UDWiki talk:Administration/Policy Discussion/Recruitment

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Yeah, so because of all the talk over at arbitration, the back and forwards discussion going nowhere, and no one being willing to write a policy, I decided I'd write a draft and put it up here. Please help make this a workable policy so we can avoid the tedious amounts of drama that the Recruitment page is currently causing. - User:Whitehouse 16:50, 21 December 2008 (UTC)

God I'm Tired. So using an example. BSLS/Recruit been up for a while. What changes to existing guidelines are being proposed? Would example template (If timestamped) be acceptable? --RosslessnessWant a Location Image? 17:23, 21 December 2008 (UTC)
Apart from lacking the category for group subpages, that ad would be fine while timestamped. There are not that many changes that would affect the ads currently on the page. What this attempts to do is make all the current rules plus a few minor changes into a policy. Apparently as it currently stands, we have no way of changing the rules unless everyone agrees to it. Once it becomes a policy, changing rules will become the will of the majority, and wont be hindered by just a few people stubbornly refusing to cooperate (although I hope we wont have to make changes for a long time). One of the changes to the current rules is that alliances (this is where the trouble started) can have their member groups recruit separately, instead of being limited to one single ad. Another change which I feel somewhat unsure about is that I have not included the rules for editing out via <!--/--> instead of just removing ads entirely. Editing out has always felt somewhat pointless as it leaves a link to the groups page, allowing them to semi advertise even though their ad didn't follow the rules. - User:Whitehouse 17:43, 21 December 2008 (UTC)

As I've explained a few time now -- this isn't official policy material. We don't need a policy for a non-Admin page like Recruitment. We just need some fucking common sense, is all. On top of that..... TL;DNR. --WanYao 17:45, 21 December 2008 (UTC)

We have policies for historical groups and historical events, why not Recruitment too if it's causing such a problem. - User:Whitehouse 17:51, 21 December 2008 (UTC)
Your plan will add a whack of red tape and complication to what really out to be a simple process, making change a lot harder -- not easier. Instead, you should write a concise version of the organisation/alliance rule... Post it to Talk: Recruitment for discussion... NOT make a policy on a non-policy issue.
Frankly, I am of the opinion that the page is useless spam, anyway, and I think the whole thing should just be deleted. --WanYao 17:53, 21 December 2008 (UTC)
Also, please refer to this edit. WanYao 18:04, 21 December 2008 (UTC)