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Nixbank UBP

I am trying to document the barricade plan for Nixbank. Below is my proposal. I know there are other active groups in Nixbank. I am not trying to step on any toes or dictate anything here. I am just trying to open up a discussion. --Zeke 17:37, 25 February 2006 (GMT)

Nixbank UBP.png

Comments on UBP proposal

A UBP is needed in Nixbank in a VERY big way, but I'm not convinced that the above proposal is going to cut it on the first draft. Looking at the layout, it seems as if you're taking more inspiration from the "Optimal Defence Plan", rather than the "Uniform Barricading Policy" - given that there's only 2 EH buildings in the entire suburb and that the emphasis is firmly being placed on a VS level of barracading. Although I believe this is reasonable and gives new players (without the Free Running skill) a chance to survive, I think there should be at least one (maybe even two) EHB level buildings in each quadrant of the suburb.

As it stands in the above proposal, allowing Deakin and Brandon PD's to be the only EHB buildings in the suburb is just asking for trouble. Police Deptartments are a natural target for Zombies (purely for concentration of survivors and resources), making two PD's the only EHB buildings would be a disaster. Deakin should be brought down to VSB level, but admittedly, Brandon could remain at EHB level due to it's proximity to Page Plaza PD.

I would propose that in addition, the following buildings be raised to EHB level:

North-west Quadrant
Mugford Bank [3,73]
Rickard Hotel [0,71]
North-east Quadrant
Ripper Bank [8,74]
Mellish Towers [8,71]
South-west Quadrant
Meloney Square Railway Station [4,78]
Brandon Way PD [1,78] would remain as an override essential building at EHB
South-east Quadrant
Bissell Bank [8,78]
A Warehouse [6,75]

The second criticism has to be that it isn't really a Universal Barracading Policy. There's far too many buildings left wide open for zombie infestation. If a UBP is to be effective, it must have a universal level of barracading throughout the suburb (excluding an agreed revivification point) - giving the zombies just a blank wall of barricades to look at. As has been said before, winning depends on frustrating zombies... and there's nothing more frustrating than shuffling around only to find every building routinely barracaded.

The only thing stopping this proposal from happening, is a lack of people prepared to get it moving. -- Bronzepost 21 April 2006

Actually, reading back on my comments, I noticed they seem quite harsh and overly-critical and that really wasn't my intention! I'm actually quite impressed that someone took the time to design and propose a UBP for Nixbank... so kudos, Zeke! -- Bronzepost 21 April 2006

Sorry, I should have provided a better legend. All of those white bldgs are to be EH barricaded. The bldgs with dots are VS+2. The resource bldgs (hospital, firestation, PDs, NTs) are assumed to be VS+2 unless otherwise noted to be EH with the diagonal lines. With this in mind, what do you think of the plan? --Zeke 22:50, 24 April 2006 (BST)

~After I figured out the map legend, I think its a great idea and have been working on it.. However the DDAR zed group is vicious! >.< --Sexy McSexalot 4-25-06

Why thank you, we try our best. -- Dead On Arrival 12:28, 26 April 2006 (BST)

Since almost a week, we keep the Lindsey Lane Fire Station at VS+2 and we follow the barricade policy with the nearest buildings, but we need some help here, zeds are outnumbering us and the AP spent re-barricading make any other tactic useless. Some kind of organization or colaboration would be apreciated. Arkangelsk 16:01, 26 April 2006

@ Zeke: Ah... that makes more sense. Looks like a perfectly workable plan. As I said though, the only thing stopping it is manpower. At present, we don't have enough people to keep those levels of barricades up. Also, due to the fact that the suburb is relatively safe (and out of the way, stuck on the borders), we're not really attracting great numbers of survivors in. Catch-22 situation really. -- Tambourine Man 02:33, 1 May 2006 (BST)