Talk:Malton College of Medicine/FAQ

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MCM impostor

Officer Sam Jackson killed Cytomander in Greentown, [38,70] Here is the transcript:

  1. Officer Sam Jackson killed Cytomander. (21 hours and 56 minutes ago)
  2. Officer Sam Jackson said "Send your regards to MCM, they hired me to kill you to demonstrate the schools power and prescence in the tri-suburb area of greentown/brookesville/south bly. Eat shit and die bitch... LIFE IS PAIN" (21 hours and 55 minutes ago)
  3. VPL said "fak?" (21 hours and 55 minutes ago)
  4. 27.55 MHz: "Calling all cars! Calling all cars! CAR 54, WHERE ARE YOU???" (19 hours and 2 minutes ago)
  5. Katanazombsei said "Sorry, that was my last one" (17 hours and 47 minutes ago)

Why did he kill some random person? Do you guys endorse PKing or something? you ARE pro-survivor

Hey Vynergy! I'm the dean of Malton College of Medicine, and I'm glad you commented. I'll cross-post this both places (here and your talk page) to make sure you get it. As far as hiring PKers, we are PACIFISTS. We heal and revive, not kill.
Officer Sam Jackson is real creep, and a sicko. He is absolutely NOT MCM. He is an impostor, and we have this fact posted on our campus directory. I would appreciate your telling us of any sightings of him since we need to keep tabs on him in order to avoid misunderstandings such as this one. I'd also appreciate your telling other people that he's just a jerk who stole our tags and is killing in order to blight our good name.
Any time you need healing, information, or a good laugh, feel free to stop in to 31,71 St. George's Hospital, and speak up! Thanks for coming to us to straighten this out! --Violet Begonia Dean MCM MOB 06:56, 26 August 2008 (BST)