Factory 31,10

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Factory 31,10
EHB, lit.
AndyMatthews (talk) 23:58, 6 November 2024 (UTC)
a factory

Shuttlebank [31,10]

Nikolai General Hospital
(West Boundwood)
Boulting Avenue
(West Boundwood)
Durston Walk School
(West Boundwood)
Milard Park a factory Chadwick Park
Aplin Towers Barton Avenue Reginaldus Square Railway Station

Basic Info:

  • Factories have no internal descriptions.
  • Factories can be barricaded normally.


Shuttlebank is home to four factories. The second factory is located at coordinates [49,10]. This factory used to produce components for the several trains in Shuttlebank prior to the outbreak in Malton.


Barricade Plan

Current Status

Shuttlebank factory 2.jpg

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