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This page is for suggestions that have 50% or more Keep votes vs Total Votes, but not more than 66% Keep votes, which would qualify them for Peer Reviewed page. These are good, but not quite good enough Suggestions that could (and probably should) be reworked, refined, and resubmitted by a willing, knowledgeable party. Before doing so, please perform the proper research; reading the votes and the associated Talk pages, and adjust your new submission. State on the submission that you are not duplicating, but have revised and are resubmitting for approval.

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January 5th, 2006

Last Gasp

Timestamp: 05:08, 5 Jan 2006 (GMT)
Type: Fluff
Scope: Survivors
Description: When a survivor has less than 10 HP they recieve a new button and drop-down somewhere near their speech box marked "Scream".

The player will then scream one of the pre-set messages loud enough to be heard on one layer of surrounding blocks and inside buildings. (or outside buildings if they are indoors.)

This can only be used once for a cost of 1 AP. When the Survivor is killed and revived, or healed to full HP, they will then be elligable for this again once they are below 10 HP again at some point.

Inside the drop-down would be something akin to these selections:

  • Dear God, NOOOO!
  • Somebody help me!
  • Oh God Oh God Oh God!
  • Let go of meeeee!
  • Is that all you've got?!
  • Uuuaaarrrghhh!!

Picture the setting. You're hunkered down in your safe house.. feeding groans are heard nearby.. suddenly.. You hear a desperate voice in the distance scream Let go of meeeee! before being cut off.

If the player is on your Contact list.. You hear Tito Jackon's defiant voice in the distance scream Is that all you've got?! before being cut off.

The chance for abuse is Zero. You can't do it more than once until you DIE AND GET REVIVED or HEAL TO FULL, and you have to be low on HP first.

AND you have to use one of your presumably last APs to do it.

This is just flavorful fluff, folks.

Notes: 14/28 Keep/Total. See original votes for feedback.
Left Queue: 05:26, 20 June 2006 (BST)

January 6th, 2006

Howl of Frustration

Timestamp: 00:22, 6 Jan 2006 (GMT)
Type: Skill
Scope: Zombies
Description: This goes under Feeding Groan in the skill tree. This is effectively Feeding Groan for barricades, and will work almost exactly like that skill. When a zombie is outside a barricaded building of Quite Strongly or better, it will have the Howl ability, able to summon a horde of zombies. Loosely/Lightly will have the same range as a Feeding Groan at 1 survivor, Quite Strongly same as 2, Very Strongly 3, Heavily 4, and VH/EH 5. A Howl will sound different than a Groan.
Notes: Refer to original votes on the appropriate vote page
Left Queue: 17:21, 7 May 2006 (BST)

Capture The Cure

Timestamp: 18:42, 6 Jan 2006 (GMT)
Type: New Game Element
Scope: Everybody
Description: Say hello to the newest game element of Urban Dead: THE CURE.

A Cure has finally been developed by NecroTech employees, but it is incomplete. It requires an unknown incubation period to become fully functional. Furthermore, it contains the plague virus (much like anti-venom contains venom) and as such is capable of infecting, rather than curing, the entire population of Malton. This makes it very appealing to both Survivors and Undead.

The Cure is housed in an impenetrable, indestructible glass and steel incubator about the size of a microwave oven. It is self-powering and self-maintaining and requires nothing else to operate it. There is no interaction with The Cure beyond carrying it around and keeping it safe. The Cure offers no benefits to the stats or skills of those near it.

It can be moved by Humans, but not Zombies. However, any Zombie that passes within a five block radius of The Cure can "sense" the plague virus within: a weak, consistent pulsing. This happens whether The Cure is indoors or outdoors. Humans can not sense The Cure, (edit) but they can SEE it if it's on the same block/in the same room on account of it being rather bulky and emitting a strange glow. They will also see WHO is holding it.

The only way to force The Cure from somebody is to kill them and take it. The Cure can also be manually dropped. If a person idles out of the game (five days without activity) The Cure drops on the ground in that location. Whole groups can dedicate themselves to the defense of The Cure from enemies or each other, so stealing it will not be so easy. Keeping it stolen will be even harder. Again, this only counts for people who WANT/CHOOSE to play this aspect of the game, so it's not really PKing if they kill each other to gain control of The Cure.

