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This page is for suggestions that have 50% or more Keep votes vs Total Votes, but not more than 66% Keep votes, which would qualify them for Peer Reviewed page. These are good, but not quite good enough Suggestions that could (and probably should) be reworked, refined, and resubmitted by a willing, knowledgeable party. Before doing so, please perform the proper research; reading the votes and the associated Talk pages, and adjust your new submission. State on the submission that you are not duplicating, but have revised and are resubmitting for approval.

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March 2nd, 2006

Ammo Conservation

Timestamp: 03:27, 2 March 2006 (GMT)
Type: Skill, Military
Scope: Survivors
Description: There have been several suggestions to redistribute ammunition in one's inventory, but in this skill I hope to suggest the mechanics for this change and be highly specific. I believe this is important, it can be frustrating to have one gun with 3 bullets and another with two and not being able to transfer the ammunition to another gun so you can discard that gun or reload another clip in without wasting bullets. Here is how it would work:

Pistols Clicking on a gun would unload it and transfer the bullets to a new item in your inventory that would be titled "Bullets X". That simply lumps all the loose bullets single into one item, and X is the number of bullets you have. Bullets X would count as one item for every five bullets, if the total was not divisible by five it would round it up. If you don't have room in your inventory and try to unload a gun you'd just get a message: "You're holding too much to carry them seperately." Clicking on "Bullets X" would cost one AP and subtract up to 6 bullets from X and load it into the emptiest pistol in your inventory. If your emptiest pistol already had some bullets in it it would only subtract the number of shots from "Bullets X" needed to fill up the gun.

To illustrate: In your inventory you have Pistol (6), Pistol (2), Pistol (3), Bullets (13). You click on Pistol (2). Your new inventory looks like: Pistol (6), Pistol (0), Pistol (3), Bullets (15). You discard Pistol (0) and then click on Bullets (15). Your new inventory looks like Pistol (6), Pistol (6), Bullets (12)

Pistol Clips You would still find individual pistol clips and could reload guns with them. However if you reload a gun that already has ammunition in it the excess shots are added to "Bullets X". Also if a player wants to streamline their interface clicking on a Pistol Clip when all your pistols are full will merge it with "Bullets X".

Shotguns are also included in this skill But that would be simpler. Clicking on a shotgun would just unload one shell into your inventory. There would NOT be a shells x button. If you didn't have room for the shell you'd get the same error message as above.

What Would Cost AP? Taking bullets out of guns would not cost AP. If you're unloading one bullet out of a pistol it isn't worth it to spend an entire AP for a single shot. I feel this skill would be worthless if you charged additional AP to move things out of guns. And remember, "AP Is Not A Unit Of Time". Though it takes an AP to put bullets into a gun that's an issue of game balance not a measurement that it takes 1AP of time to move bullets in guns. I want to stress this point strongly, AP is a method of limiting a player's power, not a measurement of how long it takes to do something. If you use that logic it doesn't make sense that it takes just as long to say something as it does to perform surgery. Remember this isn't giving a player more ammunition, it is just letting them make their inventory more efficient. Putting bullets into guns would cost AP. It would not cost any less to put bullets into guns from "Bullets X" than it does to load a clip. You still have a ratio of 6 bullets inserted per 1 AP spent. If you charge AP to unload then it'd be charging 2AP for the benefit of rearranging your ammo: 1 to unload, and 1 to load again. This does give using this skill a cost, later you'd have to pay an AP to put the bullets back in. It is not giving it away for free and I think charging 1AP per six bullets is fair, otherwise you'd per charing an AP for single shots! This wouldn't be a freebie because of the AP cost to reload, you simply wouldn't chuck the excess bullets over your shoulder which if you think about it just makes sense. Ammunition is valuable, it makes perfect sense logic and flavor wise you would not discard bullets just because your gun has a few inside already.

Discarding bullets You could discard "Bullets X" however this would only reduce 6 bullets from it at a time. You wouldn't need to worry about accidentally discarding "Bullets X" and throwing away 5 clips worth of bullets.

Where this should go on the skill tree It'd just be a subskill of Basic Firearms Training. You have a general idea what to do with guns, getting better at arranging your ammunition is a natural progression of being experience with firearms.

