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Malton College of Medicine
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This is the page of Barak Steele, a Milton College of Medicine student, security team member, and accountant.

Extended Description: Barak stands at 6'3, with a stubbled jaw. His left arm proudly displays the Milton College of Medicine: Combat Medicine logo which can be seen at the right of this description. His right arm bears the white band with red cross; signifying he's a medic. It is dirty and more of an off-gray now instead of the original white. He looks tired, cold, and dirty, but not defeated..

M.C.M. through Steele's Eyes...

I first joined 10 Minutes From Hell for no particular reason. I felt my ambitions were better suited in a clan-like environment, and sure enough I found my way to 10MFH. To my shock and awe, they had a college for medicine! Exactly the class I had picked at the start of the game! I couldn't believe my luck and headed to St. George's almost immediately after joining 10MFH. Curiously enough, I was headed to Fort Perryn (just wandering aimlessly..), so it took me a little while to get back to St. George's.

I still remember my first day in M.C.M. It was a chaotic place; full of life, exuberant insanity, but most importantly it was the first time I had ever felt very safe on U.D.. This was an odd and exciting feeling; people actually came into this building to get healed! Without me having to wander around with my neck out to find them. I, at the time, was level 1 or 2, so I had no diagnosis skill to speak off, but that too was easily defeated. The people who had diagnosis called out the patients who needed healed to the younger students. This kind of teamwork I had never seen before.. and I wanted more.

As time passed, I felt a little more sure of myself and less like a foal on shaky legs. I began to wander away from St. George's, and found that my previous assumptions had been wrong. Not everyone came to M.C.M. to be healed. Some people couldn't, or didn't realize it was there. That's when it dawned on me; these were the people who needed me. The ones inside M.C.M. were being taken care of, but out on the streets is where I should be. And thus, my self-labeled Combat Medic status was born

File:Combat Medic Badge.jpg

Final Thoughts

If you read my page; you probably have some interest in M.C.M. (or me. By which case, I'm flattered.) I encourage you to at least check out 10MFH and M.C.M. They're a good group and will help your character become something you want it to be. Links can be found at both the top and the bottom of this page. Thanks for reading!

As of September 10th, 2008, I've decided to keep a log of my successful missions. These are missions that've been handed to me and not ones that I have invented. For me to successfully complete a mission, I must complete all objectives and do so without being killed.

Missions Completed: 1 Missions Failed: 0

MCM Home * FAQ * Medic Runs * Library * Policies * Enquiries * Karaoke Bar
Campus Directory * Don't Revive! * MCM templates * Dean's Office * Main Campus
10 minutes from Hell

If we are going to survive,
we need to stick together.
We support 10 mfH safehouses!

Books.jpg Malton College of Medicine
This establishment and group is recognized as a Center of Learning, and is protected under the Centers of Learning Policy
MCMSeal.gif Malton College of Medicine
This user supports the efforts of

Malton College of Medicine

in bringing healing and higher education to Malton.

Redcrosssmall.jpg Malton Hospitals Group
This user or group supports MHG in their attempt to restore health care in Malton.