
From The Urban Dead Wiki
Revision as of 04:38, 31 May 2011 by Crystalroselle (talk | contribs) (31 may entry)
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I've been playing Urban Dead for 3 years now and I pretty much concentrates on revival, healing and shooting zombies on Urban Dead as well as resource building status reporting here on this wiki.

I'm mostly traveling alone and not in any group but do say hi if you see me in game.

Current activities

31 May 2011 - If the zombies' mission is to frustrate the hell out of me, they're succeeding. Glusonside, Roftwood, Penny Heights and Woodroffe Mall that I've help in rebuilding just recently is already being ruined. SIGH. Just restocked on syringes, have about 10-15 syringes now. My alts are at a few red zones so do put a revival request on DEM's Revivification Request Manager page and I'll be going over to do revivals. Will not be doing random revivals or extracting much because of Scent Death prevalence. Might skip your character even if you're terribly useful as revivers if you don't bother to put a request. Just saying.

Going off to tag along a friend of mine who has come back to play UD after leaving this game for 2 years \O/

29 May 2011 - Been traveling around Edgecombe and SE suburbs reviving as well as in certain other suburbs that I shall not mention due to possible info leakage :) Been killed more often in the past month than in 3 years of playing, but that might just be because of my practice of almost suicide-revive.

On a serious note to certain players, PLEASE get Free Running and stop pulling down the freaking cades to VSB. We can't afford UBP these days with the massive zombie-survivor imbalance. I know it's annoying to be unable to return to your safehouse or trying to get into a TRP, heck, I've an alt without Free Running yet because he's new and it's a pain in the ass trying to rest for the day but it's not a solution to break down the cades and making it more inviting for the zombie to feast on fresh brains. Be considerate to other survivors as well :|

28 May 2011 - I'm glad that you agree, Officer R Hammond. UD needs better zerging protection, there's way too many zergers in The Dead that it's not funny anymore to watch suburbs you help rebuild destroyed in 1-2 days later :| Maybe if Kevan stop debasing this game in the zombies favor, then this game can be enjoyable again. Scout Safehouse has to be one of the most useless skill ever with the high AP needed to use it. You need to spend at least 6 days in the same building to get back the same amount you spent in the first place. What's the point of that skill? At least Bellow is useful in drawing zombies from literally everywhere. And it only takes 10 freaking AP! Great job Kevan, on giving the survivors a useless skill that takes 60% AP and requires at least 7 consecutive days to be useful and a horribly useful skill to the zombies that takes 20% AP that can slaughter everyone in the building and its vicinity =/

Anyways, I've been debating whether I should join an active survivor group, been kind of shopping around for one but most seems to want active and chatting participation that I can't afford the time for. I pretty much drop dead when I come home from the hospital every night that I only have about an hour to plan my way on UD, can't afford the luxury of chatting on IRC. MCM, DEM and The Fortress are some of those on my list although I prefer groups that concentrates on revival/healing for now.

24 May 2011 - I'm so sick of The Dead members who are zerging. Anyone with half a brain can see some of the low level zombies accompanying the higher levels are zergs. I'm not sure should I be amused or share the same sentiment as the dude who recently made liked a thousand zerg characters with 'Unlimited Zerg Works' as his group. I'm half tempted to make a new tactic where we fill the tactical resource points with 100 level one characters in them and watch the Dead try to clear them out but I digress. Kevan seriously need to stop the annoying zerging attempt by the Dead. I'm not amused how fast he deleted the Unlimited Zerg Works characters but not the obvious zergs from certain The Dead members :/

Oh and hi to you too, Susan Bakersfield. I don't know if I should feel weird that you're a member of The Dead saying hi to me in the game and also at the same time the person who last edited HIC or be amused that you didn't try and off me in the game despite being on opposite sides (even though the Dead members arrives an hour later. Coincidence? Maybe.). Hmmm.. I guess I'll try and think of the positive side that not all The Dead members are srs bz like RRF. Owell... I'm alive again anyway \o/

22 May 2011 - Up to 25% now with 1.7k revivifying bodies, does this mean the March of the Dead 2 has come to a stop or are they just playing with us? I wonder...

Anyway, the zombie hordes are marching towards the east at the top (around Lamport Hills) and middle (around Roftwood) of the map. If you're a survivor, DO NOT STAY in the NT buildings unless you've someone to revive you because the zombies attack the NT buildings first. Grab as many syringes as you can (easily 15-20 syringes using 20-25ap if you've enough space) from the NT buildings but DON'T STAY THERE. If you're in red/orange suburbs, best to hide in less conspicuous buildings or you can try hiding in ruined buildings because any buildings next to the NT buildings will be incinerated with it.

A note : Lately, there's a lot of dead pkers staying in ruined resource buildings. I don't know if it's a good idea to revive them just to rebuild but I guess it's more important to reserve your ap to rebuild and hide than wasting your ap trying to kill them.

