From The Urban Dead Wiki
Revision as of 12:16, 1 May 2014 by BATTEUR (talk | contribs)
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I am the best at making the things.


ABOUT BATTEUR: Hi! My name is BATTEUR! I'm an uninteresting spectre who has returned from the afterlife to engage in a simple web browser game called Urban Dead. As a spectre, I obviously have no life outside of this silly game, drawing, and writing. Naturally, of course, I do a lot of that. I am neither male nor female, as I'm a completely gender neutral spirit risen from the dead, but you can refer to me as your "lord and master". Like so: My Lord and Master BATTEUR did this. They also did that. See? Not so hard! (Kidding, y'all! ;) )

ARE YOU REALLY A GHOST?: Well, y'see, I... *static*... and also... *static*... I'm technically... *static*... so, *static*
Did I answer your question? Good? Okay!

SO, WHAT DO YOU DO?: I do many things, none of which are what I generally should be doing. I'm a die hard procrastinator, what can I say. But what I do do is draw. A lot. I tend to also draw my various Urban Dead characters a lot, which is why I created a separate page where everyone can bask in their glory. If anyone wants me to, I can draw their character/make some sort of an image for them, I'm generally pretty decent at that kinda stuff (but don't ask me to make more than like 2 things, because I'll totally get lazy and not finish everything xux). I also like to write a lot, yet I hardly ever finish anything I start. I guess that's the advantage of writing journals and stuff! Because of my passion for writing, I'm a total sucker for roleplaying as well. Want to roleplay with one of my characters/be featured in a story/journal of one of my characters? Let me know- I would love to do that with you. I play video games and travel between the spirit world and human world a lot too.

I WANT TO CONTACT YOU!: Woooooah there. Hold your horses. Generally speaking, you can catch me on my "talk" page, and from there request whatever it is you want to request. If it's something like "personal", or RP related, I'll let you know my email and stuff by some other means. Most likely through Ouija board (kidding!).

MY QUESTION WASN'T ANSWERED HERE >:U  : Oh, cry me a river.


  1. Do more things with the Lights Out page. What are those things? I don't know.
  2. Eventually organize this page more neatly, like with boxes and stuff. If I feel like it.
  3. Draw more fun things because drawing is fun.
  5. Get more Lights Out members.
  6. Organize tours and thingilings.


Kickball.gif Antediluvianism
This user likes big words, but can't use them correctly. He tries, but fails.
Journal Icon.png Journal
This user has a journal entitled here.
Gay predator.jpg Gay PK Count
This user has gayingly PKed some people.
Warzone.jpg Adventure Tourist
This user goes on holiday
in ruined suburbs.
Sign.png Remember To Sign!
This user remembers to sign on talk pages and you should too.
Crufix.jpg Crucifixes!!!
This user thinks that crucifixes should have some sort of use in the game, like being able to power a generator being able to throw them at other players.
Zgrabbah.jpg ZGRABBAH!
This user likes to practice their zamgrh by playing zgrabbah.
Pluto.jpg 8/24 - NEVAR FORGET!
This user or group remembers Pluto.
This user wears a gas mask for protection against the bad zombie smell.
Dead.gif Urban Dead
This user plays Urban Dead. Wow, what are the odds?
Swinging on tail.gif Just hanging around
This player is waiting for something BIG to happen.
Beer.jpg Drunkard
This User drinks entirely too much and should probably quit before they die.

Futile.png Fight on!
This user knows there are some harsh situations out there, some are futile. However, they shall never give up in the zombie outbreak, as they want to live.
Hippocratic suggestion.png Hippocratic suggestion
This user or group supports the Hippocratic Suggestion & believes that all characters in need of medical attention should be treated, regardless of the injured characters past actions within the city of Malton...To an extent...

Running sign.jpg Operation Freerunner
This user supports Operation Freerunner.
Aperture science.gif Aperture Science
This User does what they must because they can
Octagram.jpg Octogram
60% more evil than the average pentagram.

Preorder your very own today!!!

Thanks to RadicalWhig for letting me "borrow" their /Nav setup. Permanently. Also, thanks to MeesoSorry for the main page layout which I so lovingly mutilated into this disaster.
