Uniform Barricading Policy/Plan Reviews

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Published Plan Reviews

The table below contains my reviews of all the barricade plans that have come to my attention. Every plan reviewed below should be represented on the Barricade Plan Map. This is obviously my subjective review, based on my intent for the UBP.

  • Buildings is the total # of buildings in the suburb. For buildings that occupy more than one block (like Malls), each block of the building counts as a separate building.
  • VSB and EHB are the #'s of buildings designated at each level. Open locations and RPs on buildings are not counted as VSB locations, even though they still function as entryways.
  • 'non-UBP' indicates that the plan has designated a number of essential buildings at barricade levels that are not in compliance with UBP guidelines strictly by building type. Under normal circumstances it is expected there would be a couple such buildings even in a fully compliant plan, such as when two Police Departments are only a couple of blocks apart and one is designated EHB.
  • Compliant indicates whether or not it is a UBP style plan.
  • Comments indicate things that affected my final decision and any changes I would recommend for that barricade plan. Where a plan was non-compliant I indicate what would be needed to change it to a UBP plan, if the maintainers so desired.

All suburb barricade plans are under review since none were looked at in over a year. Review will be published as they are accomplished, with (hopefully) all of them up by the end of November. --Maverick Talk - OBR Praise Knowledge! 404 10:29, 6 October 2009 (BST)

