The Rambling Drunks

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TRD page.jpg
To wage Glorious Battle for our Master Plan of Inebriation as well as in the name of our beloved Mr. Croc, and looking good while doing it!
Current Fearless Leaders
Reid Fleming - profile
At our base of operations the Membery Arms

or the forum Group Forum

Passed Out

ManliestMan - Profile
Captain Ned - Profile
Barroom Hero - Profile
Mr. Croc

Current Endeavors and Exploits
22nd February 2009 - The Wiki Page has been updated!

1st October 2009 - RichTee hands the Mantel of Fearless Leader to Reid Fleming and embarks on a pub crawl worthy of the Guinness Book of Records to spread the Gospal according to the Drunks

The Tenets of the Master Plan of Inebriation

1. Thou must'st be either alive or show interest in giving up eating brains for drinking beer.

2. Thou must'st have no qualms with fighting Glorious Battle for your liquor or for the defence of liquor everywhere.

3. Thou must'st be righteous.

4. Thou must'st worship thine brew above all others, for it is the brew, and the brew, and the brew.


ManliestMan, a private sent into Malton in one of the clean-up crews, was quickly separated from his squad andwas trapped alone deep in the heart of Malton. After finding some success and safety initially with the Dunell Hills Police Department and rising to the rank of detective he was overjoyed to find one of his old comrades and drinking buddies Billy Rodeo in a bar while on a routine patrol. After much talk of old times the pair decided that if this would be their final days then perhaps they should enjoy them, and live a little. Soon they had decided and plotted a route for the greatest bar crawl ever seen on earth, and spent the next few days preparing for this journey which undeniably would be their last. Currently they are looking for others to join them on this trip, as everyone knows drinking with friends is more fun than drinking alone.

In accordance with ManliestMan's "Master Plan of Inebriation", the two of them will tour the city of Malton, from watering hole to watering hole, sampling all the liquor the area has to offer them. Nothing short of the wrath of god will deter them from their goal, be it zombies, barricades or even other survivors who stand in their way. Although the group does not not encourage random murders, anyone found to be preventing a member from fulfilling his god given right to drink his fill of any alcoholic beverage available in the location will be killed, or at the very least, fired on.

When a member of TRD gains access to a location where they know alcohol is present, that member is expected to search throughout the rubble until such things can be found. After such liquor is discovered, the member is expected to drink his fill, hopefully flushing away the depression and fear caused by the zombie outbreak. In between drinking binges members are free to do whatever it is they wish, although fighting towards the next bar is preferable.


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