Team Zombie Hardcore

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Revision as of 16:32, 6 July 2009 by Duke cage (talk | contribs)
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Aight Bitches. Its time. TZH is getting a new page, a new look. Our Old Page was gettin a bit cluttered. So We have archived it, for historical purposes. And now we are going to create something new. But don't worry, we still bring The Awesome like no other group in Malton motherfuckers. And if you suck, that Awesome is coming express delivery to your face, same day, fist delivery guarantee. PWNT.

For Starters, lets get the new anthem:


Because motherfuckers, we ain't playin' around. TZH is sick of your shit. So we stopped takin' it, yesterday.

Lets talk about what TZH is:
the 2nd Oldest Group in Malton!
Better than You
Masters of PWN

Lets talk about what TZH aint:
Text Rapists

And if you say otherwise, you're full of shit and bout to get beat down by Duke Cage, our own personal enforcer:


Duke Cage is riding the Polar Express to Pain all the way to your pathetic excuse for a safehouse, the he'll get out and make a thunderous sound with his foot, using your ass as his percussion instrument of choice. Right after you eat pavement like a bitch, he'll probably give the patented Duke Cage fist pump, and then kick every door in your safehouse off his hinges. If you're lucky, he won't kiss your sister. Too bad you're not lucky, you're just a douche.

More to come as Grohl comes to it. Team Zombie Hardcore's MOST SUCK Page