Palytoxin Gang/PKer Proof
Our EnemiesWell, as you can probably guess, we've made some enemies. Expect this list to keep growing. All people on this list are KoS (Kill on Sight). Screenshot proof of some PKings can be found below. We don't have proof of all PKings, and frankly, many members don't feel the need to post it. Why? Because we know that it happened. And we can track the PKer down. And we will plant axe, knife, or hot lead in them. And that will solve the problem nicely. NOTE: If you spot a PKer from the list, regardless of whether or not you are able to execute them, be sure to update the "Last Spotted" section for that criminal (i.e. Location, Suburb) so everyone can keep track. Refer to the list below for all outstanding warrants:
PK Proof ScreenshotsThis is an archive for members of the Palytoxin Gang where we can post screenshots of anyone who is killed, but whom we do not have their profile. The complete list of PKers can be found above. Members of the Gang are reminded to point survivors to this page or the screenshot involving the PKer when carrying out an execution of a known PKer, so people can see the proof. NOTE: Try to keep the list of screenshots in alphabetical order so they are easier to track: