Talk:Feral Undead/archive
An olive branch with meat on it For those of you that I have not yet met, I am Dr. Schwan, head of revivification research at the Colglough building in the area that you refer to as Whittenwood. Having had numerous dealings with your group members, I decided it may be time to introduce myself, extend an offer of friendship, and propose a working alliance. As you can see from the products in my Dr. Schwan’s Essentials and Dr. Schwan's Culinary culinary product lines (the latter of which contains my special Feral Undead Seasoning Salt Blend),our goals are not incompatible: You wish for a place where ferals can be feral and I wish to improve the situation of all persons, living and undead, through the use of Necrotech science. We live and operate in the same area, so I believe it would be best if we could come to an arrangement. As I realize that you are a loosely organized group based upon the principles of individual zombie liberty, I propose this truce to your members rather than to your group as a whole. My proposal is as follows:
For my Part
1. I will continue my research within the Colglough building and make beneficial products available to your group once they are fully tested.
2. For the aforementioned testing, I will refrain from performing invasive tests on members of your group without consent.
3. I will make revivification services available to your group members at my facility and the adjacent areas including brainrot revives for those of your members interested
4. Upon request, I will honor “no revive zones” specified by you within Whittenside, provided they do not conflict with specified revive zones
5. I will defend, to the best of my ability, those of your members in a living state who seek refuge within the walls of Colglough
6. I will offer my services to perform exploratory vivisection on those individuals who should wrong your group in ways not in keeping with reason, civility, or natural law.
In exchange I ask that you and your close allies
1. Refrain from breaking into Colglough as much as is possible unless you are doing so to request a brainrot revive
2. If a brainrot revive is required, refrain from damaging the building, objects of art, generator or inhabitants long enough for it to be rendered
3. Do your part to prevent unwarranted PKing or Gking within the walls of Colglough, refraining from committing such acts and discouraging others from committing them (with force if necessary)
4. Help in the elimination where needed of those individuals who should wrong my group or the inhabitants of Colglough in ways not in keeping with reason, civility, or natural law.
5. Refrain as much as possible from attacking me or members of my staff while we are within a building. (if we stand between you and a ruined building we will fully understand the removal of our persons from the premises. Colglough being the exception to this rule)
1. In accordance with your feral nature, I do not expect immunity from physical harm for me and mine while on the street or within a ruined building.
2. Alternately, you should not expect me to refrain from revivifying members of your group outside of the designated no-revive points
3. In accordance with the loosely structured nature of your group, I do not expect strict adherence by all members of your group, nor should you of mine, in order to maintain this agreement, but rather propose this as a basic guideline. Absolute guarantees of adherence to these rules are beyond my power to make, but I can speak for myself, my allies, and my staff
4. I will not revive in or outside the fort Perryn Gatehouse nor will I pursue vengeance of any sort within its walls
Should you collectively accept the terms of this agreement or wish to propose a counter to them, please contact me on my talk page accessible through the signature that follows. Should you collectivly reject my proposal outright, please feel free to remove it from your discussion page in the interest of preventing clutter
--Albert Schwan(TALK)(GROUP)(PROFILE) 00:34, 12 March 2010 (UTC)
To the FU, Undeadites, and Militant Order of Barhah on our recent encounter Congratulations appear to be in order for your teams in Whittenside. The takedown on the Colglough Building and St. Anne’s was well orchestrated. I am sure it was a walk in the park after the fort but still I must give credit where it is due. I saw a lot of familiar gnashing teeth in there from the Militant Order of Barhah, the Undeadites, and the FU. My group will of course attempt to rebuild; it was time that we redecorated anyway, but I do not know if the blood splatter is quite what I had in mind. I have but one complaint on your operation: for fanatic zombie groups, there was a lot of shambling and biting but a noted lack of colorful zombie battle cries. I suppose I just expected that with this many heavy hitters in the group there would be a bit more flavor (pardon the pun) to the massacre. To your credit, the sole voice of within the crowd was one of your members names Asnexed who was by far out-Barhah-ing the Militant Order. Give that guy a commendation for keeping things interesting. The rest of you, next time try to bring you’re a game because a takedown isn’t a takedown without some good zamgrh trash-talking. Ah well, I will get over it in time. Once the rebuilding is done feel free to stop back by, there will always be a needle waiting.--Albert Schwan(TALK)(GROUP)(PROFILE) 21:40, 28 March 2010 (BST)