Kevgretor Pegason (Lexicon)

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This page is a part of the Outbreak Lexicon. The information here is fan-created and should not be considered in-game canon. Please do not edit this page unless you are certain that the Lexicon has been completed.

Kevgretor Pegason is an obscure college professor in Malton, majoring in ethics. He had a stint in NecroTech, working in one of its underground labs, but then got fired for unspecified reasons. He then began an infamous campagin against NecroTech, claming that NecroTech was an evil organization harboring the likes of Yvonne Johnson, and said that if he had the choice, he would "kick this company out" of Malton. As part of his campagin, Pegason ran in the last election against Joseph Kline to protest Kline's connections to NecroTech and to promote his ideology. Even after the scandals that plagued Kline, the citizens prefer him to Pegason, and overwhelmingly re-elected Kline. Allegations of voting irregularities were never proven.

Pegason was disappointed at the loss, but had already formed a small political group ("Kick Kline And Tech Out!") to help in another election campaign when the Outbreaks happened. Strangely, while Kline is presumed dead, Pegason has escaped from Malton to London. While in exile, Pegason did not drop his anti-NecroTech rhetoric, even while NT tried to save the city; in fact, he only increased it. Pegason calls for a banning of the revive drug that has been used by most survivor groups in Malton because Agent 51, the active ingredient in the revive syringes, has traces of MRSA and H5N1 strain of bird flu, claming that exposing survivors to such diseases is unhealthy, and is part of a deeper conspiracy.

Pegason has hired a bunch of mercs and has gone back into Malton to liberate it himself, allying with the Emerald Guard to retake the city. News reports suggest he is doing this to help out his election campaign once the Outbreaks is over and also because Pegason feel some sort of devotion to his city. Critics of Pegason suggest that he is doing this basically attack NecroTech.

…Okay, I told you the official biography. Let me tell you something else. As a member of the DHPD's task force sent to investigate and shut down the terrorist organization of DNR, I have a feeling Pegason may be a member of DNR...or even the leader. In public, he expressed sympathy towards DNR, though he wanted non-violent protests against NecroTech, not bombs. Privately, he has donated an unknown sum of money and arms to DNR sympathizers. Why is he doing this…I do not know. Perhaps he wants to just be Mayor of Malton? Or is he working for some higher order?

If we capture Pegason, we could find out exactly what this DNR is…and maybe put a stop to this terrorist group. DNR, after all, caused the blast in Ridleybank that began this entire mess. They are a beacon to terror groups everywhere, proving it is possible to succeed to get rid of enemies groups by terrorizing an entire city to submission. Thanks to this blast, they brought this investigation on NecroTech, and may cause for the company to collaspe, even when it has done nothing except try to save this city! If we cannot crush DNR, then other terror groups, such as the ALF and Al-Qadia, may decide that they can accomplish their goals by blowing stuff up and framing their enemies, and will step up their attacks. They might even want to spread this Zombie virus to other places, to cause enemy city to collapse onto itself…allowing them to claim victory.

And I think that’s the real implications and fear of this Outbreak...that terrorism has been vindicated.

References: Necrotech, Underground labs, Yvonne Johnson, Jospeh Kline, Agent 51, Emerald Guard, DNR, Illegal arms trading, Ridleybank