Suburb Buildings VSB EHB non-UBP Compliant


Brooke Hills 49 21 26 3 YES Plenty of VSB locations spread throughout with essential buildings accessible.
Chancelwood 51 21 30 4 YES Considering the unique building layout and local FR lanes, this plan is remarkably efficient. Borders on too many VSB buildings, but works just fine as is.
Dakerstown 57 11 46 7 NO Too many buildings are EHB. Many resource buildings are inaccessible to low-level survivors, and the lone NT should be as well. Even the non-essential buildings (schools & fire stations) are EHB. This plan needs some work.
Darvall Heights 61 14 56 2 NO Too many buildings are EHB, and neither of the NTs is VSB. Set one of the NTs (the non-mast one) at VSB and add a couple more VSBs to the east and NE and this plan would be great.
Dulston 58 26 32 2 NO With the exception of one small 3x3 area on the west side of the suburb that lacks an entry, Dulston is actually has too many VSB buildings. Add a VSB to the glaring 3x3 area on the west side and perhaps add some EHBs to the NE and this plan is fully compliant.
Dunell Hills 47 15 28 4 NO Neither of the fire stations or the NT are VSB. Locals could make a case for keeping the NT at EHB (since there is only one and neighboring suburbs have multiple), but there really isn't a good reason why the FSs are not VSB.
Dunningwood 50 20 30 0 NO Another example of a suburb that has too many VSB buildings. Change some of the VSB to EHB and shuffle around as necessary... this plan needs an update.
Earletown 58 15 43 4 NO None of the hospitals or the NT are accessible, and the VSB buildings really should be spread out more.
East Becktown 55 16 39 1 NO Poor distribution of VSBs, especially in the SW of the suburb.
East Boundwood 59 14 45 1 NO With only 1 NT, it should really be VSB. There are also two notable areas (between the schools and the fire stations; between the PDs and the hospitals in the SW) where there are blocks of just EHB. Remember that a good distance rule for plans is in any 3x3 block, there should be at least one VSB.
Eastonwood 60 11 49 9 NO Too many EHB buildings and not a single NT is VSB.
Gatcombeton 43 9 34 0 NO One of the two buildings on the western edge of the suburb needs to be VSB, and the warehouse in the east should be EHB--switching one of the nearby buildings to VSB.
Gibsonton 60 17 43 7 NO None of the NTs are accessible. A couple 3x3 areas that are missing a VSB, but that is less of an issue than one of the NTs.
Heytown 49 15 33 0 YES Aside from a VSB cluster on the eastern side of the suburb that could get split up, this is a good plan for the building layout.
Huntley Heights 61 16 43 1 YES I would move a couple of the non-essential VSBs around, but the plan is good.
Jensentown 57 23 33 1 YES BP is good, but might want updating. With the dark building update, locals might prefer to keep dark buildings VSB/ruined since they take more work to restore once ruined.
Judgewood 48 20 28 1 NO Too many VSBs, and they are clumped together in such a manner as to almost constantly threaten Free Running lanes.
Ketchelbank 46 11 32 2 NO Need to add two VSBs to the NE corner. Otherwise pretty good.
Lamport Hills 54 14 40 2 YES There should really be another VSB or two on the east side of the suburb, but considering the building layout I would call this good. Could be better, but not bad.
Millen Hills 52 16 36 1 YES Some of the NTs could be EHB and this would still be a good plan.
Pashenton 56 15 41 0 YES Could use some minor tweaking, but overall a good plan.
Paynterton 54 16 38 7 NO At least 1 of the 5 NTs needs to be VSB, otherwise it looks pretty good if hard to read.
Pescodside 58 17 41 2 YES Could really use another VSB on the east side of the suburb, but otherwise a good plan.
Quarlesbank 62 19 43 3 YES There are some errors in the plan, namely some street locations with barricade levels listed. Otherwise, this is a great plan with VSB scattered across the entire suburb.
Raines Hills 62 16 45 4 YES Would suggest also making St. Mary's Church a VSB location.
Randallbank 58 15 43 2 YES I can't find anything wrong with this plan.
Rhodenbank 58 22 36 2 YES BP is good, with VSBs peppered throughout the suburb. Plan can be difficult to read as there are no block names or rollover text, but the plan is sound.
Richmond Hills 45 16 29 3 NO One of the two NTs needs to be VSB along with the other hospital, and this plan is pretty much all set.
Roachtown 60 13 47 8 YES I would like to see another VSB or two, but it's a decent plan as is.
Rolt Heights 54 15 39 1 YES Could use another VSB location in the north, but otherwise a good plan.
Roywood 63 28 35 0 NO Too many VSB. In fact, just in the interest of preserving FR lanes I would make one of the two hospitals in south-central Roywood EHB as well as Gazzard Avenue School. Frauley NT could also be EHB without posing an issue.
Santlerville 51 9 39 5 NO A few more VSBs are all that is needed for this plan to be compliant.
Shearbank 58 15 42 6 YES Personally I would like to see another VSB in the south and in the NE, but it's a good plan.
Shuttlebank 58 22 36 6 NO None of the NTs are VSB. Also some FR lane issues in the NW and the SW.
Spracklingbank 50 15 35 1 YES Aside from being extremely difficult to read, this plan is good.
West Becktown 49 16 33 0 NO Distribution of VSBs throughout the suburb is very poor. New plan needs to be designed.
West Boundwood 55 13 42 3 NO Close but not quite. Some EHB buildings need to be switched to VSB to meet with compliance. Good plan otherwise.
Yagoton 62 14 46 8 NO There is a lack of VSB buildings in the center of the suburb, both essential buildings and otherwise.

Plans awaiting review

If you have a plan that has not yet been reviewed above, or was updated since its last review, please provide a link to the plan here, including the date added to the list. Please sign your posts so that we know who to contact when the review is completed.

If you are submitting a plan for a suburb that has never been reviewed, you can also edit the map to include a link to the plan, and set the status to 'MapDanger' which will change its color to orange signifying an unreviewed plan.

Any comments about a plan previously reviewed or awaiting review should be made on the talk page.

User:Soynuts/Pimbank Barricade Plan Sandbox - I've put this plan together with the hopes of creating adequate free running lanes and fall-back positions to make holding and re-capturing Tynte Mall easier. Soynuts 19:54, 23 October 2009 (BST)

Plans requiring re-review

Comments and Feedback

If you have comments about a review above, please make them on the talk page.

Old review comments can be found in the archives.