In Conclusion It lets Pistol (3), Pistol (1), Pistol (2), Pistol (4), Pistol (1) become Pistol (6), Pistol (5). Need I say more?

Notes: 9/16 Keep/Total. See original votes for feedback.
Left Queue: 08:47, 20 June 2006 (BST)

Firm Grip (version 2)

Timestamp: 14:41, 2 March 2006 (GMT)
Type: Skill
Scope: Zombies
Description: This would be a sub-skill of "Tangling grasp".

A zombie with a firm grip holds its victim tighter, while maintaining a tangling grasp, making it harder for the victim to act. It's grasp is not broken by other zombies attacking the same victim.

Mechanic: Gaining or regaining the Grip: A zombie who hits with a claw attack has a %50 chance of gaining a Firm Grip. "You gain a firm grip on Character." "A zombie...and gets a firm grip on you."

Effects: While a Firm Grip is in effect, it will cause the victim to spend one more AP per action. Essentially, a character that is being held by some zombie's firm grip would have to spend 2 AP to attack, search, move, etc. Speaking does not incur this AP penalty.

If someone is held in a firm grip, they would have the following items on their screen:

Right above "Possible Actions", in bold: "A zombie holds you. All actions except speaking will cost 1 more AP."

An action button: "Loosen Grip".

Losing the Grip: The victim can press the "Loosen Grip" button, which would cost 2AP (1AP for an action + 1 to fight against the grip) in order to break free and be in a normal tangling grasp. The zombie sees this message, "Your grip on Character loosens." and its victim's actions cost the normal AP.

If the zombie loses its tangling grasp (which is a prerequisite for this skill) then the firm grip is also gone. (Note: As it stands, tangling grasp is lost when either character moves to another block, the zombie changes target, or %50 of the time when a zombie misses an attack on a grasped victim. Missed attacks mean that a zombie loses its grasp in a minimum of %20 of its attacks.)

Notes: 17/31 Keep/Total. See original votes for feedback.
Left Queue: 08:47, 20 June 2006 (BST)

March 4th, 2006

Network Restoration

Timestamp: 01:07, 4 March 2006 (GMT)
Type: Skill
Scope: Survivors, Newbies,
Description: Here are two things I think would be great: Turning more new players onto the wiki and allowing in character communication here, and encouraging a sense of community between players that share shelter. I know it took me a while to figure out people actually had conversations on the wiki like we do, at first it seemed just like a compendium of strategy guides. Here's a way to make the wiki more accessible by incorporating it into gameplay itself.

The skill Network Restoration would be a subskill of NecroNet access. This high level skill would allow advanced players to restore the computer networks in buildings that would logically have a computers and an previously existing database: Necrotech buildings, Police Stations, Hospitals, Armouries. When power is on a player with this skill can for 1AP "Restore Network".This amends the building description to have the following line beneath the generator message:

The building's computer network is functioning.

The link "computer network" would be an ordinary hyperlink leading to a chat page on the wiki for specifically that one building. So the Bosley Police Department building's link would lead to a new page on the wiki:"Database_Bosley Police Department." It'd open this link in a new window. Players could use the space as they like, and might even develop page rules as we have here at suggestions. It would allow more roleplaying and communication, but primarily it would allow discussions between allies on the wiki to not be metagaming, it'd foster a sense of community among players by automatically establishing a chat area for major safehouses, and it'd aid new players by helping bring them into the Urban Dead community by giving them an easy way to have extended discussions and roleplaying with the people that are in the same place as them in-game, the last being something the standard forums lack mostly. This wouldn't make survivors more powerful as the ability to set up your own chat pages here already exists, but this would aid the technically inept and inexperienced. When the network is restored it remains so until the generator is destroyed, that would require someone to plug everything back in. The generator simply going out of power would remove the sentence with the link from the room description but if power is brought back it'd come back without having to be restored. This skill doesn't give any new powers to survivors they don't already have, it just fosters a sense of community and roleplaying by making the UD wiki more accessible.

