Classic Battletech Revolutionaries
Classic Battletech Revolutionaries is a collection of gamers who happened to be attending a gaming convention in Malton. Unfortunately, in the same way as many sad tales begin, the much anticipated gaming convention happened to coincide with the outbreak of something more terrible than the rear-facing armor of a Wasp: zombies. Though they at first assumed the zombies to be another group of really tired and cranky gamers from said convention with really bad grammar skills who had consumed too many cheetos, the Revolutionaries quickly came to terms with the reality of their situation.
Having armed themselves with whatever salvaged weapons and the occasional dicebag they could find, our valiant heros of the 31st century battlefield find themselves in their own personal Kobayashi Maru. (Or, possibly more appropriately, La Mancha scenario.)
History & Valiant Deeds
After their gaming convention was so rudely terminated by the untimely arrival of the undead, the Classic Battletech Revolutionaries chose the the neighborhood of Wyke Hills as a base of operations, for no particular reason other than it has some nice wide open areas for gaming, a few police stations for the illusion of security, and a donut shop (since we all know that the average gamer is powerless against the lure of donuts and caffine). The group's members, somewhat scattered in the initial chaos after the destruction of their con, converged on the suburb in October.
Operation Kerensky
However, by early November, Wyke Hills had become a considerably less attractive stomping grounds for the Revolutionaries. Rampant, possibly malicious overbarricading was the order of the day in the suburb, and this led to rancor and accusations of PKing. Fortunately, the Revolutionaries managed to remain above the fray, but it became clear the situation was fast becoming intolerable.
Though the Revolutionaries considered devoting their efforts to rectifying the overbarricading situation, they ultimately decided the endeavor was probably futile. On November 10, a group departure from Wyke Hills dubbed Operation Kerensky was called for, and the Revolutionaries began an exodus from the suburb, leaving its other inhabitants to their own fates, whatever they may be. Less than a week later, Operation Kerensky was complete and the Revolutionaries had begun to establish themselves in their new home of Dartside, possibly attracted by reports of a gaming store in that suburb.
Holding Their Own
After that, the Revolutionaries maintained a low profile, keeping to themselves and working to eliminate the scattered feral zombies that wandered into Dartside while staying vigilant for signs of a larger undead incursion. Some individual members of the group may have fought in the Siege of Caiger Mall, but the group as a whole did not participate in the battle.
Operation Dagger
In mid December, the Revolutionaries became aware of a developing situation threatening their allies the Fryerbank Hunters. (The two groups had established contact some time before.) A zombie hoard was massing in Miltown, on the eastern edge of the city near the Hunters' home base of Fryerbank. With Miltown already the site of a conflict between The Socialist Worker's Front of Malton and PK13, who were too occupied with their private feud to care about the zombie threat, the Hunters decided the elimination of the hoard was up to them.
Upon learning of the situation, some members of the Revolutionaries' immediately offered assistance. The Revolutionaries leadership soon initiated Operation Dagger, officially giving its blessing to any member of the group who wanted to head east and help the FBH. It as of yet unclear how many of the group's members will volunteer for this mission to, in the words of one Revolutionaries leader, "aid our allies," but it is expected that some will remain in Dartside to keep an eye on the group's home base.
Within a mere few days, several members of the Revolutionaries had arrived in Miltown. They began scouting missions around the HQ in the suburb already established by their allies. This was done to familiarize themselves with the area. Though the Revolutionaries had seen maps of the suburb, actually being in the territory showed them that there was a lot going on on the ground that the maps (mostly dating back to pre-quarantine times) simply couldn't prepare them for. So their initial operations involved learning the turf, and taking down any zombies that came close to their adopted HQ. This wave has helped to ease the burden on the Fryerbank Hunters to some small degree, while also showing the Revolutionaries what they were in for. The Revolutionaries simply took things in stride, and prepared themselves for a possible long and bitter fight.
For the next couple of weeks, the Revolutionaries continued operations, picking off zombies, performing "spot defense" duties in clearing buildings and maintaining barricades, and providing heals and revives when necessary. Members have been dispatched to show the flag in Caiger Mall.
Looking Homeward
By New Year's, the situation in Miltown had improved. Peace in the gang wars had been declared, and zombie numbers in the suburb had lessened. Meanwhile, reports from back in Dartside indicated increased zombie activity in that previously peaceful section of the city. With the situation in Miltown apparently in hand, the leadership of the Revolutionaries declared Operation Dagger to be successfully complete and issued a general recall order for all members to return to Dartside and resecure the group's home.
Second Exodus/Operation Klondike
The Revolutionaries did not enjoy peace for long, however. With the new year came new problems. The group became the target of PKers and griefers. While the actions of these criminals fell far short of putting an end to the group, their tiresome antics did make combatting the zombie presence in the Dartside area difficult. Concerned that the attacks targeted at them were spilling over to the rest of the survivor community in the sector, the Revolutionaries abandoned their home once more, setting out for parts unknown.
Recent Events
The whereabouts of the Revolutionaries and the nature of their activities since their departure from Dartside are not generally known. The group now conducts all communications through secure channels. Again, some individual members of the group participated in the renewed seige of Caiger Mall.
Redeath Toll
Estimates indicate that as of mid-March, 2006, Classic Battletech Revolutionaries have claimed between 100 and 10,322.5 (it might have been a couch, we're not sure) zombie kills so far. This number does not take into account kills made while drunk, sleeping, or while wearing a pair of groucho glasses and flailing in the street imitating a gerbil.
Membership & Recruiting
As of December, the Revolutionaries boast a membership number somewhere in the twenties. This includes multiple characters run by the same person, since while Dartside and its surrounding suburbs is the group's primary area of operation, some members have alternate characters working under the group's banner elsewhere in the city.
The Revolutionaries do not actively recruit new members from Malton's survivor population at large, preferring to remain a relatively close-knit association of individuals from the group's home site.
Allies & Enemies
The Revolutionaries maintain cordial relations with some other small survivor groups in Dartside and Williamsville. They consider the Fryerbank Hunters allies, and the group is also in communication with individual unaffiliated survivors throughout the city.
PKing & ZKing
The Revolutionaries do not PK except in the case of revenge killings or the executions of those they have probable cause to believe are zombie operatives. Some members do ZK while dead until revived.
Griefers who have targeted the group, including a serial PKer by the name of DogEater, have been known to list the Revolutionaries as their group affiliation on their character profile page in an effort to smear the group's good name or give the impression their violence against the group is the result of internal conflict. The Revolutionaries have no association with DogEater or any other such criminals.
About Classic Battletech Revolutionaries
Classic Battletech Revolutionaries is made up of players from the forums of (The Official English Language Classic Battletech Website, FanPro LLC).
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