The whole point of this new item is to introduce an element of "Capture the Flag" into Urban Dead. Humans try to keep The Cure out of Zombie hands, and Zombies try to destroy Humans holding The Cure. The Cure acts as a beacon to nearby undead, so it may be dangerous for Humans to have it nearby. On the other hand, since Zombies cannot actively move The Cure around, all they can do is defend it until it is taken again.

Nobody has to care about The Cure if they don't want to, they can keep playing the game normally. It offers a "focused" goal for people who may find randomly attacking others boring. Those players who have maxed out their levels and want a new challenge can make this it. We can have a contest to see which side can defend The Cure the longest, making and breaking records, or individual Humans who can hold The Cure in their possession for the longest durations.

Should Kevan one day decide to bring a final conclusion to this excellent game, that is when The Cure has finished incubating and becomes functional. It may infect or cure the entire city according to whatever factors he deems fit. Perhaps a final war to end all wars between both sides. (Let's hope that day is a long, long way off.) Edit: This idea is tacked on to give The Cure some long-term use, but is definitely not necessary and can be ignored, so please don't vote based on whether or not you like the Cure/Infect finale scenario.

So. Who wants to play CAPTURE THE CURE?

Notes: Refer to original votes on the appropriate vote page
Left Queue: 17:41, 7 May 2006 (BST)

January 9th, 2006

Headshot Revision

Timestamp: 17:38, 9 Jan 2006 (GMT)
Type: change
Scope: Zombie hunters
Description: It's a small change: Make Headshot remove the APs instantly, not when the zombie rises.

My reason: The way it is, if a zombie is headshot during live combat (I know live combat is rare, but believe me, it happens), he might just stand back with -4AP and be a meatshield once again. It takes longer to cleanse a building that way, because the zed you just killed might pop back up, and you might shoot it instead of a dying one. On the other side, if the APs are removed when the zed is killed, it might wait longer before getting up, and get up full.

If this sounds too broken, there's an option of making it remove more AP (maybe 10?), obviously at the time of the kill. It just makes the zed wait longet to stand up, but doesn't actually interfere with its max AP.

Notes: 16/31 Keep/Total. See original votes for feedback.
Left Queue: 05:28, 20 June 2006 (BST)

January 14th, 2006

GPS Ally Tracking

Timestamp: 08:50, 14 Jan 2006 (GMT)
Type: Improvement
Scope: GPS Units
Description: GPS units are not very useful currently. I kept one for a while but discarded it after realizing that it telling where I was didn't do much good. I already know where I am. There have been past suggestions to allow allies to use GPS units to inform each other of their location but those have always had problems, often allowing anyone to track you down including those with possibly nefarious intentions. Here's a system I think would work:

In your contact list there would be a clickable box to "Allow GPS Tracking" next to each name. There would also be another column that would display the coordinates of every contact of yours that has allowed GPS tracking for you in their own contact list. If your contact does not allow tracking for you the coordinates column in your contact list would be blank next to their name. You would only be able to track and be tracked if both parties had a GPS unit on them. If someone drops their GPS unit your coordinates column would be blank for them even if they were allowing GPS tracking for you. You would abe able to see people's location if they were dead as long as they kept a GPS unit on them. This change would make GPS units useful, allowing you to find out the position of any willing ally by consulting your contact list.

Notes: 9/14 Keep/Total. See original votes for feedback.
Left Queue: 05:51, 20 June 2006 (BST)

January 19th, 2006

Armor-piercing, or AP ("cop-killer") rounds

Timestamp: 00:14, 19 Jan 2006 (GMT)
Type: different ammo type
Scope: survivors
Description: Rationale: this modification both

1) reduces the flak jacket advantage, which is currently enjoyed by practically everyone; and
2) makes searching police stations and the forts for ammo a better idea than malls, which--if you're looking for actual weapons, instead of yet another baseball bat or pair or wirecutters--would seem to make some sense.

