Nickells Grove

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Nickells Grove

Miltown [99,99]

Dawson Way McCullack Bank Border
Perram Square Nickells Grove Border
Border Border Border

Basic Info:

  • A Street is a city block containing no buildings or monuments. There are a variety of other names besides Street including Alley, Avenue, Boulevard, Drive, Grove, Lane, Row, Square, Walk, Place, etc.
  • This is an empty block, and cannot be barricaded.



Here, at the whispery fringe of Malton, only the dead remain.


Nickells Grove is best known for the forgotten promises it represents. It is now is rather unfortunately situated at the extreme south-eastern corner of what is now referred to as the "quarantine zone", bordered by towering walls and menacing machine-gun turrets. However, before the military made the grim decision to lock down the city of Malton, Nickells Grove was quite a different place.

On July 2nd, 2005, Nickells Grove was officially opened by the city of Malton. There was a grand ribbon-cutting ceremony with celebrities and luminaries from around the world in attendance. A parade triumphantly marched down the Grove while children and the young-at-heart looked on with lolypops in their eyes. Of course, Nickells Grove, the ribbon ceremony, and the parade were all in celebration of the eagerly anticipated and globally heralded "Nickells Glorious Funland of Endless Amusement and Miraculous Mirth".

Nickells Glorious Funland of Endless Amusement and Miraculous Mirth

Nickells Glorious Funland of Endless Amusement and Miraculous Mirth (Nickells Funland, for short) was an inconceivably beautiful dream that had been 5 years in construction and a lifetime in the making. At the young age of 3, it is said, young Nathaniel Nickells fell from the edge of a table where he had been carelessly left unattended. In the brief moment of the fall, with the balance of his existence hanging precariously between life and death, he had an incredible vision.

These children could have had the time of their lives

It was a vision so sweet and pure, so utterly merry and joyous, that it would come to singularly define every subsequent moment of Nathaniel Nickells' life. Nickells had a vision of a place, a perfect happy place, where all the children of the world, and all the happy people and gloomy people and fat people and the old and skinny people - all the people who had given their lives over to despair and depravity and addiction - where they could all join together in the sweet, overwhelming bliss of an amusement park so incredibly fun that they could forget all their worries and live as carefree babes again, if only for a day or two.

Nathaniel insisted that his Funland should remain accessible to children from all social and economic backgrounds. There were outreach programs the world-over designed to air-lift poor children from the worst slums and ghettos and let them spend the day in the Funland. Nickells Funland would be both heavenly, and down to earth. It would feature nutritionally balanced yet delicious vegitarian feasts, organic fair-trade shade-grown bird-friendly coffee, and cotton candy. Nickells Grove was designed as a humble, ordinary street with mock residential houses and parked-car props. The homes were examples of sustainable living practices and they would be used to house disadvantaged children when the Funland opened.

Malton, Capital of the World

After a lifetime of building the multi-billion dollar Nickells brand, and positioning himself as an entertainment mogul unrivaled among all but the deceased Walt Disney, Nathaniel Nickells was ready to build the Funland of his dreams. It was a sprawling, ambitious project, for Nickells Funland was conceived as a city unto itself. However, it was Nathaniel's dream that the Funland be accessible to everyone, so that it could touch the lives of all the citizens of earth. Therefore he insisted that Nickells be built on the outskirts of an existing town.

Having spent his summers in Malton with an aunt in his youth, Nathaniel chose our historied city as the site of Nickells Funland. Obviously, such a massive attraction would not only transform the undeveloped country-side upon which it was built, but would also have repercussions for the City of Malton itself. As part of the 5 year hype-machine leading up to the unveiling of Nickells Funland, the City launched a global-add campaign featuring all it had to offer, with prominent images of Nickells Funland and the slogan "Malton, Capital of the World".

It seemed Malton was on the precipice of something truly trancendent.

A day in the Sun

On July 2nd, 2005 immediately after the parade and ribbon-cutting ceremony.

Worst Day Ever

The Grand Opening of Nickells Glorious Funland of Endless Amusement and Mirth was slated for July 3rd, 2005. It will go down in infamy as most unfortunately planned Grand Opening in recorded history. This street in Miltown forms the SE corner of Malton.

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