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The last two skills are of the rot variety and the first of these, [[Brain Rot]], represents what is probably the only major decision a zombie will ever have to make. One of the two effects of this skill is that it makes it much harder for your DNA to be extracted, which denies any would-be scientist a couple of easy XPs. Also, if you're in the mood to frustrate the survivor cause a little further, you can head on over to your nearest [[revive point]] and use this skill to disrupt the queue. How? This is where the second aspect of this skill comes in - it's impossible to revive a rotted zombie, and as zombies at revive points always form a nice orderly queue, any zombies standing behind the rotted zed can't be revived until the rotter in front has either moved or been removed by force.
The last two skills are of the rot variety and the first of these, [[Brain Rot]], represents what is probably the only major decision a zombie will ever have to make. One of the two effects of this skill is that it makes it much harder for your DNA to be extracted, which denies any would-be scientist a couple of easy XPs. Also, if you're in the mood to frustrate the survivor cause a little further, you can head on over to your nearest [[revive point]] and use this skill to disrupt the queue. How? This is where the second aspect of this skill comes in - it's impossible to revive a rotted zombie, and as zombies at revive points always form a nice orderly queue, any zombies standing behind the rotted zed can't be revived until the rotter in front has either moved or been removed by force.

All good fun, especially you feel strongly about making Malton 100% zombified. However, this skill has one vital aspect which must be considered before taking it - it is nearly impossible to revive a Brain Rotted zombie. Obtain this skill and chances are you'll never breath again. If you plan on ever becoming human again, do not get rotted. If you're part of a group, the decision if and when to get the rot will probably depend on the tactics your group uses - some players within zombie groups will deliberately avoid getting this skill as being revived will enable them to scout closed buildings and destroy generators, while other groups will encourage getting this skill early. If you've decided to go feral, it's probably best to leave this skill for later.
All good fun, especially you feel strongly about making Malton 100% zombified. However, this skill has one vital aspect which must be considered before taking it - it is nearly impossible to revive a Brain Rotted zombie. Obtain this skill and chances are you'll never breath again. If you plan on ever becoming human again (either to gain some useful survivor skills or if you just fancy changing sides for a while), do not get rotted. If you're part of a group, the decision if and when to get the rot will probably depend on the tactics your group uses - some players within zombie groups will deliberately avoid getting this skill as being revived will enable them to scout closed buildings and destroy generators, while other groups will encourage getting this skill early. If you've decided to go feral, it's probably best to leave this skill for later.

The last skill, which can only be obtained after Brain Rot, is [[Flesh Rot]] which will increase your maximum hit points from 50 to 60. All well and good, until you remember that hit points aren't especially important to a zombie. The point at which you gain this skill will depend on whether you choose to get Brain Rot or not. Of course, you can replicate the effects of this skill using some human skills and equipment - this will be covered further down the page.
The last skill, which can only be obtained after Brain Rot, is [[Flesh Rot]] which will increase your maximum hit points from 50 to 60. All well and good, until you remember that hit points aren't especially important to a zombie. The point at which you gain this skill will depend on whether you choose to get Brain Rot or not. Of course, you can replicate the effects of this skill using some human skills and equipment - this will be covered further down the page.

Revision as of 14:44, 5 January 2010

So you've decided to swell the ranks of the undead huh? This certainly is an interesting career move, and one which poses many problems and dilemmas. After all, it's a zombie-eat-human-shoot-zombie world out there in Malton, and you want to get to the top of the pile as quickly as possible. So what's the best way to do this?

Go it alone, or be a team player?

A certain children's TV character once said "It's not easy bein' green", and that's especially true when the green bit just happens to be your brain. The basic key to getting stronger is racking up experience points, and when you're a baby zombie the only way to do this is to attack and kill survivors.

