Red Guards of Williamsville

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The Red Guards of Williamsville
Abbreviation: RGoW
Group Numbers: 14
Leadership: Pvt De, Fireman22 and Andrewzz
Goals: Keep williamsville out of zed claws
Recruitment Policy: Southwestern survivors that are not pkers. Check here
Contact: Our Forums

The Very Few

The Red Guards of Williamsville, a Williamsville-based group created from the ashes of the old M.S.L.F. Dedicated to the cause of defending Williamsville and assisting its residents in daily life. We aim to put our lives on the line for the greatest suburb of Malton, and have fun doing it; Long Live Eddie Bullor!

Clock anime2.gif GMT Date/Time
Sunday, 2 Jun 2024



These are the ranks of the Guard, in ascending order [Highest to lowest]

E-10 - Colonel

E-9 - Lieutenant-Colonel

E-8 - Major

E-7 - Captain

E-6 - First Lieutenant

E-5 - Second Lieutenant

E-4 - Sergeant

E-3 - Corporal

E-2 - Private First Class

E-1 - Private


   * Pvt De[Col.]
   * Fireman22[Col.]
   * Andrewzz[Col.]
   * Lysis[1st-Lt.]
   * Insomniac Clock[2nd-Lt.]
   * Mattheezy[Sgt.]
   * Donald Cartter[Sgt.]
   * Joshua Kennedy[Cprl.]
   * Sarom[Cprl.]
   * Cedric Daniels[Cprl.]
   * Rith Hazin[Cprl.]
   * Hellkite55[Cprl.]
   * xRTGx[Pvt-1st-class.]
   * Malcolm Creigt[Pvt.]
Members.gif Forums
This group uses a forum for communications.

Red Guards of Williamsville's HQs

the Bullor Arms(Main), the Howord Arms, the Jervis Arms and Gartell Towers.

These four bases should be powered up with a generator and radio transmitter.


1) We only Player kill troublemakers.

2) We don't like combat reviving, and SHOULD avoid this at all cost.

3) We like having random fun.

4) We don't zerg.

5) We respect friends and enemies alike.

6) We don't kill zombies waiting for a revive at a RP unless is a known troublemaker.

7) We enjoy roleplaying

Red Guards of Williamsvile is dedicated to helping those in need that are in Williamsville and the surrounding suburbs.

Red Guard members' Wiki Account

Pvt De



Joshua Kennedy


The Randoms (exASB)(WDC)

Tactical Area Rescue (exASB)

The Cabal of Old Malton

Deck of 52 (WDC)

Zombie Juice (WDC)

Anti-thesis (Andrewzz has Disbanded it) (WDC)


The Red Guards of Williamsville support the Random Revive Policy
Sgpicon1.gif Sacred Ground Policy Supporter
This user or group supports the Sacred Ground Policy and acknowledges that all Cemeteries in the city of Malton are considered Revivification Points.
Ubpicon1.gif Uniform Barricading Policy Supporter
This User or Group supports the Uniform Barricading Policy by actively maintaining barricades according to local plan or UBP standard.
Mpd.png Report PKers!
Don't let them get away with murder! Register them on the Rogues Gallery. (Dead Link)
Syringe.jpg Planned Revivification
This user or group supports
organized revivification.
Mercinaries.jpg Heavy Arms
This user or group has Heavy Arms and will use them if provoked.