Platoon Command Structure
Platoon Command Structure
Platoon Command
Platoon Position
1st Lieutenant
Platoon XO
Assigned to non-active commanding officers who take an extended leave of absence. Emerita Taco, who holds this rank, is also the platoon's patron.
2nd Lieutenant
Platoon Leader
The highest-ranking active commanding officer who leads Scáthach Platoon. Only one member of the Earletown Rangers can hold this rank.
Sergeant 1st Class
Platoon Sergeant
The senior enlisted member of the platoon who serves as the primary assistant and advisor to the platoon leader (and acts as the platoon leader in his or her absence). Only one member of the Earletown Rangers can hold this rank.
Staff Sergeant
Squad Leader
Oversees command over a platoon squad (Alpha, Bravo, Charlie). Each rifle squad is comprised of nine soldiers.
Team Leader
Provides tactical leadership for one of the squad's fireteams.
Team Member
A member of a squad team, they serve as the baseline standard for all lower-ranked platoon members.
Private 1st Class
Team Member
A member of a squad team, they serve to provide suppressive fire and support within their squad.
Team Member
The newest, or "rookie", member of a squad's team.
Rank Promotion Requirements
The following outlines the experience, skill, or special requirements each member of the Earletown Rangers must achieve in order to be promoted. Each rank has its own requirements, which are built on the requirements of the previous lower rank. However, it should be noted that the standing Platoon Leader has the right to issue field promotions to any soldiers under his/her command based entirely on their own prerogative rather than the set rank requirements.
- Second Lieutenant (2nd Lt.)
- Position: Platoon Leader (PL)
- Commands: Scáthach Platoon (Earletown Rangers)
- Active Duty Requirement: Promotion Only**
- Skill Requirements: Civilian skills (complete), Military skills (complete), Scientist skills (complete), Lurching Gait, Ankle Grab
- Sergeant First Class (SFC)
- Position: Platoon Sergeant (PSG)
- Commands: Scáthach Platoon, 2nd-in-Command
- Active Duty Requirement: Promotion Only**
- Skill Requirements: Civilian skills (complete), Military skills (complete), Scientist skills (complete), Lurching Gait, Ankle Grab
- Staff Sergeant (SSG)
- Position: Squad Leader (SL)
- Commands: Platoon Squad(s)
- Active Duty Requirement: 12+ Months or promotion
- Skill Requirements
- Soldier: All Sergeant rank skills, Diagnosis, Lurching Gait, Ankle Grab
- Combat Medic: Replace Diagnosis /w NecroNet Access
- Sergeant (SGT)
- Position: Team Leader (TL)
- Commands: Squad Teams(s)
- Active Duty Requirement: 6+ Months or promotion
- Skill Requirements
- Soldier: All Corporal rank skills, Advanced Pistol or Shotgun Training (alt choice, see CPL), Axe Proficiency, Headshot, First Aid
- Combat Medic: Replace Axe Proficiency /w NecroTech Employment and First Aid /w Lab Experience
- Corporal (CPL)
- Position: Squad Member
- Commands: None
- Active Duty Requirement: 3+ Months or promotion
- Skill Requirements
- Soldier: All Private 1st Class rank skills, Pistol or Shotgun Training (alt choice, see PFC), Advanced Pistol or Shotgun Training, Construction, Hand To Hand Combat
- Combat Medic: Replace Hand To Hand Combat /w Diagnosis
- Private First Class (PFC)
- Position: Squad Member
- Commands: None
- Active Duty Requirement: 1+ Month or promotion
- Skill Requirements
- Soldier: Basic Firearms Training, Pistol or Shotgun Training, Free Running, Body Building
- Combat Medic: Replace Body Building /w First Aid
- Private (PV2)
- Position: Squad Member
- Commands: None
- Active Duty Requirement: None
- Skill Requirements
- Soldier: None*
- Combat Medic: None*
* -
Squad Members are broken down into two sub-groups, Soldiers and Combat Medics. Soldiers are geared/skilled towards killing zombies and criminals. Combat Medics are geared/skilled healing and reviving. When a new recruit joins the Rangers they choose which sub-group they want to join. At higher ranks skill requirements will no longer provide clear distinction between these sub-groups, but even so, each Ranger's role within the platoon is connected to their position within their squad.
** -
All promotions are issued by either the current PL in order to select a replacement, or by the PL to elect a PSG. Only the PL has the authority to promote ranks lower than his/her own. This power is normally only exercised under situations where vital platoon ranks need to be replenished due to unforeseen Ranger losses (i.e. retirement/inactivity).
Scáthach Platoon
Platoon XO
"A shining eye will never cry; A bleeding heart will never die." -1st Lt. Emerita Taco
File Photo
Dossier Status: Retired
Platoon Commander
File Photo
Dossier Status: On Duty
Platoon Sergeant - Alpha Squad
File Photo
Dossier Status: On Duty
Squad Leader - Alpha Squad
File Photo
Dossier Status: On Active Duty
Platoon Soldier - Alpha Squad
File Photo
Dossier Status: On Active Duty
Private 1st Class HannahGL
Joined: Apr 18, 2010
Notes: Breveted to "Private First Class" rank based on combat experience and service record in Malton. Issued 1 ally revive.
Platoon Soldier - Alpha Squad
File Photo
Dossier Status: On Active Duty
Private Mad Maxe
Joined: Jun 13, 2010
Decorations: N/A
Notes: New recruit.