Notes: 18/31 Keep/Total. See original votes for feedback.
Left Queue: 08:48, 20 June 2006 (BST)

March 7th, 2006

Conserve Ammunition: Reload Skill

Timestamp: 04:27, 7 March 2006 (GMT)
Type: Skill
Scope: Survivors, Military
Description: This is a revision of Ammo Conservation. You have experience reloading weapons and efficiently organizing your ammunition. A survivor with Reload prefers keeping their ammunition in as few guns as possible and hates to throw away bullets. When a survior with this skill reloads a weapon the total number of ammunition currently in their guns they have is moved into as few guns as possible, and if there are excess shots they are not thrown away but combined into a new item. Here's how it would work:

You have Pistol (4), Pistol (1), Pistol (2), Pistol (3). 10 shots total. You load one pistol clip into your guns. Here's what your new inventory looks like: Pistol (6), Pistol (6), Pistol (4), Pistol 0. 16 shots total.

What happens if you don't have room in your guns for all the new bullets? Let's say you don't have room for the new bullets you're loading. Your inventory has Pistol (5), Pistol (4), Pistol (6) 15 shots total and only room for 3 more bullets in the guns. You load a clip. Your guns are now full and the excess bullets are moved into a new item called "Bullets (X)". X would be the total number of loose bullets in your inventory, they'd all be lumped into that one item. In this case assuming you didn't have loose bullets already it'd be Bullets (3). Every six shots in Bullets (X) counts as an item and any number not divisible by six would be rounded up. For example Bullets (13) would count as three items. Clicking on Bulletx (X) would cost 1AP and load up to six shots into your guns, the same as clicking on a pistol clip. You would be able to discard Bullets (X) but it would first only discard as many as needed to bring X down to the nearest multiple of six, and then it would discard six bullets at a time. This is to allow people to free up some room in their inventory without having to chuck bullets they want to keep.

Shotguns would work similarly You have Shotgun (1), Shotgun (1), Shotgun (1). You load a shell. Now you have Shotgun (2), Shotgun (2), Shotgun (0). The only difference is that there would not be a "Shells (X)" button. Since each shot is an individual item there is no need to combine shells the way you'd combine excess pistol shots.

In Conclusion This is a simple change that just reduces clutter from inventories. It does not allow players to carry more ammunition than they can now, nor does it reduce the AP cost to load bullets into guns. All it does it allow you to keep your bullets in as few guns as possible and to not have to throw away bullets. It works both from a flavor perspective (why would a sane person throw away ammunition or carry twice as many guns as they need?) and from a game mechanics position.

Notes: 9/14 Keep/Total. See original votes for feedback.
Left Queue: 08:50, 20 June 2006 (BST)

March 10th, 2006

Untroubled Sleep v2.1

Timestamp: 01:19, 10 March 2006 (GMT)
Type: Civilian Skill
Scope: Survivors
Description: Summary: Survivors with the skill "Untroubled Sleep" may regain AP beyond the 50 AP limit if resting in certain buildings which are 1) powered by a generator, 2) barricaded to Very Strong or less, 3) free of zombies and 4) only moderately populated (20 survivors or less).

Background: Engineers trapped in Malton have begun repairing the city's climate control systems. As long as there is a generator to power them, certain buildings' HVAC mechanisms can provide a relatively comfortable environment. Barricading a building too heavily obstructs the ventilation systems, as does overcrowding. Thus, only the bravest of hardened survivors will feel comfortable enough to rest up inside such attractive targets.

Sleepable Buildings: Arms, Cinema, Club, Factory, Hotel, Junkyard, Library, Museum, School, Warehouse. Other buildings are too large to climate-control with a generator.

Mechanics: AP regenerates at the normal rate. If the building conditions are met -- right building type, running generator, barricades no stronger than Very Strong, 20 survivors or less inside -- a survivor with Untroubled Sleep can regain up to 55 AP maximum. However, as soon as the generator is destroyed/runs out of fuel, the barricades are strengthened beyond Very Strong, zombies enter the building, the total population rises above 20, or the player leaves the building, the bonus AP regain ceases. If the survivor has more than 50 AP at that point, he will not regain any further AP until his AP drops below 50 or he re-enters the requisite Untroubled Sleep conditions.