And this brings up your first problem - how do you find your targets? Many zombies in Malton are feral, just living the outdoors life by wandering around town on the off-chance that they'll stumble across a foolish human sleeping in the street after failing to ration their Action Points properly. You may have a limited amount of success doing this, especially if you're in a relatively safe suburb and the locals are living in a false sense of security, but this is unlikely. If you happen to come across a building that is only lightly or loosely barricaded, you could try smashing at the door a few times but unless you have the required skills, you'll quickly find out this is a complete waste of time. Living (or rather un-living) this way will just mean slow progress and one bored and hungry zombie.

If you want to find plenty of juicy targets, your best bet would be to join one of Malton's organised zombie groups (or at least tag along). Yes that's right, organised groups - contrary what you've seen in the movies, Malton's zombies are not mindless shambling oafs. They're a special breed capable of co-ordinated, organised attacks, and it's only through a joint effort that zombies have any real hope of breaking into an extremely heavily barricaded building.

These organised groups rarely stay in one place, roving from one suburb to another, tearing down the local defences en masse, gorging themselves on the yumminess inside, then moving on to redder pastures. Some groups actively help baby zombies to grow big and strong by opening up buildings, attacking the survivors inside until they're almost dead, then dragging them out into the street for the young'uns outside to finish off. When you're a fresh-faced zombie looking to make it in this crazy world, groups really are the way to go - after all, a kill equals 10 XP, and getting fresh meat delivered to you allows you to quickly rack up these points with minimal effort.

Zombie skills - u haz dem

So you've been feasting away on the locals, you've made a few kills and your zombie has reached the 100 XP milestone. Now you're left with a happy dilemma - what fruit to pick first from the tree of skills? Some of the skills available are absolutely vital for turning you into a lean green killing machine, others are good for helping you help others, while others are just plain fun (from a zombie's point of view anyway).

Happy feet

One obvious disadvantage faced by new zombies is their lack of mobility - it takes twice as much effort for them to move from block to block compared to survivors and older zombies. Therefore, when it comes to selecting your first skill, Lurching Gait is an absolute must. After all, if your horde is moving to a new suburb, you'll need to keep up with them to gain the maximum benefits. On the other hand, if you've chosen to go it alone, Lurching Gait will allow you a bigger hunting ground as you'll be able to cover a larger area each day.

Unfortunately, this isn't the end to all your problems in the department as zombies have yet another weakness - they simply aren't endowed with the hand-eye co-ordination of a human. Walking with a healthy lurch is all well and good, but what happens when you've fallen? Getting killed then getting back up takes a lot of effort - 10 AP in fact - and it gets even worse if you've been Headshot. This is where Ankle Grab, the second essential zombie skill, comes into play. With this, a bullet in the brain will never bother you again... well, it will (having a bullet rattling around in your skull must be an odd sensation), but it won't cause you to waste a sizeable chunk of your daily action points.

Get your claws out for the lads

Okay soldier, we've got your legs sorted out, now let's work on those arms! A zombie's claws are their primary weapon - for starters, they're the only thing they have to attack barricades with (zombies attempting to nibble on barricades will quickly find out they're not at all nutritious). For low level zombies, these are your only effective weapon as bite attacks only have a 10% chance of success (unless you started out as a corpse, in which case you can add another 10% to this), so it makes sense to strengthen your claws as quickly as possible.

If you started out as a zombie, you'll already have Vigour Mortis - if not, you'll have to get this skill very early in order to get some sort of meaningful attack capability. Once you have this, four new claw-based skills are available to you (plus one bite skill, which we'll come to later). Death Grip gives an extra 15% chance of landing a strike and Rend Flesh increases the damage dealt by each attack, so these two should be next on your list. This is followed by Tangling Grasp - with this skill, any successful hand attacks will result in your zombie grabbing hold of its victim meaning that, while they're getting up close and personal, any attacks get an extra 10% chance of success. Obviously this is good, not just for your hand attacks but also for biting, so Tangling Grasp is another essential skill.

