Cemetery 11,13

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a cemetery

Judgewood [11, 13]

Hewlett Boulevard Railway Station St Arnold's Church Hollard Park
Dancey Towers a cemetery Loaring Grove
Mules Walk Railway Station the Drewer Monument Higgin Square Fire Station

Basic Info:

Cemetery 11,13

In present day zombie infested Malton, all cemeteries are considered Sacred Ground. Zombies wishing to return to life will seek out cemeteries and wait for revivification. Additionally, all cemeteries are considered "no kill zones".

In Judgewood, revives are primarily carried out by Judgewood Vector Control and the Malton Forensics Unit. Revives at this cemetery are not quite as fast as Cemetery 16,11. Due to this cemetery being a little out of the way, waiting zombies are urged to submit a revive request either to JVC or MFU.

Revive.gif Revivification Requests
Undead? Want to breathe again?
Make a Revivification Request! (Dead Link)


Adjacent to the Roman Catholic St Arnold's Church, the St Arnold's Cemetery is the final resting place of roughly three hundred fifty parishioners. In the centre of the cemetery is a rose garden with a large pink marble statue of St. Arnold holding a mashing rake. The rolling grounds are encircled by a twelve foot high wrought iron fence covered in hop vines and shaded primarily by European Ash trees.


St Arnold's Cemetery was originally part of Lord William Judge's property and was sold by William Judge III to the Roman Catholic Church in 1448. The oldest grave dates to 1389, which is incidentally the year before St Arnold's Church was built. The cemetery and church predate the Judgewood town charter and later incorporation into the rapidly growing city of Malton.

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