Awareness: Players with Untroubled Sleep will see messages regarding a building's suitability for rest upon entering the building or logging in. Unsupported buildings will provide no message at all. Likewise there will be no message if zombies are present.

If all requisite conditions are met: "This looks like a comfortable place to rest."

If there are too many survivors: "This would be a comfortable place to rest, if it weren't so crowded."

If the barricades are too strong: "This would be a comfortable place to rest, if the debris could be cleared away from the air vents."

If there is no running generator: "This would be a comfortable place to rest, if the climate control system could be turned on."

Questions and Answers
Q: "Why offer this?"
A: Untroubled Sleep allows survivors to gain AP beyond 50 while encouraging them to stay in targets attractive to zombies. It will encourage more reasonable barricading and population distribution.

Q: "Won't survivors just sleep in a Very Strong building to build up 55 AP, and then retreat one block away to an Extremely Heavily Barricaded building?"
A: I'm sure they will, but at least for a few hours they will have put themselves in a more vulnerable position. And moving into another safehouse will of course cost some of the gained AP.

Q: "Should this be a high-level skill?"
A: I tend to think it should be available to anyone, to ensure that both Hunters and less-experienced humans will be found in "sleepable" buildings. Players who are concerned about the reduced safety of sleeping in a VSB building need only skip the skill, or buy it but take no advantage of it.

Q: "This raises the survivor AP limit higher than that for zombies."
A: I'm absolutely open to well-balanced ideas which bump the AP limit for zombies, but I think the mechanics should be different enough on that to require a separate suggestion. Also, consider the AP zombies will save if barricades are kept at lower levels throughout the city.

Notes: 18/34 Keep/Total. See original votes for feedback.
Left Queue: 08:51, 20 June 2006 (BST)

March 12th, 2006


Timestamp: 03:59, 12 March 2006 (GMT)
Type: Skill
Scope: Survivors, Civilian
Description: I've seen the same car suggestions you have and I think the problem they generally have is they take away the AP expense of walking and that they are overcomplicated (searching for cars, pushing cars, entering cars, etc.) Here's a way of presenting cars as a simple convenience.

A certain number of cars will be placed into empty street squares. Cars would appear in the square's description like this: "There are 3 abandoned cars here." If a survivor uses a fuel can the description would change to this: "There are 3 abandoned cars here. 1 is fueled." When a survivor with the civilian skill "Driving" has wirecutters and enters a square with a car they would have an new button: "Drive [ ][ ]". They would be able to enter an X coordinate into the first box and a Y coordinate into the second of any empty street square on the map. This would move the player and one of the fueled cars to that location. In the above example it would change to "There are 2 abandoned cars here" and the destination street square would have one car added to the current number there. It would cost the same amount of AP to drive there as to walk. Remember that AP Is Not a Unit Of Time but a measure of the value of a player's actions. This doesn't make the character more powerful or allow them to travel faster but it serves as the convenience for the player by letting get where they want to go with less real-world time spent. In that regard it would act the way syringe manufacture does, serving not as a tactical advantage but as a player convenience and server-load reducer.

If you enter a coordinate that is not a street square you get "You can't drive there." If you enter a coordinate that is too far for you to reach with your remaining AP you get "You are too tired to drive that far." A car once fueled could be used several times before running out of fuel. You cannot guard a car or reserve it. Once it has fuel any survivor with wirecutters and the Driving skill can use it. There would be a limited number of cars in the game. They could not be attacked and similarly no more could be created. There is no limit to the number of cars that can be moved to one square although it'd be hard to gather them all to one spot and keep them from being moved elsewhere so you wouldn't seriously need to worry about every car being in one spot, although it is completely possible that you wouldn't have any cars nearby. Zombies that feel like making survivor players take more time to walk places could stop cars from being used by standing in the street square with the cars. For every 10 zombies present one car would be off limits. Essentially if there are 4 cars present and 20 zombies only two cars could be driven off before the next would-be driver gets: "You can't reach the car through all the zombies."