The fourth claw-based skill, Feeding Drag, enables your zombie to drag a dying survivor out of the building and into the street. When you're just starting out on the road to zombiehood, this skill isn't really important to you at this stage as it is mostly used by older zombies for helping low level zombies get some early kills under their belt. The only time you'd be using this for yourself would be when attacking survivors in a dark building - all attack percentages are halved here, so it makes sense to drag the unfortunate victim into broad daylight at the earliest opportunity and finish them off nice and quick. Other then that, Feeding Drag serves no vital purpose so this skill can be safely left for later.

The smells of success

Once you've got your arms and legs sorted, the next area for improvement is your head. However, before we begin work on those teeth, let's take a look at the nose as, surprisingly enough, a zombie's nose can be just as important when it comes to making him (or her) an effective killer. The first nose-based skill is Scent Fear which enables a zombie to tell which (if any survivors) are injured or dying. This skill happens to be the root of the scent skills, so it must be gained first before any other the others. The next skill on this list is Scent Blood, which expands on Scent Fear by telling you the exact number of Hit Points each survivor in your building / block has.

The quickest way for a zombie to gain experience points and new skills is making kills, and this is the reason why these two skills are so useful. Before now, when faced with a group of survivors, you would have to physically attack each one to determine which one was the weakest, but gaining these two skills enable you to target the weakest survivors first, therefore increasing your chances of making a kill and getting that extra 10 XP. Yes, these are very useful skills to have, and should be high on your shopping list.

Scent Trail enables a zombie a trail a human its recently had contact with - this may be good if some cheeky NecroTech scientist has ticked you off by extracting your DNA and scoring some points off you, or if someone has used you for target practice but were unable to finish the job. Assuming these people are still breathing within 10 blocks of your current position, you'll be able to find them and potentially dish out some justice undead-style. On the other hand, Scent Death enables you to keep track of zombies and bodies in your vicinity, and will also identify if any of these zombies are part of your horde.

Unlike Scent Fear and Scent Blood, these last two skills aren't particularly important and can be safely left for later - after all, there's still some other parts of your body which need a workout...

Flashing those gnashers

The teeth are the secondary means of dishing out pain and hurt to the breathing masses (or to other zombies, if you're that way inclined). Although ineffective at first due to their relatively low chances of scoring a hit, the combination of Vigour Mortis and Neck Lurch quickly bring your pearly-whites into play. Combined still further with Tangling Grasp, and your zombie will have a dental record that even the bravest dentist won't dare to criticise.

Two other bite-based skills are available to zombies. Digestion enables a zombie to increase their hit points either by biting an enemy or by feasting on a corpse. A fun and easy way to regain your health... surely an essential skill to have, right?

Not necessarily.

If you're wondering why, just ask yourself this question: what happens when a zombie reaches zero hit points? Answer? They just stand up and carry on doing whatever it was they were doing. There's no need to go out of your way to find a revive point, no finite amount of lives, and precious little in the way of consequences. A zombie feels no pain, its flesh is expendable. Unless you're overly concerned about other players scoring points off your character, there really isn't any need to worry about how many hit points are remaining. This is one area which can be safely neglected, therefore Digestion can be left for later.

The second of these skills is Infectious Bite, which can only be obtained after Digestion. This skill does exactly what it says on the tin - it makes your bite infectious. Nibble away at a human and, if they're fortunate enough to slip away and don't fancy dying, they will have to either use a first aid kit on themselves, waste precious hit points finding a hospital and finding a FAK, or waste time finding a safehouse and asking its inhabitants nicely if they could dispense a little healing. Unfortunately, this is the only way you can damage a survivor and not gain any XP from it, although it does leave you with the warm glow knowing you've somewhat inconvenienced a rival. In other words, this skill is pure sadism.

Thanks for the memories

Despite starting out as beings of limited abilities, Malton zombies can quickly relearn new skills that they took for granted before the outbreak, starting off with Memories of Life. That's right, for just a hundred XPs, your zombie can be just like Bub from Day of the Dead... except you won't be able to fire guns... or use a toothbrush... or know what the hell to do with a book... but you will be able to open doors, and when your claws are powerful enough to tear down barricades, being able to open doors afterwards can be very useful (especially when you're hungry and there's a building full of breathers just waiting to sustain you).

