Awarded for meritorious and/or amazing acts performed by a Ranger:
- Medal of WOW - Awarded for performing an action deemed "insanely cool". This is the highest medal awarded to a Ranger.
- Medal of Valorous Heroism - Awarded for acts of extreme heroism and valor in the face of death. This is the second-highest medal awarded to a Ranger.
- Medal of Bodacious Courageousness - Awarded for acts of extraordinary courage in the face of death.
- Allied Service Medal - Awarded to Rangers for fighting with allied forces during an operation.
- Ésprit d'Equipe Medal - Awarded to Squad Leaders who promote teamwork and communication. A Squad Leader must be active on the forums with 50+ posts.
- Humanitarian Medal - Awarded to a Ranger for executing an enemy of humanity wanted for PKing, GKing, or RKing. Only criminals on the Alliance Black List are valid.
- Human Torch Medal - Awarded to a Ranger for successfully lighting a zombie on fire using a can of fuel and a flare gun.
- Life Saving Medal - Awarded to a Ranger for saving the bacon of a fellow Ranger or ally. Ally must be seriously injured (15 or fewer health) and healed to full health.
- Purple Heart Medal - Awarded to a Ranger who has three or more pieces of clothing from the Regulation Ranger Uniform and said articles of clothing are covered in blood.
- Recon Ranger Medal - Awarded to a Ranger who traveled to 6+ suburbs outside Earletown.
Awarded upon the successful completion of a military campaign:
- Awarded to all Rangers who participated in Operation Lightning Bug (on 12 Nov-12 Dec, 2009).
- Awarded to all Rangers who completed Operation Candy Cane (on 20-28 Dec, 2009).
- In progress...
Awarded for completing specific objectives:
- Longevity Ribbon - Awarded to Rangers who have actively served for 1 year.
- Good Conduct Ribbon - Awarded to Rangers who have actively served for 3+ months.
- Officer's Training School Award - Awarded on obtaining a command rank and assignment to a leadership position within the platoon (Squad Leader or higher).
- Graduate of Basic Training with Honors - Awarded on obtaining a non-recruit rank and the skills associated with that rank (Private First Class or higher).
- Citation for Drunken Idiocy - Awarded to a Ranger for doing something so godawful stupid or insane that it needs to be memorialized. This is the lowest decoration awarded to any Ranger.
- Lil' Sting Ribbon - Awarded to a Ranger for reviving 10 Rangers or allies.
- Mall Tour of Duty Ribbon - Awarded to a Ranger who visits all 22 Malton malls and returns wearing a T-shirt from any mall. Provide a screenshot from each mall as proof.
- Mrh! Ribbon - Awarded to a zombie Ranger for weakening (>10 Health) 10+ zombies inside survivor-less buildings or killing zombies standing inside buildings with survivors.
- Night Recon Award - Awarded to a Ranger for spending an entire night outside, or in the same building as, 3+ zombies without dying. Proof is required prior and aftewards.
- Professionalism Award - Awarded to a Ranger who provides consistent and detailed recon reports to the Ranger Log (forum thread). Requires 50+ posts.
- Radio Operator Ribbon - Awarded to a Ranger for installing and powering a radio transmitter in the current Rangers Mobile HQ (location varies) and tuning it to 27.58 MHz.
- Recruiter Award - Awarded to a Ranger who recruits 3 new Rangers.
Awarded for proficiency in weapons combat:
- Marksman Medal - Kill 25 zombies. Screenshots are required as proof.
- Sharpshooter Medal - Kill 50 zombies. Screenshots are required as proof and totals stack with all past kills.
- Expert Medal - Kill 150 zombies. Screenshots are required as proof and totals stack with all past kills.