Talk:Mockridge Heights Border Patrol

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Revision as of 23:07, 8 February 2010 by Yonnua Koponen (talk | contribs) (Mockridge Heights Border Patrol/recruit)
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Post here if you have joined MHBP.

Malton Film Festival Invitation

October 23, 2007 The First VZW Malton Film Festival is coming to Mockridge Heights! The VZW will be arriving soon to reclaim a local cinema and premier a locally produced film. All survivors are welcome to come and enjoy the film, some popcorn and some Clatter's Best Beer, all courtesy of the VZW. Anyone who would like to help with the barricades and healing wounded survivors is doubly welcome! Hope to see members of the MHBP there! Say hello to any VZW members you see and we will be sure to add you to our contacts lists as new friends and allies. Also, if any of your members would like to participate in the larger tour, feel free to post on the Festival Wiki site, we would be glad have more people join in the fun! --Shazzelim 17:58, 23 October 2007 (BST)

Sounds like fun. We'll try to make it if we can. Leave details on location here, or for more secure information, you can leave it on our forum.


Hi, My name is Savant - I am the leader of The resistance. Seeing that there are only 2 pro-battle groups in this suburb (The resistance and MHBP) I was thinking of alliance. Seeing that you are lacking in recruits, and the The Resistance is, I was thinking that you, along with your group join the resistance. Oh do not be afraid. Your group will not be kidnapped or eaten, it will become a subgroup, from which you can become a subgroup commander. And yes, you will not lose the juristiction over your unit. Think of this as a pact. Whenever we get recruits: the recruit can decide whether he like to be in the HQ of The resistance or be in your group, or any else subgroup. And for us the good thing is that you will join us! If you accept this, go here register, and post a topic. We will explain you everything. Also, you would have to post {{ResistAlly}} anywhere on your wiki page of your group that will mark you as our ally. If you decline, well... nothing than... --  Savant  Chit-Chat  16:54, 14 August 2007 (BST)

This is an interesting idea, and I will consider it. For now, I am adding you as an ally on the wiki of this page. I would like to give the MHBP a little time to develop before deciding whether to become an actual subgroup. Give me like a week or so. I look forward to our groups working together.
Did you decide?--  Savant  Chit-Chat  11:19, 24 August 2007 (BST)
I decided to keep our groups separate groups. However, if you're open to alliance, that could be functionally the same thing (sharing communications, joint operations, etc.). --Pdeq 11:29, 24 August 2007 (BST)
Sounds fine to me. :) If you'd like, you can check our HQ, the abraham museum.--  Savant  Chit-Chat  18:36, 24 August 2007 (BST)


I see your group is small as of yet, as is ours. I would like to propose an alliance with yourselves (as I have with The Resistance). Our group is small but our members are individually mighty. You have a revive point but your page says pending someone with revive skills... if you require a reviver I can loan you one of our people capable of this, for a while? --Shuki 11:57, 1 November 2007 (UTC)

An alliance sounds great. We too are allied with the Resistance, but have not really seen much of them in the area. We're also allied with a group called Section 13, but I'm not sure where they are right now. The revive point was just an idea if MHBP actually got a number of members. I think your revive point will be sufficient for the suburb, though if you ever have the resources to open up a second one, I choose that location as fairly close to an NT building. We do not have the membership to protect an nt building and run it though, and I have not actually been to that nt yet. Like I said, it was just an idea. Feel free to join our forums (we welcome members of any survivor groups in the area), as they are a secure means of communication, although not really used much right now. --Pdeq 06:38, 2 November 2007 (UTC)
Awesome. Well I hope that soon you can grow enough in numbers for such a venture, god knows survivors need all the help they can get around here! All the best. --Shuki 12:50, 2 November 2007 (UTC)

Dakerstown Reclaimation

Hey Pdeq, Section 13 is forming a task group to travel to the Northwest of Malton. Four burbs have recently be declaired ghost towns and we are going to make an insertion right into the frey. We will be regrouping in four days time on the Mockridge Heights/Shackleville border.

If any of your men or allies would like to assist us, tell them to report to a junkyard north of Johnstone Library. -- Jack13 20:53, 24 December 2007 (UTC)

Unfortunately, the few members we had have become inactive, and it looks like the MHBP will be a group no more. I'll still be floating around the Mockridge area though, and last I checked the junkyard is still safe. Good luck to you! --PdeqTalk* 22:55, 24 December 2007 (UTC)
re: I'll be at the factory beside johnstone library on friday, or in the junkyard to the north, why don't you come up to dakerstown with us? just grab a toolbox and a fist full of bullets. We will consider you a contract fighter, A two month period were you come and fight along with us, and then you go as you please, or sign on for another contract. I’ll give you our forum URL in-game cool?
Okay, I'll try that. Don't know if I'll stick with you guys for 2 months though, I'll have to see how I like Darkerstown, but I'll give you notice before I depart you. --PdeqTalk* 18:29, 27 December 2007 (UTC)
sounds good Pdeq, dakerstown won't be freindly i can tell you that much.--Jack13 03:03, 28 December 2007 (UTC)
That's good. Action is what keeps my interest. I look forward to seeing you guys and chatting a bit more in detail on the forums. --PdeqTalk* 04:44, 28 December 2007 (UTC)
you'd be amazed at how hard it is to get people to go in for a fight. we've been in wyke hills, telling survivors where we are assembling a task force to go to the north, and not one person has taken up the call. I've been debating how will be best to get into those burbs, external military reports say nearly everything is ruined, so putting the whole group in one building and working from inside the burb really just sets us up for disaster, i think we will need to set up on a bordering area, and make daily runs into the area untill we can kindof leap frog forward. bring your toolbox, eh? -- Jack13 14:33, 28 December 2007 (UTC)
I'll continue further strategy discussion on secure forums once we meet up in game. I know the feeling of having trouble recruiting. Expect this group page to disappear in the near future. --PdeqTalk* 23:11, 28 December 2007 (UTC)
ha ha, as if recruiting wasn't hard enough, we do not practice an open recruitment policy, as you mya have already read on our field manual(wich i need to clean up a bit, add some pages and a navigation tool) plus side to it is that when we do get someone they are usually gung-ho about joining up. we've even made an offer to a reverend to act as our group chaplain. the good man gave S13 his blessing, but politely declined. I think i will make a second attempt to recruit him, i would like new members to swear an oath in his presence. but you can't really press the responsibility on the guy right? i'll have to make a trip down to wyke hills and ask him after our mission, or send another tribual member as a guard. --Jack13 17:22, 31 December 2007 (UTC)

Still alive

... We are still alive. :)--  Savant  Chit-Chat  14:06, 5 December 2007 (UTC)

Mockridge Heights Border Patrol/recruit

Your page was unlinked, so I linked it here.--Yonnua Koponen Talk ! Contribs 23:07, 8 February 2010 (UTC)