Lexicon:East Grayside

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This page is a part of the Infection Lexicon. The information here is fan-created and should not be considered in-game canon. Please do not edit this page unless you are certain that the Lexicon has been completed.

The following is one of the files found on an unlabeled CD-R disc found in sector C4-Delta

The history of the suburb of East Grayside is typical, like the history of so many other suburbs in the city. It does serve as a good example of what an average suburb in Malton is like.

During its better days, East Grayside is well barricaded, with clinics established for wounded survivors. Bounty hunters partol the neighborhood, and remove those they deem hostile. Others kill or revive zombies present in the area. The whole place runs smoothly for the time being.

However, just like with every other suburb, East Grayside has its dark days. Throughout the quarantine, East Grayside lay in ruins many times, and there probably isn't anyone who remembers just how many times afterwards the survivors presence was established.

There are two ways survivors can lose their foothold in a suburb by the means of zombie attacks. Either, the concentration of zombies in the area increases steadily, as more and more zombies are attracted to the suburb, for whatever reasons zombies are attracted to suburbs. This usually results in a situation where the survivors don't have enough manpower and resources to maintain the suburb safe, and as a result, break-ins are allowed to happen, and people die. You can usually see the warning signs of such a buildup of zombies for a while before it becomes dangerous to be within a mile of it. That is why such buildups usually result in low casualties - the only people who die are those who stay behind and attempt to continue the fight, even though they are very likely to lose it.

The other way you lose a suburb is by an attack of a horde. Zombies capable of organizing themselves into a coherent fighting force (if you can what zombies do "fighting"), are significantly more dangerous than a bunch of undead who heard that you could eat a tasty brain in the particular suburb, and just come along for the ride. Hordes can attack with little prior warning (though there are usually signs, spread by their sympathizers), and so a suburb like East Grayside can be rendered dead overnight.

East Grayside itself experienced both types of the attacks since the beginning of the quarantine. Initially, there were no hordes, but since they started appearing, East Grayside suffered several such attacks. The whole cycle continues, just like the life-death-life-death cycle of almost every individual in the city. It is probably impossible for the survivors to hold Grayside indefinitely. Similarly, from what we've seen already, the zombies will probably never achieve total domination over Malton

_PGP SIGNATURE VERIFIED: Darren Answell (2039F21A)_


(Daranz 16:21, 9 February 2007 (UTC))