Platoon Soldier - Alpha Squad
File Photo
Dossier Status: On Active Duty
Private Wes Rendar
Joined: Aug 6 2010
Decorations: N/A
Notes: N/A
Platoon Soldier - Alpha Squad
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Dossier Status: On Active Duty
Private JA50N
Joined: Sep 23 2010
Decorations: N/A
Notes: N/A
Platoon Soldier - Alpha-Two Squad
File Photo
Dossier Status: BILLET EMPTY
Rank & Name
Joined: N/A
Decorations: N/A
Notes: N/A
Platoon Soldier - Alpha-Two Squad
File Photo
Dossier Status: BILLET EMPTY
Rank & Name
Joined: N/A
Decorations: N/A
Notes: N/A
Recruitment Policy
If you made it this far, it's because you're tired of wandering around Earletown aimless and alone, without friends and without purpose. In the Earletown Rangers you'll be sure to find both. The Rangers are a relatively small, but growing, platoon and we are always interested in hiring new squad members to work with us to reach our mission objectives.
What Is Our Mission?
The first step to joining the Rangers is understanding our objectives, but odds are if you're reading this you already have a pretty good idea. The Rangers are a survivor group that is situated in Earletown (no surprise there) and has soldiers from our platoon stationed throughout the suburb. As a member of our platoon your job would be to defending Earletown's survivor population, heal and revive survivors, and maintain both building barricades and radio outposts. While the Rangers, and especially our Combat Medics, are geared to heal and revive our men must always be mindful not to aid any criminals. Criminals are those survivors who commonly sabotage or murder other survivors. A comprehensive list of local troublemakers is maintained by the Dulston Alliance organization, of which the Rangers are a member group, and anyone on this Black List should never be healed or revived.
Who Can Enlist?
Any able-bodied survivor is capable of joining the Rangers, regardless of skills or level. However to avoid any conflicts down the road here are a list of policies you must be willing to follow:
- You must make a pledge never to "Zerg" or use any other character(s) to the benefit of your Ranger (or vice-versa). Doing otherwise is dishonest and unfair to other players. Any Ranger discovered to be "zerging" will be discharged immediately from the Rangers.
- You cannot follow the philosophy of "Dual Nature", or the idea that "as a survivor, you play as a survivor, but as a zombie, you play as a zombie". Ranger's follow the philosophy "Esprit de Corps/Esprit de Corpse", which means that alive or dead you must always remain dedicated to the mission.
- You cannot be involved in crimes against innocent survivors, such as PKing or GKing.
- You cannot support or assist, in any way, hostile zombies.
How Do I Enlist?
Joining the Rangers is simple. Register on the Dulston Alliance forum and then post on our sign-up thread located here. In the post simply request to join the Rangers and provide a link to your character profile (i.e. Next, to indicate your interest, be sure to update your character's group affiliation to read: Earletown Rangers
Once your request has been confirmed on the forum you will be granted "Member" access which will allow you to access our private forum section, as well as joint forum resources with the rest of the Dulston Alliance, such as the Lounge and Communications Center.
I'm Enlisted, What's Next?
Now that you have officially joined the Earletown Rangers you should consider whether you want to proceed in a military career as a soldier or combat medic. Both positions are vital with the Rangers and it also depends on your personal preference. If you prefer the heat of battle, killing zombies and/or executing criminals, then you will want to take the soldier career path. However if you prefer to provide support, through healing and reviving your fellow squadmates, then you might be best suited as a combat medic. Of course if you change your mind down the road it only takes a simple transfer request to switch career paths. Initially you will start your career with the rank of Private (PV2), but once you begin to meet the minimum skill and enrolment requirements then your rank will improve.
As a note, when you start your new career in the Rangers be sure to report to your squad's team leader for further instructions. As the tactical situation in Earletown varies it is important to stay in contact on the forum to avoid any mishaps with the local zombie and/or criminal elements whenever possible.
For an added bonus, if you have a User wikipage here on the UD Wiki, feel free to use this template to display your loyalty to the Rangers:
Earletown Rangers
A fearless and dedicated platoon soldier attached to the Earletown Rangers.
To use, simply place {{EarletownRangers}} anywhere on your User wikipage.
What is the Regulation Ranger Uniform?
The Rangers realize that times are tough here in Malton, and as such, our dress code has suffered. However, while we a strict uniform policy is no longer enforced among the Rangers, should any enlisted member be interested in following a semblance of the old uniform, the following clothing items are recommended, along with where they can be located (Ft=Fort, FS=Fire Station, Ht=Hotel, H=Hospital, M=Mall, T=Tower, Mn=Mansion):
- Face Gear: broken pair of night-vision goggles (Ft), gas mask (FS), pale green medical facemask (H), balaclava (Ft)
- Head Gear: beret (Ft), bandanna (M)
- Shirts: green short-sleeved shirt (Ft, Ht, M, T), dark green short-sleeved shirt (Ft, Ht, M, T), green long-sleeved shirt (Ft, Ht, M, T, Mn), dark green long-sleeved shirt (Ft, Ht, M, T, Mn),
- Jackets: green jacket (Ft, Ht, M, T), dark green jacket (Ft, Ht, M, T), camouflage jacket (Ft)
- Coats: green coat (Ht, M, T), dark green coat (Ht, M, T), black coat (Ht, M, T)
- Pants: black trousers (FS, H, Ht, M, Mn, PS, T), green trousers (Ft, Ht, M, T), dark green trousers (Ft, Ht, M, T), camouflage trousers (Ft)
- Footwear: black boots (FS, Ft, H, M, T), dark green boots (Ft)