Factory 45,52

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Factory 45,52
--VVV RPMBG 20:58, 17 July 2024 (UTC)
a factory

Galbraith Hills [45,52]

Bornard Walk Timewell Way Burredg Row School
Silcock Auto Repair a factory Priddice Road
Beckey Street the Smart Arms Thomas General Hospital

Basic Info:

  • Factories have no internal descriptions.
  • Factories can be barricaded normally.


A derelict knickers factory. A four-storey concrete building with boarded-up windows. Inside somebody has spraypainted Stop yer juvenile buffoonery onto a wall.

Barricade Policy

Keep EHB per the barricade plan for Galbraith Hills.

Current Status

Quite Strongly barricaded -- User:Ryan_Lurkewood 03:08, 16 February 2014 (MST)


Dates to the late 1940s. Once owned by Underworld of Weatherfield. Doors closed but needs a bit of work. --Holtzfeller 04:41, 30 September 2012 (BST)

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