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I've been playing Urban Dead for 3 years now and I pretty much concentrates on revival, healing and shooting zombies on Urban Dead as well as resource building status reporting here on this wiki.

I'm mostly traveling alone and not in any group but do say hi if you see me in game.

Current activities

23 June 2011 - I love how zombie players are whining about how they can't break the game because Kevan is !!UNFAIR!! and is punishing the ~already disadvantaged~ zombies. UHM WHUT? Excuse you, zombies can't be killed and the dead are a bunch of trolls that are trying to kill all the furries and trenchers in the game (Personally I find it funny that I never seen any of those extreme furries that they cite as examples, although I would like to add creepy lesbian rping into their list, I've been seeing that A LOT lately. Thanks a lot Cryptkeepers and a bunch of other people. Keep your rapey PDA to your own forums thanks.) and if you do the CRAP tactic, they'll just rise as Globetrotter (yes, the other 'no ads on group page but a single dumb pic and yet has lots of member' group is also part of them) as murder you as a pker. Ah glorious, please keep whining. Your pattern of horde movement is getting a little predictable. Certain survivors can be irritating, I admit, and I do like it when zombies are active, it's more challenging, but whining about how you are disadvantaged (REALLY? lol don't get me into the mood about ranting that you barely need 3-4 skills to be efficient as a zombie but at least 6-7 to be an effective survivor) and how Kevan is bullying you with higher search rates just shows that you're the same level as those furries and trenchers you are so lovingly killing.

18 June 2011 - 8(?) hours after logging into my roomie's alt, I'm still struggling between horrified and finding it hilarious, all thanks to the z at Club Brookeman who greeted her alt with a banana gangbang performance. If only more Zs are hilarious like this, Malton would be a more fun city to play in, lol.

Zombie spies have been parachuting into resource buildings as well as staying silently in the mall in Shearbank. The zombie hordes are also making their way up in East Becktown too so if you're a new player, do move to other suburbs. I find it funny (and I'm sure the z hordes don't) that survivors are rebuilding whatever the zombies destroyed the day before when the Zs leave the suburbs. Our % is increasing too. Perhaps the River Tactics is working?

4 June 2011 - The stupidity of this suggestion knows no bounds. I seriously wonder about the people who wants the total zombie apocalypse, do they actually knows what will happen? No survivors, total zombie wasteland, all buildings ruined. What are you going to fight against? What enjoyment can you derived from that? There will be no groups, just hordes of zombies wandering aimlessly and possibly eating each other out. Permadeath. No one new will want to play this game because what the heck are you going to play? New characters can't even revive because the NT buildings will be ruined, you can't repair it without toolbox but you can't get toolbox with malls and factories ruined, you've to stay alive long enough to get syringes, toolbox, construction and Lab Experience skills to even bother to do revival. Look at how lively the other two permadeath cities are. Yippee! *facepalm* I'm highly tempted to quit this game lately, certain people's stupidity/seriousness is making this whole game a drag.

Previous Entries

User Statistics
Name: Crystal Roselle
Profession: Reporter/Scientist/Medic
Age: 23
Group: (none)
Level: 43
Experience: 2303
Goals: Revival, healing & status reports
Character: Crystal Roselle
Journal: Survivor Tactics
Working on: None. Any suggestions?
Finished work: Hospital Information Center
ZombieHand.gif Proud To Be Alive
This user is a survivor and proud of it.
Sgpicon1.gif Sacred Ground Policy Supporter
This user supports the Sacred Ground Policy.
Handinhanddp1.png Pay It Forward
This User Pays It Forward.
Syringe.jpg Planned Revivification
This user or group supports
organized revivification.
Revive.gif Revivification Requests
Undead? Want to breathe again?
Make a Revivification Request! (Dead Link)
RiverlogoS.gif Supporter of River Tactics
I flow into the void.
UwarS.GIF Supporter of Urban Warfare Doctrine
I fight block by block
SSZlogo2.jpg Survivor Security Zone
(Your Name Here) helps to protect the Survivor Security Zone.
Nobrain.png Ban Stupidity
This user or group does not tolerate stupid people.
Kittens.jpg Stupid Suggestions!
Whenever you make a stupid Suggestion, God kills a kitten. Stop killing kittens.
Malton-coat-of-arms.gif Population of Malton

Active Characters: 4185
Survivors: 1476 (52%)
Zombies: 1321 (48%)
Dead bodies: 1247
Revivifying bodies: 141
Standing Zombie Hunters: 1069

22:47, 9 May 2024 (UTC)