In Conclusion: I know car suggestions are unpopular but I think I solved the major problems with them here. It wouldn't cost less AP. It wouldn't create a confusing quasi-new room of being in the car. It wouldn't create confusing car create and destruction processes. It would just let survivors use fuel to make travel more convenient for them and others, the same way fuel can be used to make syringe manufacture more convenient. It isn't like this would make travel safer, in UD you can't really fight someone who's moving. Convenient and reduces server stress. Plus it'd be interesting in the UD stats page to see which suburbs had the most cars parked in them.

Notes: 14/24 Keep/Total. See original votes for feedback.
Left Queue: 08:52, 20 June 2006 (BST)

March 14th, 2006

Advanced Character Skills

Timestamp: 00:07, 14 March 2006 (GMT)
Type: Advance Skills
Scope: Maxed out or High Level Characters
Description: A skill set of this type was first suggested by DicktheTech back on the suggestion page but was receiving many Kill votes (including mine) due to it not being a fully fleshed out idea. I liked the concept and thus have tried to put my own polish on his basic concept. So here goes...


What do you do once you maxed out the skill trees? There is no place left to go! Your XP just keeps accumulating with nothing to spend it on. The following proposal is designed to fix this problem.

I propose a new set of advanced skills for characters of level 10 or higher, for the veteran players to dump their accumulating XP into. Each skill would give a bonus to a particular attribute or skill and would stack with any existing skills and bonuses. Each new skill would appear at the end of their corresponding skill trees. Each level of the skill would cost an XP amount increasing incrementally with no cap. For example:

  • Skill Level [1] = 150xp, 150xp total.
  • Skill Level [2] = 300xp, 450xp total.
  • Skill Level [3] = 450xp, 900xp total.
  • Skill Level [4] = 600xp, 1500xp total.
  • Skill Level [5] = 750xp, 2250xp total.
  • Etc...

Alternate: Exponential increase (for discussion purposes):

  • Skill Level [1] = 100xp, 100xp total.
  • Skill Level [2] = 200xp, 300xp total.
  • Skill Level [3] = 400xp, 700xp total.
  • Skill Level [4] = 800xp, 1500xp total.
  • Skill Level [5] = 1600xp, 3100xp total.
  • Etc...

Note: Currently the Skills page states that a human character requires 2000XP to 2325XP to max their skills, Zombies require 1500-1600 xp.

The skills:


  • Expert Pistol Training [1] - A bonus of 1%/skill level to hit with pistol attacks.
  • Expert Shotgun Training [1] - A bonus of 1%/skill level to hit with shotgun attacks.
  • Expert Knife Combat [1] - A bonus of 1%/skill level to hit with knife attacks.
  • Expert Axe Proficiency [1] - A bonus of 1%/skill level to hit with Axe attacks.


  • Expert Medical Technique [1] - A bonus of 1 HP/skill level when using a first aide kit.


  • Graffiti Artistry [1] - Additional bonuses to spray cans and tagging XP bonuses (This skill is a bit vague, but I could not find information on the exact nature of the Tagging skill)
  • Ultimate bargain hunting - A bonus of 1%/skill level to searches in malls.
  • Extreme body building [1] - A bonus to 1HP/skill level to maximum health
  • Endurance [1] - A bonus of 1 AP/skill level to maximum AP.

Zombie Skills:

  • Ragged Claws [1] - A bonus of 1%/skill level to hit with claw attacks.
  • Jagged Teeth [1] - A bonus of 1%/skill level to hit with bite attacks.
  • Strengthened Sinues [1] - A bonus to 1HP/skill level to maximum health. This skill is a sub-skill of Brain Rot.
  • Unstoppable [1] - A bonus of 1 AP/skill level to maximum AP. This skill is a sub-skill of Brain Rot.

Pros: The pros for these skills is that it allows for some kind of further development for advanced characters. The cost for these skills is quite high for a relatively low payback, but what else are you going to do with that XP? It's nerfed pretty well so that I don't feel that will un-balance the game.

Cons: There a a few cons that I know people will jump all over so let me address them here.

