Five Miles Over Chicago

From The Urban Dead Wiki
Revision as of 22:05, 13 November 2010 by Labine50 (talk | contribs) (New page: {{groupbox| group_name=Five Miles Over Chicago| group_image=How does this wiki image thing work again?| group_abbrev=FMOC| group_membership=Like 6 or something.| group_leaders=Labine10 was...)
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Five Miles Over Chicago
How does this wiki image thing work again?
Abbreviation: FMOC
Group Numbers: Like 6 or something.
Leadership: Labine10 was informed he was leader.
Goals: I 'unno, being awesome?
Recruitment Policy: Talk page. We have one. Use it.
Contact: Forum

Five Miles Over Chicago is a group of survivors that don't actually like Urban Dead. We're just playing to be ironic. I mean, I guess it's OK to drink fair trade coffee and listen to Arcade Fire all day, but if you really want ironic? Look no further. We're all about irony. Everything we do is ironic somehow. It's too bad if you just can't understand that sort of thing. I guess we just aren't mainstream enough for you.

Headline text

Do you see what I did there? I just clicked the "New Headline" button and didn't bother changing the default text. It's pretty ironic. I just thought I should point that out since you probably didn't "get" it.

Anyways, we're cruising Reganbank right now. You can probably join, if you're cool enough. You'll know if you are because Stephen will give you that little nod cool people give the less fortunate, to let them know there just may be hope for them yet.

Our HQ is Nuth Row Fire Station because I said so.


This is the part where I type "These are our members" even though you already knew that from the headline up there. You already knew that. I just wanted to point out how every group page does that, so we're going to as well. We're so non-conformist, we conform but for all the wrong reasons.


"I don't think you know what Communism means." Bio: He used to roll with those cats over at the DEM, but they were all about the conforming and that just didn't jive with him, so he was all "Later guys I'm out." Straight up. I was there, it went down just like that. Hobbies: Baking to be ironic, listening to ironic 80's music.

Commander O'Neil

"WOAH, SIT DOWN, YOU'VE LEFT YOUR LEGS BEHIND!" Bio: This other dude from the DEM, but he was just way too chill for that noise. Was in some French Fail Legion or something like that but screw that. Hobbies: I dunno actually, but he probably plays Poker or something.

I'll add the rest of the guys whenever. Probably.

"Mission Statement" or some shit like that

We're here to spread the word, man. Everyone in this game is all uptight and when you're all "Dude, just chill" then they get all up in your grill about it. Whatever man. We're just gonna do our thing and if that's fly with you then all the more power to you.