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February 2017

A horde of ZERGS have decided to mess with us. It seems Malton is infested with them and ENVY is apparently a prime target to them. BEWARE OF TROLLS !

January 2017

ENVY is back in Malton ! Recruiting is in progress and looking forward to build a crew as solid as our reputation is. Let's see where that leads us.

December 2011

ENVY has officially fallen off the Group board has members have fallen below 10. A few die hards including The Half Elf, Walt, Cory Hart, and Jimmy are hanging around St. Marks. Haven't seen the Boss in the a while. Is this the END?

August, 2011

August 8, 2011 Keeping St-Marks marching on to help the needy get on track for more in UD. Back in business !

March, 2011

March 22, 2011 We continue to stand against TITZ. Due to our very active group, we revive each other quickly and don't stay dead long. We need recruits to help fight this epic battle. Please see our forum page or our leader Murderess in the game to join our group!

January, 2011

January 12, 2011 Looks like TITZ have decided to grief ENVY to "death". That's fine. Their time will come. In the mean time, it's hide and seek. I guess we can't help the newcomers for a while. I hope they find a good place to move up in UD world. Fun fun fun !

October, 2010

October 26, 2010 We are losing our home daily now. After helping GHDU regain Galbraith from TITZ and them wanting to visit us for a while, it seems that TITZ has followed us home. We also encountered some LUE in the area and sightings of em destroying our home. Is it the Halloween welcome wagon ? All I can say is : Come join the party ! There's plenty of "the bad boys" for everyone. Come get some candy and I'll sure try to get you a drink afterwards! Murderess

October, 2010

October 1, 2010 Havercroft/Richmond looks good. But now that the zeds have vacated the area, the PKing as slowly started again. We may be in a position to go help rebuild the surrounding areas. Help has been asked for the region of Galbraith. Seems many PKing activity is going on there as well and the survivors have difficulties rebuilding (being dead all the time and all).

September, 2010

September 27, 2010 Area Richmond/Havercroft still recovering hard. Pkers are now zedded and seem to enjoy griefing us that way... who knows, maybe they found their new way of "life". Any help would be appreciated. I know a lot of subburbs are in the same situation and we'll for sure move on to help once we clear our area.

August, 2010

August 19, 2010 BB3 has passed through and we are now stuck with Pkers/Griefers that were turned in a zed shape bothering us. Looks like most of the remaining zeds are at Ackland Mall trying to get in. Oh... and I forget: Still Pkers griefing us in the area of course. Can't forget to mention them.

May, 2010

May 21, 2010 Only 1 ENVY, 1 crew. The SE crew in Pegton has been disbanded. The area was not bringing any supplies of fun and the crew was bored and not very active. The remaining players of that crew were invited to join up at the now only ENVY HQ in Richmond.

March-April, 2010

Apr 14, 2010 Richmond Crew has been targetted by not 1, not 2 but 5 PKer groups : Steltsy, LoD, Angels of Mercy, March into the Sea and "a" member of CGR known as Rolfe Steiner. Seems that they have moved out for the time being... probably got bored while we were out restocking and getting ready to retaliate. Calling us quitters as they think we ran... its not like we're gonna just sit in our HQ and wait to be dead for another month... enough is enough ! ENVY has spoken ! We have now a team put in place to feed the hostilities back into those cowards mouths... BRING IT ON !!

January-February, 2010

Mar 9, 2010 Richmond Crew has holded up a 30+ siege for a good month at St-Marks. Allies and friends also came to help out. We have kept our position and won. The zeds are now dispersed in and around the area. Very quiet. We'd like to thank so many... strategy was key and reviving all the zeds had them discouraged... thank you CatchyMonkey for the idea and Kempy and Sophie Ames, for bringing forth your group DSS to revive at will ! As indicated in the history in the front page, Murderess has now taken the reins of ENVY. Now holding 2 HQ in Richmond Hills (Carle PD) and Pegton (Rowcliffe NT).

April, 2009

Apr 02, 2009 NW Division has being under siege for a couple weeks and have now abandoned Carle Street PD and St.Mark's Hospital until the zeds disperse. SW Division has been holding off a siege of 40+ zeds in the Flooks NT in Brooksville for almost a month. My thanks to the Army Control Corps and Bandit Queens for helping throughout the stalemate. With the retirement of its leader, NE Division is now known as the Nomads until further notice. The Nomads are currently in East Becktown assisting DEM hold the area.

February, 2009

Feb 19, 2009 More repeated attacks at the Hebditch Building, but the line has held! There are a scattering of zeds in the area, and unfortunately, many places are overcaded! Be careful when traveling outside, as you may have to go 5+ blocks to find and entry point!

Also a recruitment drive is underway! Look for us in the closest district and ask about joining ENVY!

Feb 17, 2009 After fending off several zed attacks at the Hebditch Building, the South Division of ENVY and our allies are standing strong!

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