombies would end up becoming even more concentrated in a Zombie controled suburb.
  • Was "Higher chance of new zombies spawing in Hordes".
Left Queue: 07:03, 19 June 2006 (BST)

Tips For Newbie Zombies

Timestamp: Axe Hack 04:35, 14 October 2006 (BST)
Type: Help
Scope: Newbie Zombies
Description: Whenever a newbie zombie signs up for Urban Dead, the first thing they see is a list of tips. However, these tips mostly apply to survivors. This suggestion will have a different set of tips for newbie zombies. Some tips are as shown:
  • Do not attack any safehouses that have doors. Attack safehouses without doors, such as Churches, Junkyards, etc. Until you get the Memory Of Life skill, safehouses with doors should not be targeted.
  • Level up by attacking survivors stranded outside, survivors inside buildings, or your fellow zombies.
  • Join a horde if possible. Joining a horde may improve your chances of surviving.
  • Follow Feeding Groans.
Notes: 17/18 Keep/Total. Some concern over officially endorsing ZKing. Suggested additions:
  • Move to a populated area if you are not in one already.
  • A large number of feeding groan calls, flares and/or corpses are good indicators of survivors activity.
  • For more tips, visit [doesn't actually exist, though].
Left Queue: 00:43, 29 October 2006 (BST)