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Revision as of 00:38, 7 November 2007 by Ghoustra (talk | contribs)
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Starting Occupation: Previously a Car Salesman
Group Membership: Wyke Hills Emergency Network
Goals: Keep Wyke Hills Safe; Take care of my fellow survivor
Username: Ghoustra
More details: Urban Dead profile

'November 6, 2007

  • I killed another four. (KC:23)

November 3, 2007

  • Killed another three zombies today. (KC:19)

November 2, 2007

  • Fully restocked. Killed a Zombie. Enjoyed the fog. (KC:16)

October 28, 2007

  • On my walk today, I killed three zombies (KC:15). One was outside the Clive Building and one was inside. The buildings doors were secured and I helped bring up the barricades. I retreated to Marston Auto Repair for the evening. I will make sure everything has improved in the morning. Also, I ran into Finnius Riley and it appears he is back in Wyke Hills and reasy to help defend.

October 27, 2007

  • Decided to take a little walk around the outside of the mall. It was nice to be outside after a few days resting inside. Saw the sunshine, killed three zombies, mocked them a little bit... "Wyke Hills is no place for a zombie - Wyke Hills Emergency Network"... I believe is the exact quote. (KC: 12)

October 26, 2007

  • ...::click::...::click::... another loaded gun.

October 25, 2007

October 24, 2007

  • Huggins Avenue Fire Station is broken into with four zombies inside and six standing outside. I was able to take one down (KC:9). I decided to take refuge in The Western Building as it is now barricaded and powered. Almost got another zombie but I ran out of time and ammo. I guess that means I didn't almost get anything, there was no chance, ha ha. Okay, back to Buckley Mall to re-arm and check Wyke Hills for zombies.

October 23, 2007

  • I got three zombies down today (KC:8), hopped into Batt Bank and helped build up the barricades from loosely barricaded to very strongly barricaded. I hope that helps myself and the three other survivors that are in there.

October 22, 2007

October 20, 2007

October 19, 2007

12ga.jpg BOOMSTICK
"All right you primitive screw-heads... This... Is my BOOMSTICK!" - Bruce Campbell
  • Restocked and refueled, I headed for Hollomstown to give a hand fighting over here. The Western Building is under attack by a small zombie horde, I took out two. I am using the Huggins Avenue Fire Station as my base, until I run out of ammo in a day or two.
  • I am going to start my zombie kill counter today. It is officially at 2. While probably closer to 50... It wasn't officially counted.
  • I checked the status of Huggins Avenue Fire Station prior to sleeping for the night. Thankfully I had 2 AP left and took off to The Hedley Arms to the north-west for the night.

October 18, 2007

  • I woke up today dead! Wildarms2021 gave me a good ol' [PK]. I was on my way to Buckley Mall anyway, I really only lost a single AP in this fiasco. I am at Cemetery 51,99. Thanks for the revive in advance!
  • People who have PK'd me = Black on the contacts list.
  • I was revived by Datarock. Thank you!

October 16, 2007

October 14, 2007

October 13, 2007

October 12, 2007

October 11, 2007

October 10, 2007

  • I spent some time recovering and resupplying in Kinch Heights. I want to thank blake7791 for the healing. It was much appreciated. I am heading back to Cemetery 52,83 to keep up the work reviving. I am heading there with 15 syringes primed and ready to go.

October 8, 2007

  • After spending the night in the barricades of Club Haidon, and a FAK from Hero for Hire I am about to, hopefully, revive two, barring any rotters. I also decided to organinze my contacts list a little better and it will be as follows:
  • Blue - External Contact
  • Orange - Healed Me
  • Red - Revived Me
  • Black - Killed Me (Depending on which side of the bed I slept on, this may include when standing in a cemetery)
  • White - Attacked Me
  • I revived Kenny Blackenship at the normal cemetery. This church was a convenient entry point however it is now over-barricaded. After spending 10 AP searching, Sprake Cinema was able to be entered.
  • This afternoon, after lunch and a nap, I revived Freshie Freshington and hopefully he will not hunt me down for it, ha ha. I should be able to revive someone again before the night is out.

October 7, 2007

  • I chose to use Cemetery 51,90, in northwestern Wyke Hills as my revive point. It was devoid of zombies so I was hoping for a quick turnaround. As I swayed in the cool autumn breeze last night, Wuffnuff was kind enough to provide my animated corpse with a pleasant little headshot. Thank You!
  • I should probably put somewhere that the Wyke Hills Emergency Network abides by the Sacred Ground Policy.
  • Early this afternoon, while swaying somewhat slowly in a gentle breeze, I met Harry Bob. He conveniently shot me several times, thankfully NOT killing me. I would like to extend my thanks to Alex the Scientist for reviving me in such a timely fashion. I should be back in West Grayside by morning.
  • After heading to Piran General Hospital, searching for, finding, and using a first aid kit, I went to Cemetery 49,88 and revived Carlos Montes. I shall now head north and continue the fight.

October 6, 2007

  • After spending yesterday at The_Topleaf_Building searching for Necrotech Syringes, I started this morning off scurrying to the Cemetery 52,83 revive point. This morning I was able to revive three survivors. I believe there was Ben IV and a member of MINE. I wish I knew what MINE was. After helping at this revive point for three or four days, I am sure I have revived nearly a dozen survivors at this location. While I am still part of the Wyke Hills Emergency Network I feel my skills will be better served helping in the defense of Pole Mall. In addition, I think a sad day is upon us. I fear that Finnius Riley has fallen to the zombie horde.
  • This evening, after resting and recouperating I was able to revive Daniel Weisman. While this was a small victory, the day ended in defeat. I was taken down by the horde after being distracted in the cemetery. I will shamble down to Wyke Hills to avoid the large mass of bodies in the graveyard.

People Who I Have Revived (22 total)

People Who Have Revived Me

People Who Have Healed Me

People Who Have Killed Me


Sgpicon1.gif Sacred Ground Policy Supporter
This user or group supports the Sacred Ground Policy and acknowledges that all Cemeteries in the city of Malton are considered Revivification Points.
Zombie art.jpg Kill Counter
Ghoustra has officially killed twenty-three zombies and no humans.
  • Ways to contact Ghoustra include leaving a message on my mobile phone, phone number 942367. Alternately you may leave a message on the discussion page of this wiki. Or, in dire emergencies please email me at