Flowers of Disease/QSG

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Blood Stain Words.jpg

Start October 16/07 Finish October 26/07



There is an ugly stain on the landscape of Roftwood. Who would have thought that a disgusting haven of necrophiles and death cultists would be located in the innocent looking library?

The Quartly Study Group have been using this place as a shrine to evil for a long time, much longer than all of us have been in Malton. Inside this den, they invite the undead in, protect them with cryptic symbols on their walls and engage in sordid activities, including poetry recitals, literature critiques and diabolical musings. The QSG themselves are made up of some of the most respected and experienced members of the Malton community, it is foul that these sins to Pro-survivalism have gone unheeded for so long...

But worse yet, the evil spreads as a carnival of depravity travels around Malton tracing the pattern of a heart-shape, poisoning a symbol of life and vitality. Upon this tour, the group tear down barricades in chosen library locations, invite the Undead to join them and then waste precious AP on their unholy mantras when they should be killing the zombies and then reviving those who desire it. Further more, when they have concluded their foul orgies, they then leave the library unbarricaded, their filth still covering vital tags and 'cade plans, and leaving any zombies to gorge themselves on the sleeping.

So far 14 buildings have been desecrated by the necrophiles and another 9 have been scheduled.

Do not believe the propaganda; there will never be peace between the living and the undead. Do not think for one second that they are just a bunch of frail librarians for inside the group, they are reformed Pkers, combat-revivers, griefers, deathcultists, and cold blooded monsters!



  • Hibernaculum and Lucio Melchiorre have survived the night unharmed by the QSG. They have given their regards and have moved on to the next assignment. This campaign is now closed.

OCT 25/07

  • In an unprecedented move, Hibernaculum has walked into the wolves den in a gesture of goodwill to end the conflict. The bloodshed has gone on long enough. The FOD asks that the QSG remove their tags, make sure the cades are back up and that the zombies are outside when they are done with libraries. A simple and reasonable request. And now, Hibernaculum sits at the bar drinking a beer, eyes shifting between the numerous QSG in the room with him...
  • UPDATE 1 - The Long Night: Hib thus far remains intact amongst the QSG and even accepted a drink from Elgala called a 'Brainrot'. Though foul in taste, it did not appear to be poisonous. The QSG seems to be deliberating on the legitimacy of the FOD proposal. The nights continues...
  • UPDATE 2 - While sleeping in the Library, someone known as Tania Cinque, not part of the QSG, burst in and began shooting. To her surprise, Hibernaculum woke up and shot her back! He got her down to 30HP but to his horror, ran out of AP as he had used it all up conversing with the QSG andf drinking 'brainrots'.
  • UPDATE 3 - An even more bizarre twist to this evening...Hibernaculum, fully expecting to die at the hands of Tania Cinque was shocked to see the QSG come to his aid. Conjuring the powers of the dark ones, who turned out to be just doctors in scrubs, they healed the prone Tabula Rasa member while he lay bleeding on the ground.

OCT 24/07

  • The casualites begin to mount on both sides of the FOD/QSG conflict. Between the Zeds, the hostile locals, random thugs and conflict itself, the streets of Shearbank are being stained red with the blood of heroes and heathens alike!
  • Kalenium has sent Sirkus crumbling to the ground in a bloody heap today. Their blood feud continues as neither is giving any quarter. Skilbey shook off the rust of her long sojourn to Europe and returned to form with a precision execution of Jarper.
  • Laxiola of the QSG was miraculously clutched from the jaws of death today. Hibernaculum had grievously wounded the QSG lapdog and was moving in to deliver his 'end of days' speech. It was then that the evil powers eminating from the cryptic symbols on the walls made their presence felt. Conjuring all manner of powers from the dark ones, Elgala and his voodoo witch doctors healed Laxiola. When Hibernaculum could actually get around the crummy RNG and hit the enemy, the evil powers of the QSG would heal the target twice as fast.
  • UPDATE!! The smell of Tombs once again filled the Ranahan Library. Not even the powers of the dark druids the QSG worship could last forever. Outraged over the events chronicled in the preceding paragraph, Rob Collick stormed into the Library, an act of defiance in the face of the cruel entities that reside there. In an act of butchery to graphic to be described, Laxiola was sent to the grave. Or at least what was left of her...

OCT 23/07

  • The sinister QSG has fled the Skiliter library and gone to their next stop on the tour. It seems the current residents at the Ranahan Library library in Shearbank have not welcomed the carnival of depravity with open arms. Of course, a party isn't a party without the FOD and it's pretty much assured they will be watching these development closely.
  • BUDDHAGAZELLE, Sir Fred of Etruria, Charles Darwin and Gore Girl were all slain today in the ongoing efforts of the FOD to bring the Evil Quartley Study Group to justice. All the news was not so good though. Bitter tears were shed as later in the day, the group mourned the death of Hibernaculum. Investigators believe the aforementioned Gore Girl was revived and quickly made her way south on a tip that Hibernaculum was alone, having a beer. Two strangers just happened to arrive on the scene at the exact same time. The three assailants burst into the room and opened fire, shredding Hibernaculum to pieces.
Below: The brutal gangland style slaying of cult hero, Hibernaculum shocked the FOD to the core.

OCT 22/07

  • The streets of Richmond hill continue to run red with the bloody tears of the newly dead. The beaten and bullet ridden bodies of QSG members, Elgala and Charles Darwin were found by bystanders near the Skilliter Library. Police were baffled by the presence of 2 badly diseased roses they found placed on the foreheads of the corpses.
  • In other news, a diseased rose was found on the doorstep at the headquarters of the Philosophe Knights. It seems the ultimatum by the knights for the FOD to cease their attacks on the QSG or else...was rejected. This can only mean things are going to get worse before they get better for the beleagured suburb of Richmond Hills.

OCT 21/07

  • ...And while the deliberations continue, more death. Agent Redemption was shot dead by Lucio Melchiorre for eating Bruha's brains yesterday. Asshole Doctor got a Bullet Enema from Almighty Power. As well, a report has come in that Zane W of the Philosophe Knights was executed by Rob Collick for his killing of Kalenium.
  • Update: Concerned over the repeated vandalism of the beloved Wiki by the QSG, Pierre Crowe took out his anger on Gore Girl, who is now Mrh'ing the night away...somewhere. The most recent vandalism was, however, humorous to some of us and was thus kept. It has been moved to the discussion page under the Quartley Study Groups dedicated section.

OCT 20/07

  • FOD member Bruha(AKA Roland) was savagely attacked and overwhelmed by a Zed today. Before the end, he noticed it was none other than QSG offender, Agent Redemption, in zombie form. Then all went dark as the evil creature bashed in his skull and began to eat the moist contents within...
  • A veiled threat was issued today against the FOD by a member of the Philosphe Knights. Something of this sort, was of course, inevitable.

OCT 17/07

  • Things have been quieter today although a report has come in that Sirkus was slain at the hands of Kalenium.
  • Rumours abound that a group of death cultists known as the Gore Corps have thrown their hat in the ring. They have taken great issue with the Slaughter at Skilliter and have vowed to avenge the librarians.

OCT 16/07

The deceased have been identified as:

  • Mama Sage
  • Smasho
  • Charles Darwin
  • Elgala
  • Agent Redemption
  • Sir Fred of Etruria
  • Budhagezelle
  • Jasper
  • Jeferson32
  • Laxiola
  • Sirkus
  • Ciambellamortenson
  • Ropes McGurk
  • Also shot were 2 Zeds who were there for the poetry.