  1. - These skills are slightly unbalanced toward Zombies. A zombie without brain rot could sink a bunch of XP into Extreme BodyBuilding and Endurance before taking brain rot to get the Strengthened Sinues and Unstoppable skills. This would give them an advantage over their warmer adversaries. I would also counter this by saying that most veteran zombies with a lot of built up XP would already have brain rot and thus would not be able to take advantage of this possibility.
  2. - These skills mess with AP. This seems to be a sacred cow with some people. My take on raising the max AP level is that it gives the player an advantage one day but gives them a dis-advantage the next. Since the AP recharge rate remains constant, the more AP used on one day means less AP available the next. I would be more concerned with any skill or item that messed with the recharge rate.
  3. - There are many veteran characters with massive amounts of XP saved up. These will become unstoppable supermen in a day! Granted I do not know how much XP some of the oldest characters have saved up, but looking at the amount of XP required to gain a 5% or 5 point bonus, and looking at the number of skills in which you can sink your XP, I don't see this as a big problem. Besides, if you have been playing for that long you deserve some sort of benefits.

Conclusion: This new set of skills gives veteran characters something to still strive for. I think that it is fairly well nerfed as not to not completely unbalance or destroy the game.

Notes: 17/29 Keep/Total. See original votes for feedback.
Left Queue: 09:06, 20 June 2006 (BST)

March 19th, 2006

Call of the Dead

Timestamp: 02:54, 19 March 2006 (GMT)
Type: Skill
Scope: Zombies
Description: A subskill of Feeding Groan to improve zombie communication. The zombie thanks to it's mutated and improved senses can call out to other specific zombies it knows on frequencies of sound too low for humans to hear and not really noticeable to zombies other than the target recipient. Here's how it would operate:

The zombie would be able to moan to attract the attention of a single specific mutual contact for 1AP. This sound is audible within ten spaces both indoors and outdoor (the low frequency can penetrate through wood and stone easier so unlike Feeding Groan it can be heard indoors). The spam prevention of having humans present is not required because unlike Feeding Groan you can only receive these calls from allies. Only the target zombie would receive a message which would look like this:

BubZombie called out to you from 8w 1n.

The moaning zombie would get a small confirmation sound as the target zombie involuntarily grunts in reponse. This sound does not give away the receiver's location and only occurs if the target zombie got the message, just so the groaning zombie doesn't waste AP after AP without knowing whether their target is in range. It would look like this:

You call out to ZombieMan. You hear a low moan in response.

What would be the purpose of this skill? It would allow zombies to effectively strategize without metagaming or any dialogue. Let's say you want to start an assault on a specific target. You can call out to four or five of your friends to assist you and they'll know your location and head on over. Then you can work together to break down the barricades. Upon encountering the survivors within you let out a Feeding Groan to call other zombies to the assault. A horde is effectively formed without zombies needing to talk or chat on forums.

Notes: 9/14 Keep/Total. See original votes for feedback.
Left Queue: 09:08, 20 June 2006 (BST)

March 21st, 2006

Syringes Go Stale

Timestamp: 09:57, 21 March 2006 (GMT)
Type: Balance Change
Scope: Items (Syringes)
Description: The overall prevalance of combat revives is placing a serious strain on the player-base. Since the advent of NecroNet, syringes have effectively lost their value and are being used as throwaway weapons.

I propose that syringes be time-limited - that they go "stale" after 4 days. During the four days after a syringe is made, it is fully-functional; however, after 4 days it becomes useless. This serves to eliminate the massive stockpiles of syringes and bring the game back into alignment with the stars and happiness of unicorns.

There are two potential modifications to this suggestion (aside from the time limit). Either of them could be implemented independantly.

  1. Only syringes created through NecroNet would expire. This would give incentive to search rather than to manufacture (and thus bring that part of the game back into play). I like this format.
  2. Whether or not syringes that expire would automatically be removed from the inventory is another question. One could argue that they would silently go bad, but it would be frustrating to stab a zombie with the needle only to find out that you've wasted an AP. I am ambivalent about this; I think it makes no difference either way.
Notes: 34/56 Keep/Total. See original votes for feedback.
Left Queue: 09:09, 20 June 2006 (BST)

Frenzied anticipation

Timestamp: 14:27, 21 March 2006 (GMT)
Type: Zombie skill
Scope: Barricade breaching zombies
Description: I suggest that we add a skill to the game, under memories of life, called Frenzied anticipation, which would give a bonus on a zombie's first attack after breaking through the barricades.

