Factory 92,90

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Factory 92,90
--VVV RPMBG 05:56, 7 July 2024 (UTC)
a factory

Miltown [92, 90]

the Quartly Building
Forbes Grove
Towne Row Police Department
Gover Library a factory the Newborough Museum
the Cartwright Building the Eccleston Building Finnerty Auto Repair

Basic Info:

  • Factories have no internal descriptions.
  • Factories can be barricaded normally.

Barricade Policy

EHB, per Miltown Barricade Policy

Current Status

July 6, 2008 VSB, Power, No Transmitter--Dr Mycroft Chris 16:12, 6 July 2008 (BST)

Currently this factory is at Lightly Barricaded. One zombie broke inside and the generator was destroyed.

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