Warehouse 56,97

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Warehouse 56,97
EHB, unlit
Danger Updater MDUDC 22:55, 16 December 2020 (UTC)
a warehouse

Wyke Hills [56,97]

Wooman Towers the Needs Building the Cosh Motel
Haim Walk Fire Station a warehouse wasteland
the Brookes Arms a factory St Maximillian's Church

Basic Info:

  • Warehouses can be barricaded normally.


This warehouse is being used as the Wulves infirmary. They will care to their own first, but any survivors wishing to be healed or seeking a safehouse may enter.


In this building Highlander jack has been experimenting with robots. Most of these robots are based on kangaroos, wolves, Capybaras, pygmy jerboas, and platapuses or a sick combination of all of them combine. It is currently being gaurded by THE WHALE MAN. The WHALE MAN was first created in the game Overgrowth by Wolfire Games, he is the most epic thing ever, so basically he's Chuck Norris reincarnated into a whale. Wolfire Games

Barricade Policy

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