As your zombie gains more experience, he recognizes barricade smashing as the prelude to feasting, and thus his anticipation causes him to burst into a short frenzy when he finally manages to claw through a building. I would suggest a +15% bonus to hit if at least 4Aps were spent on both attacking barricades beforehand, and entering a building. The first 3Aps have to be 3 (or more) straight Aps of barricade smashing, and you must spend the next AP entering the building, or the bonus is lost. Thus you could not smash at the barricades three times then get the bonus against a human who is outside.

The (mechanical) logic behind this is that, if the survivors get better attacks because they search beforehand, than zombies could very well gain a small, onetime bonus from hitting barricades. Keep in mind this only applies to one attack per zombie getting through, and must be used inside a building after the long work of breaking down the barricades.

Note/Clarification: The suggestion is intended to work wether or not any of your 3 attacks on the barricades are successful, and to work even if you don't give it the final blow. Barricade smashing is a teamwork, even for zombies.

Notes: 9/15 Keep/Total. See original votes for feedback.
Left Queue: 09:09, 20 June 2006 (BST)

March 23rd, 2006

Assault Rifle

Timestamp: 19:43, 23 March 2006 (GMT)
Type: Item
Scope: New Weapon
Description: Naturally, an armory has more weapons than an average police station or gun store might have. One of these is the Assault Rifle.
  • Base hit = 10%
  • Basic Firearms Training = 25%
  • Rifle Training, under Basic Firearms Training = 40%
  • Advanced Rifle Training, under Rifle Training = 50%

An assault rifle can be fired in 3 ways. Clicking the rifle in your inventory changes the firing method.

  • Single shot: 5 damage
  • 3 shot burst, multiple zombies: 4 damage, seperate attack rolls, decreasing accuracy of 5% each shot
  • 3 shot burst, single zombie: 4 damage, attackes rolled in decreasing increments of 15%, if one attack misses, all consecutive attacks miss

What this means is that, single shot, the AR does the same damage as a pistol. 3 shot bursts, it does 1 less damage than a pistol to 3 zombies, each attack rolled seperately, with a maxxed-accuracy chance to hit going from 50% for the first zombie, 45% for the second, and 40% for the third.. With a 3 shot burst on a single zombie, at maxxed out accuracy, you would have a chance to hit of 50%, then 35%, then 20%. If the first shot misses, the other 2 can't hit, if the second misses, the last can't hit. ARs are only found in armories, and load 9-shot magazines, also only found in armories. Chance to find an AR is, say, 1%, AR ammo is 2%. Headshots only work in the single shot mode.

Note: Considering a limit to number of rifles in play at a time.

Notes: 4/8 Keep/Total. See original votes for feedback.
Left Queue: 09:11, 20 June 2006 (BST)

March 29th, 2006

XP for Reviving

Timestamp: 04:51, 29 March 2006 (BST)
Type: Balance change
Scope: Survivors
Description: Inspired by an above suggestion by Porgon. Since reviving costs an extra 10AP now it seems fair that the xp earned be higher as well. I suggest that reviving a zombie gives 10xp. At a ratio of 1xp earned to 3AP spent in finding and using the syringe this is by no means an overpowering buff. And scientists could use a better xp gain compared to combat characters.
Notes: 17/31 Keep/Total. See original votes for feedback.
Left Queue: 09:14, 20 June 2006 (BST)

XP Bonus for Infection

Timestamp: 06:12, 29 March 2006 (BST)
Type: XP bonus for zombies who infect a survivor
Scope: Zombies
Description: If a zombie infects a survivor who was not infected before with a bite, the zombie gets 1 XP. The bite attack is about the same percentage as finding and using a first aid kit.
Notes: 10/20 Keep/Total. See original votes for feedback.
Left Queue: 09:14, 20 June 2006 (BST)

XP Bonus For Barricade Destruction

Timestamp: MrAushvitz17:12, 29 March 2006 (BST)
Type: XP bonus for zombies who destroy barricades
Scope: Zombie XP Bonus, Perfect For Newbies
Description: XP Bonus For Barricade Destruction

As it is the subject for the day, this is one other suggestion of how to get zombies XP for "doing what they do" and "doing what they have to do."