Notes: 16/25 Keep/Total. See original votes for feedback.
Left Queue: 05:54, 20 June 2006 (BST)

Dum Dum Bullets

Timestamp: 02:31, 19 Jan 2006 (GMT)
Type: Item
Scope: Survivors with pistols
Description: Okay, I've had my daily dose of faggotry. This suggestion basically is an upgraded pistol clip inspired by armor-piercing ammo. Dum dum bullets are normal bullets which have been modified to mushroom up on impact, making a bigger, more bloody hole. It does 6 damage to people not wearing flak jackets, but due to the nature of the bullet flattening on impact, it is far less effective against flak jackets, becoming nothing more than a thwack to the chest (2 dmg). But you can choose between pistols that are loaded with this ammo and not loaded with the ammo in the drop down menu. Edit: Found in malls and police departments, but not forts because a dum dum bullet is inefficient for modern combat and is also banned for warfare by the Hague Convention.
Notes: 11/20 Keep/Total. See original votes for feedback.
Left Queue: 05:54, 20 June 2006 (BST)

Flare colours

Timestamp: 13:56, 19 Jan 2006 (GMT)
Type: Item change
Scope: Flares, anyone who uses or sees them. So pretty much everyone
Description: Basically replaces Flare guns with one of three items - Flare gun (red), Flare gun (blue) and Flare gun (green). any existing flare guns would be changed randomly to one of the three types. At the moment, Flares attract everyone - there's no way to distinguish if a flare is marking a safehouse, a revive point or a request for help. With this change, you can establish a clear marking system - and groups can change these to confuse onlookers (personally, I'd assume Red for combat/help, blue for revive point and green for safehouse) - as an optonal addition, Zombies could be made colourblind.
Notes: 9/17 Keep/Total. See original votes for feedback.
Left Queue: 05:54, 20 June 2006 (BST)

January 23rd, 2006


Timestamp: 07:50, 23 Jan 2006 (GMT)
Type: Skill
Scope: Survivors, Military
Description: This is a skill designed to make the Armoury more appealing to ranged weapons users than a mall. This skill would give survivors a button that would only appear inside of Armouries: "Reload". Reloading would be similar to searching, with a chance of finding either ammuniton or nothing. Upon a successful reload attempt you would find munitions and automatically reload one gun in your inventory, either giving a pistol a full clip or putting one shell into a shotgun. Your odds of finding something would be identical to your current odds of finding something with searching, but instead of finding guns and either excess ammunition or ammunition for weapons you don't use you'd fill up a gun that you are carrying. Thus while forts would be worse places than mall gun stores to find something they'd be a better place to find the specific ammunition you need. It makes sense that a military storeroom would be highly organized and this skill is a balanced and simple way of making forts different but not better. Tying this skill to power being on in the armory is not necessary, but it'd make sense (hard to search in a storeroom in the dark), expand the role of the new power feature, and it'd add a fun price to pay in exchange for having this amenity. This skill, if deemed too limited by being tied just to two locations on the map could also be expanded at Kevan's discretion to also work in police stations although it'd make sense to allow reloading there to only restore pistols as a way of keeping the skill balanced, in addition to the fact that police don't use shotguns and pistol ammunition would be more plentiful there. The reload skill could either cost 2AP to compensate for the fact that the player need not spend AP reloading or saving 1 AP could be a feature of this skill.
Notes: 9/14 Keep/Total. See original votes for feedback.
Left Queue: 05:56, 20 June 2006 (BST)

January 24th, 2006


Timestamp: 04:01, 24 Jan 2006 (GMT)
Type: Skill
Scope: Survivors, Civilian
Description: Every commonly used item has a skill attached to it. Why not generators as well? Maintenance would be a subskill of Construction and indicate the character has experience keeping machines running. They better know where to look for fuel, increasing the current chance of finding it when searching by 50%. This does not give them a 50% of finding fuel, it just means for that every 2 fuel cans they find now they'd get 3. This would not decrease the odds of finding other items, just they'd be slightly more likely than normal to find fuel instead of nothing in places where fuel can be found. In the process of their maintenance runs they'd also keep an eye on the machines they were upkeeping to ensure they're running smoothly. This would allow them to also witness the destruction of generators by other survivors. It would be a very simple message: "You saw (survivor name) destroy the generator." There is currently no way to determine who is maliciously destroying a generator and it makes sense someone watching out for the machine would witness the destruction.
Notes: 23/38 Keep/Total. See original votes for feedback.
Left Queue: 05:57, 20 June 2006 (BST)


