March into the sea

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Seafaring Song


· Rob Collick
· Aesir Motz
· Dr. Summeroff
· Ferret on Acid
· King of the Jews
· Homeless Prophet
· Lee Duala
· Matt Aries
. Barnabas Marsh
. Left Hand Black
. Bobby Pegleg
. Patrick MacManus






Legends of Darkness


We are seafarers, trapped in the quarantine zone. However, the tributes must still be paid to those denizens of the deep. We will tend to style our group attacks in the fashion of the beast being paid tribute too.

For example, a Scylla strike, we kill 6 guys in a block. No more no less. For a Kraken attack we wipe the building out (sunken ship) For a leviathan we wipe out all the building apart from one survivor who is washed ashore after the rest of his shipmates are drowned/eaten. For a siren attack we kill any male characters in the building, females are spared. etc....

Individual offerings may also be given to the various creatures we pay tribute too at any time.

March Into the Sea
Abbreviation: MITS
Group Numbers: 12
Leadership: Dr. Summeroff, Rob Collick, Aesir Motz
Goals: To appease those who lurk in the deep sea. They demand offerings. They demand sacrifices. We must provide these in a timely manner.
Recruitment Policy: See Recruitment.

'Seafaring Song: Isobel Campbell'

I have travelled the world around Wondered far from home Sailed the ocean in foreign skies Still further to go Back into my babies arms From this world of woe That was such a long long time ago

Captain hollered the Cabin Boy Stared into the sun Shadows waltzing so close behind Ever far I run Back into my babies arms Safe from this world of woe That was such a long long time ago

Sirens capture my trembling heart What's to be will be Moon is hidden, the deal is done Spread your wings for me Back into my babies arms Rising soft and low That was such a long long time ago...



The Chilean Blob of 2003

The Sirens


Those who have willingly given their lives in the name of the Chilean Blob

For those who wish to voluntarily give their life to the Chilean Blob in tribute, go to the MITS FORUM where the details can be worked out as to when and where your "offering" will take place.

Regards, MITS


  1. ROBBIE THE RABBIT - gave himself into the embrace of the Blob on Jan 31st, 2010.
  2. Bobby the Hatchet - gave himself into the embrace of the Blob on Feb 1st, 2010.
  3. Carrie Cutter - Voluntarily went into the gelatinous one's presence where she was consumed on Feb 10th. The Blob burped his approval.
  4. Phozil - gave himself into the embrace of the Blob on Feb 22nd, 2010.
  5. KempyClassic - gave himself into the embrace of the Blob on Feb 27th, 2010.
  6. Sophie Ames - gave herself into the embrace of the Blob on Mar 1st, 2010.
  7. limpus - gave himself into the embrace of the Blob on Mat 10th, 2010.


1. ONE GROUP PKER POLICY: We have decided to limit membership to those who will have but ONE PKer alt in a PKer group. That PKER ALT being the one you choose to use for "March Into the Sea". This is to mitigate the impact of "Alt Dilution" on our group. Often in group strikes, if you have ALTS playing in more than one Pker group, a decision may well be made to bring one alt or the other to the strike to avoid zerging. This will be to the detriment of one group or the other. We want to avoid this with our members. We believe this policy will make the group stronger in the long run. When we strike, you will know the rest of MITS has got your back, not someone else's.

2. If you currently have an Alt in another group and want to join up with us anyway, you will need to resign from the other group once you pass the initiate stage here.

3. We do not subscribe to the HAT (honor amongst thieves policy).

4. Having read the preceding and you still wish to join us, go here Sign up


MITS.jpg March into the sea
This user is a proud member of MITS. Will you be our next offering to the sea?

MITS2.jpeg March into the sea
This user is a proud member of MITS

Mits ally.jpg March into the sea
This user or group is a proud ally of MITS

Chilean Blob.jpg Voluntary Offerings
Thanks to Mits, I was offered up to the Chilean Blob.