This is not intended to give them an XP advantage, hardly, but to balance things out. Seeing as humans have a greater, easier variety of getting "extra XP" than zombies: FAK use on another survivor (+5), The various NT tech uses, books, dumping bodies outside, etc.

  • From now on, whenever a zombie finishes off the very last level of a barricade's destruction, they gain 3 bonus XP. This is the bonus "incentive" and "reward" for the destruction of survivor barricades.

Many may argue taking down such barricades are a reward in and of themselves. However, survivors gain 5 XP for using an FAK on a fellow survivor, which only costs 1 AP and 1 item. The longer, time consuming destruction of a barricade, is hardly comparable to 1 AP, gain 5 XP. So this bonus is a very small reward comparatively. Survivors putting up barricades, allows them to stay alive longer, avoiding zombification, that is a much greater reward for them, in and of iteself.

Zombies need to bypass barricades just to get at the survivors, and it is hardly 100% that a survivor may even be in the building chosen. Survivors, need merely step outside to find a zombie somewhere to attack, and start harvesting XP.

So, without explaining it's need any more than is nessesary, this is an important way for zombies to harvest XP. Especially during a "seige" surely that is a time when a zombie horde should be getting some experience while tearing at a building, for days or weeks at a time! Otherwise it is just a number of characters using all their AP, gaining little or no experience in the process.. quite pointless.

This is also a "reward" for zombies working together as a zombie mob (the "flip side" of the FAK use, helping their own fellow humans.) The zombie who has taken down the barricade may not have much or any AP remaining for entry and attack, but they still receive something for their efforts. Zombies cannot search and find items to boost their XP by other means.. this "newbie XP bonus" would definately make zombies more worthwhile, and playable.

Notes: 1/2 Keep/Total. See original votes for feedback.
Left Queue: 09:14, 20 June 2006 (BST)

Hit The Books!: XP Bonus For Book Use

Timestamp: MrAushvitz17:45, 29 March 2006 (BST)
Type: XP bonus for book use, in powered buildings
Scope: A further use for books, newspapers, poetry,
Description: Hit The Books!

To make the "science" classes a little less unapetizing to new players, I propose an "alternate" XP bonus, which stacks with existing XP bonuses, for survivors. This is NOT a skill.

Characters whose starting character class was a NecroTech Lab Assistant or Doctor, OR any other character who possesses at least 3 science skills are granted the following additional XP bonus:

Whever your character is in a "powered" building of the following types: Library, Museum, School, Cathedral, Church, Mansion; your character is granted the following bonus: Whenever you use a book, poetry book or newspaper, whenever that item is "used up" or gone as a result of use, you gain an additional +2 XP. In this manner, it is assumed your character is trying to conduct some manner of research, between-the-lines news, or source of inspiration that hopefully leads your character to some kind of hidden advantage against the zombies.

  • This bonus, albeit a meager one, can be easily accomplished for the "booksmart" player who may be searching for a number of items anyways.. the character may be examining scientific and theological subject matter simultaneously.. anything that might explain events that brought about the zombies to begin with, and how to eliminate them.
  • The basic "balancing" reason behind this is, there are 6 "science" skills.. but 9 "millitary" skills (one of which is "Free Running", a much needed skill to ANY survivor character, especially a scientist who wants to live through this!)
  • But taking a "science" character will mean to complete your skills tree it will be the longest road of all.. 2325 XP to finish!
  • This is a meager bonus, but it does allow characters to use items they may be finding anyways.. and it is an additional reason to have "powered" buildings of other specific types. "Think Tank" safehouses. Note: NT Buildings were not included on purpouse, their research tends to be more "hands on" and imbedded in the sciences, test and results, in short they might miss a lot of the "outside" causes to the zombification process.
Notes: 4/8 Keep/Total. See original votes for feedback.
Left Queue: 09:14, 20 June 2006 (BST)