Timestamp: 06:12, 24 Jan 2006 (GMT)
Type: Skill
Scope: Survivors, Military or Civilian
Description: This suggestion is inspired by an idea James put forth in his vote for the Maintenance suggestion. Survivors currently don't have a way of resisting other survivor's attempts to maliciously destroy generators and barricades. There's no way to witness attacks on these and even if there was someone could easily run in, smash a generator, and be in another suburb with a few AP. I believe that survivors should have the ability to harm other survivors but I do not believe they should be invisible ninjas while they do it. We can spend AP barricading and have a defense against zombies while we are gone, while not also allow us to spend AP and have a defense against enemy humans?

Here's how I envision the Guard skill working:

  • Survivors inside a building would gain a Guard button with a drop down menu, which would cost 1AP to press. They would be able to select either "Barricades" or "Generator". After pressing the button they would be guarding one of those two until they spend another AP, are killed or go into hiding from inactivity. On the survivors screen until they perform another action they'd get a message: "You are guarding the barricades from attack." You could only guard either the barricade or the generator at one time.
  • When a barricade/generator is guarded it is harder to attack because an attacker must be stealthy to avoid detection. The odds of destroying a generator or weakening a barricade that is at Very Strong or lower would be reduced to 10% of normal only for survivors. This would not affect zombie attack rates at all because zombies need not avoid detection.
  • Upon missing because of someone guarding a barricade/generator the attacker would get a message like this: "You try to attack the generator but stop to avoid detection by [guarding player's name.]" It would only give the name of one random guard no matter how many are actually guarding. If the named guard is killed another person on guard simply takes their place. The only way to get an object unguarded is to kill every single person in the room guarding it. Multiple people guarding an object do not stack, the odds would stay at 10% of normal no matter how many people are on guard.
  • If the barricades or generator is destroyed people guarding them would continue to be on guard except when they log the message would be changed to "You stand ready to guard the barricades from attack." When barricades are rebuilt or a generator placed again they would continue to guard it without players having to log in and re-guard the new barricades/generator.
  • You would not be able to guard generators in buildings where they currently have no practical use. This is to not impede players that want to turn out the lights in order to be more hidden from zombies in buildings where power serves no purpose.
  • What in game world reason is there for not guarding barricades higher than Very Strong or generators in buildings without a use for power? I know you want one. Simple, they aren't guarded because they have a valid reason to be destroyed. You don't guard something that is unimportant or harmful to you.

edit: Many have said they think that people should be able to see if people are guarding the room. That's fine, a line in the description like "There is a watch set on the barricades and generator" or "3 people are guarding the generator and 5 are guarding the barricade" works by all means with the above suggestion but I think it's a relatively minor point and not crucial to the suggestion as a whole. You know the gist if it, I hope you won't vote it down on minor details like this that I may have forgotten about.

Notes: 16/27 Keep/Total. See original votes for feedback.
Left Queue: 05:57, 20 June 2006 (BST)

January 29th, 2006

Guard (Revised)

Timestamp: 05:05, 29 Jan 2006 (GMT)
Type: Skill
Scope: Survivors, Military
Description: This is a new version of the Guard suggestion that takes many voting comments into consideration. Many votes mentioned they didn't think survivors were always vigilant or disliked "total awareness" of their surroundings and this suggestion attempts address those concerns. Here's what the Guard skill would do:

A player with Guard would be able to see the identity of any survivor who either kills another survivor or destroys a generator BUT only when that player is at 45AP or higher. This would indicate that a well rested character, not overly busy traveling, fighting, or barricading could instead be on the lookout for enemies. Using this skill would allow people to discover enemies in their midst but at a price. You couldn't log in frequently to rebarricade, assist nearby buildings, etc.. It'd encourage people to wait a day for their AP to recharge and to stay in one place in order to ferret out enemy humans in their midst. This is good for humans AND good for zombies as it would let humans identify enemies and give zombies a greater chance of not having a building rebarricaded by the same person 3 times in one day.

Notes: 16/28 Keep/Total. See original votes for feedback.
Left Queue: 05:59, 20 June 2006 (BST)