It's great to play as a survivor now though, good points are amazing search rates, crazy zombie hordes trying to murder you every day (and usually succeeding every alternate day but I'm usually up on my feet a few hours later thanks to the amazingly dedicated survivor groups C:) and thrill(?) of not knowing whether you'll wake up alive or dead. Bad points are the pkers clogging up the revive points and resource buildings which makes reviving and rebuilding difficult :C, spending most of your ap running and hiding more than doing anything else and seeing buildings you rebuild incinerated the next day.

EDIT: The Dead has arrived at Huntley Heights, going up north in the suburb. Parry Drive Fire Station has already been taken.

17 May 2011 - We're up to 19% now, for the first time ever in a long time, our percentage is going up instead of the steady decline with another 1.6k revivifying bodies :)!

My main barely escaped from being killed as the zombie siege moves up north at the west suburbs. Two of my alts has been murdered and is waiting at the nearest revive point. Hopefully they'll be revived soon :)

14 May 2011 - Down to 15% now. Is there an 'eradicate all harmanz' siege out there that I'm unaware of? Thankfully there are still people fighting for survivors cause not all suburbs are red despite our low count. Good news is that all my top level alts and main are alive, will be helping in revival as well once AP is up. Bad news is that the suburbs we reclaimed aren't really ideal places for resources, not a good idea if we want to keep reviving and helping the survivors' side to grow.

12 May 2011 - We're down to 17%. Wonder how long can we keep this up. I keep seeing the same people - even pkers and revivers (pretty sure one of the revivers revived my same character two days in a row.) and even revive the same people for the past week. I pretty much skip everyone who is level 1-2, sorry but you don't have any useful skills to help against the zombie siege, you can't even build barricades or free run or help in reviving. Bringing you back to life will just get you killed few hours later since all the safe places are at EHB/HB at least. 4 characters alive right now and hopefully will be able to help. It's disheartening to see that we're down to 1 survivor per 4 zombie. Doesn't really take much to eradicate survivors at this rate.

8 May 2011 - I was a little confused at first at the comment that I'm depressed but thanks for the encouragement, pfc sejda. I'm assuming you read my entry here to form that conclusion? It's a little better now, 2 more of my characters are alive, one of them is helping to reclaim a suburb, another is off to revive zombies in more dangerous suburbs, hopefully he won't get killed so soon. Stocking up on syringes now. My main is alive again and helping in revival :) (not telling where since the last time I did that, I got killed in 8 hours.)

5 May 2011 - This is just sad. I've come to the point where I'm expecting being alive for less than 10 hours before I'm killed on UD. Anyone who is complaining about how it sucks to be a zombie should stfu. I can kill a survivor with 20-30AP. Have you play a survivor character lately? They are obliterated in seconds. All my characters are dead except one (and I don't expect him to survive for long since his suburb is zombie infested) and now one of them can't even get to lvl 43 because she can't stay alive long enough to buy the last survivor skill. It looks like Malton is reaching the end days now (26% survivor? How did that happened!?). I just want to play being a survivor. It's so much more fun than wandering around aimlessly searching for food... I spend most of my time Mrrhhing than biting anyone because I'm hoping one of them will revive me. No such luck so far.

And I'm finally DONE with HIC \O/ Took me 5 days in between rl, being mad that I died on UD again and studying for my exams (which is also over so I'm outta here!). I checked through the hospital status map for any suburbs I might have missed but I'm too sleepy to confirm if I've inserted ALL of the suburbs with hospitals in them. Do edit them in yourself or let me know on my talkpage if you noticed anything missing :)

3 May 2011 - Finished the second page and starting the third one on Hospital Information Center. Best news however, I'm alive again! After being dead and rotting and wandering aimlessly around Malton, I'm finally breathing again at Stanbury Village. Maybe now I can finally get the ice cream I wanted to eat for weeks instead of the bad taste of rotten flesh!

2 May 2011 - Up to N-letter suburbs on Hospital Information Center page. Also updating on a few outdated resource buildings statuses. Most of the suburbs I'm passing now is all dead and ruined...

1 May 2011 - Working on the Hospital Information Center page. So far I'm only up to K-letter suburbs. Also working on updating various outdated resource buildings statuses. Being a zombie has its peaks I guess.

User Statistics
Name: Crystal Roselle
Profession: Reporter/Scientist/Medic
Age: 23
Group: (none)
Level: 43
Experience: 1725
Goals: Revival, healing & status reports
Character: Crystal Roselle
Journal: Survivor Tactics
Working on: None. Any suggestions?
Finished work: Hospital Information Center
ZombieHand.gif Proud To Be Alive
This user is a survivor and proud of it.
Sgpicon1.gif Sacred Ground Policy Supporter
This user supports the Sacred Ground Policy.
Handinhanddp1.png Pay It Forward
This User Pays It Forward.
Syringe.jpg Planned Revivification
This user or group supports
organized revivification.
RiverlogoS.gif Supporter of River Tactics
I flow into the void.
Malton-coat-of-arms.gif Population of Malton

Active Characters: 4185
Survivors: 1476 (52%)
Zombies: 1321 (48%)
Dead bodies: 1247
Revivifying bodies: 141
Standing Zombie Hunters: 1069

22:47, 9 May 2024 (UTC)