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Enjoy Urban Dead?

Hate the IP Limit?

Players who enjoy Urban Dead have the option of contributing to the costs of running the game by donating via PayPal or buying items from Kevan's Amazon wish list. As a thank you, players who donate can get the IP limit raised significantly for one character per $5 US donated. Donations are processed manually, and Kevan updates your character in his own free time. This means that it could take up to three days until your character is updated. Be chill.

The Official Urban Dead Donation Page

As of the 1st of January 2015, due a change in tax laws non-UK EU players will no longer receive an increase in the IP limit from donation.

User Templates

The following templates were made by Tohru Rokuno for use by people who've donated to support Urban Dead.

Template created by Tohrurokuno 8 Jan 08 Proud Sponsor of Urban Dead!
This user or group decided to stop being a cheapskate and donated to Urban Dead. So what's your excuse?


Cash.gif UrbanDead Sponsor!
This user and/or group has contributed to the UrbanDead Beer Fund .
