Cutler Towers

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Cutler Towers

Chancelwood [64, 1]

a factory Gillow Drive a carpark
the Gaffney Building Cutler Towers the Dobin Building
Alven Crescent Colles Park a carpark

Basic Info:

  • Multi-story housing blocks. Windows can be jumped from to turn a character into a zombie.
  • Towers have no internal descriptions. Some towers, like Lerwill Towers in Greentown, have mobile phone masts mounted on them.


Cutler Towers
--VVV RPMBG 05:56, 19 May 2024 (UTC)

Cutler Towers



The Cutler Towers along with the Dauncey, Reed, Comer, and Wootten towers were used at the beginning of the outbreak to evacuate citizens in the west, north, south, east, and central parts of Malton.

The Cutler Towers was the northern evacuation point and were reserved only for the mayor, cheif of police, and high priority scientists and there families. Unfortunatley the towers were overrun within the second day of the outbreak along with the Wooten Towers. While trying to hold of the hordes of the undead the cheif of police and 11 other officers lost there lives. Only a handfull of people escaped and were evacuated.

Barricade Policy

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