Club Beastall

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Club Beastall
Ruined, dark.
AndyMatthews (talk) 18:03, 27 January 2025 (UTC)
Club Beastall

Richmond Hills [33,33]

Lea Boulevard Railway Station Deacon Bank a factory
the Lazenbury Museum Club Beastall Storrow Lane
Mahon Avenue Wood Grove Fire Station Snow Plaza

Basic Info:

  • Clubs are Dark buildings.
  • The usual internal description of a Club reads as follows:
    "…in the near-darkness of the main dancefloor."
  • When powered by a portable generator, the internal description changes to the following:
    "Coloured spotlights highlight an empty stage, and distorted music echoes over the speakers."
  • Clubs can be barricaded normally.
Club Beastall as it appears today.

Current Status

May 16th, 2011 Fighting has spilled over from the now very dangerous Havercroft, where Ackland Mall has been in ruins for weeks, if not months. Club Beastall has now been ransacked, and is likely to soon be ruined. --RyamoWolfshroud 16:24, 16 May 2011 (BST)

March 11, 2009 Mall tour has left, let the rebuild begin. --TreeBob 09:17, 11 March 2009 (EST)


"You are standing outside Club Beastall, a four-story yellow-stone building covered in abandoned scaffolding. There is a mobile phone mast on the roof of the building."

The Beastall's Saloon in operation shortly after opening.

Abandoned since the outbreak, Club Beastall is currently under refurnishment by pub owner Matson Jade and his business partner, retired MFD Engineer Stefin "Griff" Grifflik.


Originally a neighborhood elementary school constructed in the 1920s, this property was sold as a part of a Malton district consolidation project in the early 60s. It's interior gutted and rebuilt several times, it had many uses over the years, including a local arts gallery, a community center and even a brief stint as local government office space before being sold again in the late 90s.

After changing hands a few more times, some false starts and years of development, the property finally opened its doors as "Club Beastall" in the year prior to the outbreak despite the fact that its exterior was still under reconstruction.

The club was designed as an American West-themed nightclub, complete with a saloon/restaurant. It featured "authentic" cowboy and American Western cinema themed memorabilia in its decor, as well as an eclectic collection of outdoorsman items and hunting and fishing trophies. While live country music and line dancing were features, multiple dance floors on separate levels of the club catered to different tastes.

Barricade Policy

As Club Beastall contains the phone mast for Richmond Hills, it should be kept powered and at EHB (see also Richmond Hills Barricade Plan).

Generator.JPG Needs Generator
This building requires a generator for maximum usefulness.