Once you have obtained Memories of Life, a number of other skills become available to you and, although these aren't as useful to a lone zombie as Memories of Life, two of these skills (Feeding Groan and Flailing Gesture), quickly come into play when working with other zeds. Feeding Groans are an all-too-common sound in the city - they're basically zombie-speak for "Dinner is served", usually indicating that a building has just been breached and some yummy morsels await. As soon as you have entered a building, it's best to emit a feeding groan as soon as possible in order to quickly attract ferals before the residents can escape or re-secure their building. On the other hand, Flailing Gestures can be used in other situations, albeit not so commonly. For example, you've been doing a number on a building's barricades but you're not quite to breach them - if there are any zombies nearby, you can go to them and gesture towards the building, and hope they take the hint that you want them to finish the job. Likewise, if you've entered a building with survivors and zombies, you can gesture towards a survivor to indicate that's the one who should be taken out first.

Another skill in this tree is Ransack, which is a key skill in the larger scope of the human-zombie struggle as ransacking (then ruining) a building makes it impossible to light the building and makes searching very difficult. This of course means that items such as the NecroTech Revivification Syringe, weapons and ammunition would be much harder to come by, thus hampering the human effort. For a new zombie however, this skill is hardly essential and can be left for later. Lastly, there's Death Rattle, a skill which opens up a whole new vocabulary to you - unfortunately, this language is only of any real use if you happen to keep a dictionary close to hand, and so this skill is rarely used. Indeed, the only zombie word which has any real use seems to be "Mrh?"

Being a rotter

The last two skills are of the rot variety and the first of these, Brain Rot, represents what is probably the only major decision a zombie will ever have to make. One of the two effects of this skill is that it makes it much harder for your DNA to be extracted, which denies any would-be scientist a couple of easy XPs. Also, if you're in the mood to frustrate the survivor cause a little further, you can head on over to your nearest revive point and use this skill to disrupt the queue. How? This is where the second aspect of this skill comes in - it's impossible to revive a rotted zombie, and as zombies at revive points always form a nice orderly queue, any zombies standing behind the rotted zed can't be revived until the rotter in front has either moved or been removed by force.

All good fun, especially you feel strongly about making Malton 100% zombified. However, this skill has one vital aspect which must be considered before taking it - it is nearly impossible to revive a Brain Rotted zombie. Obtain this skill and chances are you'll never breath again. If you plan on ever becoming human again (either to gain some useful survivor skills or if you just fancy changing sides for a while), do not get rotted. If you're part of a group, the decision if and when to get the rot will probably depend on the tactics your group uses - some players within zombie groups will deliberately avoid getting this skill as being revived will enable them to scout closed buildings and destroy generators, while other groups will encourage getting this skill early. If you've decided to go feral, it's probably best to leave this skill for later.

The last skill, which can only be obtained after Brain Rot, is Flesh Rot which will increase your maximum hit points from 50 to 60. All well and good, until you remember that hit points aren't especially important to a zombie. The point at which you gain this skill will depend on whether you choose to get Brain Rot or not. Of course, you can replicate the effects of this skill using some human skills and equipment - this will be covered further down the page.


  1. Lurching Gait
  2. Ankle Grab
  3. Vigour Mortis
  4. Death Grip
  5. Rend Flesh
  6. Tangling Grasp
  7. Scent Fear
  8. Scent Blood
  9. Neck Lurch
  10. Memories of Life
  11. Feeding Drag
  12. Feeding Groan
  13. Ransack
  14. Digestion
  15. Infectious Bite
  16. Scent Trail
  17. Scent Death
  18. Death Rattle
  19. Flailing Gesture
  20. Brain Rot
  21. Flesh Rot

Beyond the max