UDWiki talk:Administration/Protections/Scheduling

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Revision as of 12:25, 9 July 2011 by DanceDanceRevolution (talk | contribs)
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Recent Requests question

Were the last two scheduled protections done on this page put on Wiki News? I'm thinking they may not have been judging by the low turnout. If they weren't, I would like to think they should be done again with a notince on Wiki News template. -- ϑanceϑanceevolution 12:36, 9 July 2011 (BST)

Nuuuuu! The majority struck by myself and Vapor can never be broken!--Yonnua Koponen T G P ^^^ 13:11, 9 July 2011 (BST)
LOL that's probably exactly what I'm going to be trying to undo. This page is new and was made in the same vein as A/D/S except the difference is that A/D/S proposals gets broadcast on the main page. As the page is only 4 months or so old, it's not likely to be getting high traffic atm so it's really important that stuff gets put on the main page in future.
Bar that gripe I have above, I won't be unilaterally removing these already passed proposals, that would be stupid. What I'll probably be doing is just making votes to remove the clauses like here, and treat is as a "if you want it to stay say no to this, else say yes" thing, as a vote to remove the clause is more or less the same as doing a vote to add it again, if mine fails, clause stays, if it passes, clause goes. I'll only do it if the existing ones never featured on Wiki News, mind. -- ϑanceϑanceevolution 13:25, 9 July 2011 (BST)