Factory 62,82

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Factory 62,82
--VVV RPMBG 06:00, 13 July 2024 (UTC)
a factory

East Grayside [62, 82]

Linthorne Alley Yule Boulevard Wicks Bank
wasteland a factory Stock Grove
Coomb Row Railway Station Poncione Grove Leonard Street

Basic Info:

  • Factories have no internal descriptions.
  • Factories can be barricaded normally.


You are standing outside a factory, a narrow red-brick building with crosses of tape over its windows. Although most people in Malton will see this place as "just another factory", the former Hygenic Dog Food Company-plant is known to some survivors as a place of radiance. The factory is grey in color, with large concrete walls, bricked up windows and somewhat whole skylights. The building has however been refurbished with the bare minimum of furniture and a map of the city of Malton on the wall.

Factory 62,82


During the years before the Malton incident the Hygenic Dog Food Company was the citys leading dog food brand. Providing both a good product and many job opportunities for residents of East Grayside and surrounding suburbs.

Recent History sees S.T.A.R.S member Milley and other sprucing up the place to become the survivor haven that it is known as today.

Barricade Policy

The Barricades are to be kept at Very Strongly Barricaded + 2 Any violation of this will result in a Milley explosion of cosmic proportions,

Current Status

Unknown / Krastavac 10:01, 5 April 2011 (BST)

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