- Frustrated about groups that care about nothing but themselves? The Blackhawk Nation are a group of people who aim to help the population of Malton, heal the masses, defend the weak, and fight the zombie hordes.
- We are a group with a revolutionary flavor, however we do not go out of our way to annoy groups whose ideas oppose us, as it reduces our effectiveness in helping the locals. However, we will from time to time engage groups, but we do so only with groups that threaten, harm, or treat other survivors unfairly.
- We will never force you to stay in a specific location, nor perform a specific task, as we don't restrain ourselves to a single building, and everyone has their favored style of play, which we respect.
- We have many different levels with our group. You can choose to be a Guajiro, a Revolutionary, or a Ranger. The choice is up to you.
- For more information on us, just check out our forums and/or our wiki page.
- Recruitment policies are obvious, check them out here. If you desire to join us, leave us a message on our forums.