Annus Horribilis

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Abbreviation: AH
Group Numbers: <10
Leadership: Communal
Goals: To unite those who would do harm in Wyke Hills
Recruitment Policy: Zombies and Death Cultists
Contact: Talk Page


The first duty of every zombie is to barhah, whether it's philosophic barhah or political barhah or personal barhah! It is the guiding principle on which this group is based! If you can't find it within yourself to stand up and take a headshot, you don't deserve to dine on harman bra!nz.

Anyone may join our murderous little clan, just add Annus Horribilis to your profile's group affiliation and start doing whatever possible to keep Wyke Hills in ruins. PK victims should be Level 10 and above. PKing is big AND clever. As for zombies, just eat anyone in the way of a ruin. And don't forget to feed the ferals!

Click here to see our targets

What We Do

We are a highly coordinated group of both zombies and death cultists who operate in the fair suburb of Wyke Hills. Wyke Hills is notorious for being consistently within survivor control, to such an extent that zombies passing through see nothing but barricades, and find it impossible to accomplish anything at all. To counter this, we launch frequent and organized attacks on buildings throughout the suburb, thus enabling any and all passing zombies to find food, or at the very least, somewhere to sleep with a roof over their heads.

Who We Do (And in What Orifice)

We recognize only two groups in Wyke Hills. All others have little effect both on us and the suburb as a whole.

The larger of these is Rotter's Relief. They attempt to use the Wicksted Building as a Brain Rot Revivification Clinic, and as such, it will very rarely be barricaded, is often filled with delicious brains, and doesn't take a whole group to get to them. We harass them whenever we don't have other plans. These tend to be days that we aren't in the mood to hold our victims down in the traditional sense, but we can rest assured that those inside are doomed regardless, so they get it in the ear.

The less numerous, but more significant group is Wulves. They formed alongside us, and, were they fighting for a more just cause (namely barhah), then they could even be confused with us. As such, we have developed a friendly rivalry of sorts. We generally refrain from tearing them any new orifices, instead using whatever we grab first, just in case they manage to struggle free.

You Can Too!

In order to help zombies and death cultists in the area work as a single, functioning group, we'll gladly keep you informed as to what we plan to do, what we expect ferals and foes to do, and occasionally provide obscure geographical tips that could otherwise only be learned through months of experience in the area.

We primarily use the DSS Satellite Phone to communicate. If you use Firefox, get one yourself, and call us up. If not, either PM us on barhah dot com, or email us. See below for who to call

Satellite Phone Email
887-7728 TripleU tripleu3u (at gmail)
Before us is only joy. Only behind us does darkness thrive.


Reference: Profile Database - Map

Group Strategy: Beachhead Tactics - Strike Teams

Individual Strategy: Claw for Grasp, Bite for Threes - False Defender Tactics