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Praetorian Guard
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Papa of the RRF
Lord Moloch

Head of the DoHS
Zoey Zarg

Malton Herald & Sun

The Malton Herald & Sun is the official newspaper of the RRF.

Read, be enlightened,
and achieve Barhah!

Many and One


The Department of Homeland Security is the main horde group of the Ridleybank Resistance Front and forms the bulk of RRF forces. Initially committed to the defence of the Greater Ridleybank Region, the group was expanded and merged with the Wrecking Ball in order to create a single massive army of zombies to not only defend but also to attack. Now no survivor, no stronghold and no suburb in Malton is safe from the Department of Homeland Security.



In early November a defensive gap began to appear, as both groups began to to be simultaneously engaged further and further away from Ridleybank, which also created problems for new, inexperienced members who struggled to keep up with the horde.

In response, the Department of Homeland Security was created. Initially formed as a small group of dedicated defenders, the role of the DoHS soon expanded into that of a training program - wherein new, inexperienced members could be guided by the senior DoHS members in attacks on survivors in Ridleybank, through identifying and softening potential targets.

While the Department's primary responsibility is to the homeland, it has a secondary responsibility to the new zambahz within our horde. As the DoHS is grounded firmly within the area of Ridleybank, it provides a perfect opportunity for low level zombies to develop their skills under the guidance and assistance of their higher level zethren. The DoHS is the perfect place for a young zambah to grow.



Does the thought of a zombie homeland stir you rotten heart? Can you fight for this sacred place? Defend it from those who would harm it both in the homeland and further afield? Then the Department of Homeland Security is for you! The largest and most powerful force of organised chaos in Malton will happily accept you to secure this dream!

Sign up on the recruitment thread or message Auntie Zoey Zarg on the forum to join.

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