Factory 3,6

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Factory 3,6
--VVV RPMBG 01:12, 19 May 2024 (UTC)
a factory

Dakerstown [03,06]

a warehouse St. Bartholomew's Hospital The Buttle Building
Swearse Lane Police Department a factory Owsley Alley
Lomas Boulevard Fire Station Woodborne Crescent wasteland

Basic Info:

  • Factories have no internal descriptions.
  • Factories can be barricaded normally.
ShawRock Inc.
Factory Details
- Products: Garments
- Workers: 1 032
- Coordinates: 3,6

This factory, being the only one in the suburb of Dakerstown, is located at coordinates 3,6.

General information

Factory 3,6 is neighbouring Swearse Lane PD, St. Bartholomew's H, and the Buttle building. It is of high importance to the Clan, and its barricades should be kept at EHB.

Tag: Crimson Clan HQ - EHB; http://tinyurl.com/22t4ja

AquaBarricade.jpg Barricading policy

Factory 3,6 is to be kept Extremely Heavily Barricaded at all times.
If you're looking for an entry point and don't want to waste any AP, take a look at the Dakerstown Barricade Plan.
If you're looking for nearby Revive Points, take a look at the list.
Note: This advice is according to the local barricading plan, and may vary from the UBP or locally developed plans.
For more info on barricade plans, click here or take a look at this location's suburb page.


This factory used to produce garments - especially gothic garments - before the breakout. It was notable for it's dangerous working conditions and poor pay. Immediately following the outbreak, the workers of this plant revolted, looting the factory. Some of the workers have gone on to promote socialism and anti-capitalism in the greater Malton area. The building's walls are adorned by a mural depicting rioting and looting. The factory's equipment is now non-property, and production, when done, is without exploitation.

The factory is considered to be part of the Lenin Barracks complex by the People's Republic of Dakerstown.



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