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Penguinpyro: RadicalWhig

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Radical Whig
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Name: Radical Whig
Age: Early thirties
Occupation: Social Reformer
Current Status: Active
Location: Within sniping distance
Current Level: 43
Group: Flowers of Decay

  The Radical Whig  



Promoting republicanism and liberty, especially liberty from life


January 4, 2012 - Radical liberates his twenty fifth Andrew Jackson supporter from its dreary existence.

December 15, 2011 - Radical Whig joins the best group ever- the Flowers of Decay.

The man who was to be known as Radical Whig was used to be a quiet, typical office drone in the city of Malton. When the zombie outbreak struck, he did the reasonable thing and started barricading and defending his fellow man. He spent month after month toiling to protect Malton from the zombie scum, though to little reward.

One day late in 2009, he fell unconscious from his exertions and slept in a mostly-looted library in a quiet suburb. Unfortunately, zombies broke in. He was then shamefully left for dead by his fellow survivors. They overbarricaded the building, unfortunately also locking him into the history section. The man struggled to escape from the formidable barricades, but the betrenchcoated locals kept it tight daily with their incessant non-stop overbarricading and ignored his faint screams of help. He could not escape.

With only some dusty books to occupy his time, he was forced to spend all his time learning and re-learning facts about 18th and 19th century war, politics and philosophy. After months of reading and contemplating his situation, he realized that there could be only one man responsible for his predicament- President Andrew Jackson, the master of barricading and carrying too many pistols, and also the man who popularized wearing trenchcoats. He swore revenge on Jackson and his disgusting followers, who cowered behind their barricades and shot zombies in safe streets instead of helping where the danger really was.

Thoughts of muskets, cannon and the Continental Army blazing in his mind, he underwent an intense self-designed training regimen! He found comfort in philosophies of the ancient British Whig Party, who advocated liberty and republicianism, and the philosophies of the American Whig Party, who espoused killing Andrew Jackson over and over and over again. Adopting their ancient beliefs, he was reborn as the Radical Whig, he decided he would one day wreak his vengeance on Andrew Jackson!

A full two years later, the survivors finally stopped barricading. Radical now found the strength to break out of his accidental prison, and break out he did. To his shock, he that found now everyone in the library were supporters of the foul Andrew Jackson! After grabbing the nearest sharp piece of wood and overpowering them all in fierce hand-to-hand combat, he left the area devoid of intact humans, only to realize the ENTIRE suburb was now infested by Jackson sympathizers! Unfortunately, he was thus vastly outnumbered and barely escaped the slavering, decadent mob of scum. Fleeing south, he realized that most of Malton had been corrupted by Jackson. Instead of valiantly battling zombies as they once did, most sat in precious safe places and neglected fighting the zombies in favor of idly chatting, while innocents elsewhere died by the score! Radical could not let that stand. He left a trail of bodies of Jackson's supporters along his way, hoping to one day meet and slay the bastard himself. For now, he would have to be content to rid Malton of the idle "green zone" scum.

A few weeks into his crusade, Radical Whig met a man named Killer Scarecrow, who shared his interest in slaying the mindless Jacksonites. After a quick conversation with, he realized he was not alone. There were others. Sure, they called Jacksonites "flotsam", but the feeling was the same. They too slew "flotsam" by the dozens, hoping to mend the sorry state of survivordom by weeding out or re-educating the weak. They were just as dedicated as the Whig, if not more so.

They were the Flowers of Decay. Radical signed up immediately. Finding an old rafflesia flower at a florist's, Radical and the Flowers now battles Jackson for the soul of survivordom. Just as the disciplined shall overcome the decadent, so too will Radical one day slay Jackson. Malton shall be saved, even if it is radicals and murders who must do the job.

DiseasedRose.jpg Bearing a Sickly Rose
Radical Whig is a member of

The Flowers of Disease.

UDSKIN.jpg This userpage has been pimped
With Karth Salvage's UD Skin.